2o2p Site Changing?

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Thu, 10/24/2013 - 15:20
stungun504's picture
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Does 202p have recruiters? I personally found this site through google searching for older gamers.

Thu, 10/24/2013 - 15:30 (Reply to #212)
JohnnyHustler's picture
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stungun504 wrote:

Does 202p have recruiters? I personally found this site through google searching for older gamers.

I don't know about active recruiters, but the best recruitment tool I recall was the community playdates they held through XBox.com. That's where most of the gamers I know (self included) found out about this site.

Thu, 10/24/2013 - 16:50 (Reply to #213)
badmin's picture
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JohnnyHustler wrote:

stungun504 wrote:

Does 202p have recruiters? I personally found this site through google searching for older gamers.

I don't know about active recruiters, but the best recruitment tool I recall was the community playdates they held through XBox.com. That's where most of the gamers I know (self included) found out about this site.

I tend to agree.  The best tools have always been events based and probably needs to have more regularity to it.

Sun, 10/27/2013 - 18:35 (Reply to #214)
Vix_Sundown's picture
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Doodi wrote:

JohnnyHustler wrote:

stungun504 wrote:

Does 202p have recruiters? I personally found this site through google searching for older gamers.

I don't know about active recruiters, but the best recruitment tool I recall was the community playdates they held through XBox.com. That's where most of the gamers I know (self included) found out about this site.

I tend to agree.  The best tools have always been events based and probably needs to have more regularity to it.

Thats how I arrived here, through a 2old2playHalo community event through Xbox.com. And then the event didn't even happen :)

Maybe that's the key. You don't have to actually HOLD an Xbox.com event. Just claim that you are, and watch people sign up for it!

Thu, 10/24/2013 - 17:15 (Reply to #215)
Blimey's picture
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JohnnyHustler wrote:

stungun504 wrote:

Does 202p have recruiters? I personally found this site through google searching for older gamers.

I don't know about active recruiters, but the best recruitment tool I recall was the community playdates they held through XBox.com. That's where most of the gamers I know (self included) found out about this site.


Thats what caught my attention also

Thu, 10/24/2013 - 15:40 (Reply to #216)
SarcasmoJones's picture
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stungun504 wrote:

Does 202p have recruiters? I personally found this site through google searching for older gamers.

Some of the clans recruit. I found 2o2p through a post at forzamotorsport.net from JCotter, and I'm fairly certain that 2Old4Forza still utilizes that forum as a recruiting tool.

Thu, 10/24/2013 - 16:54 (Reply to #217)
Parcells2's picture
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SarcasmoJones wrote:

Some of the clans recruit. I found 2o2p through a post at forzamotorsport.net from JCotter, and I'm fairly certain that 2Old4Forza still utilizes that forum as a recruiting tool.

Thats how Parcells got here, its been awesome ever since! 

Thu, 10/24/2013 - 15:51
Walladog's picture
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I agree

Thu, 10/24/2013 - 16:32
stungun504's picture
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I mostly play FPS games mixed in with a little bit of everything. I wouldnt mind recruting on say the battlefield forums, cod forums, etc.

Thu, 10/24/2013 - 16:51
Shadow's picture
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I found the site after getting back into gaming through Animal Crossing on Gamecube in 2007, because I was trying to figure places to send and receive codes for items.  LOL

At least I think that was it.  My memory is going.  Because I had the Wii in 2006, so maybe not....

Thu, 10/24/2013 - 16:57
Shadow's picture
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4) User who likes the community, but wants a more focused, better site - which I think is what is going to happen here.

Thu, 10/24/2013 - 18:08
Lou_Keymia's picture
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I passed out handmade flyers at Baltimore's comic con last year. Someone in the Graphics Lounge designed it for me and I handed them out while I was standing in line for autographs. I still pin them up on random bulletin boards when I get the chance.
Thu, 10/24/2013 - 19:55
Marine1Ten's picture
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I found this site by reading articles, clicking links posted in the Xbox Live website(s) and maybe in some of Major Nelson's postings many years ago, like mabe 2005 ish? And I played the Xb1 today which has me enthused about launch day and checking all my sites for further info. And I am looking for co-op partners for the new releases, of course.  :)

Fri, 10/25/2013 - 04:33
CiaranORian's picture
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I found the site through google.

Look, we need to take every opinion on board here.  I think everyone, those who are still on the site and those who have left, want 202p to grow and be successful. Attacking each other and posts we don't like doesn't help.  Waladog is right about one thing, we had this conversation about 6 months back and it came to nothing. I also put some time back then into posting suggestions and ideas along with other members, and don't want to bother doing it again for no reason.

Fri, 10/25/2013 - 05:54
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Except, the site cannot change on vapour alone. We are here on a free (to us) site built by someone else. We stay or leave for our own reasons. Expecting more out of a site with limited resources to magically morph to a more perfect reality is a bit un-realistic. It's okay to suggest, complain but belligerent loud demands and accusations is over the top.

My personal rule is, if I'll still be here a year from now, without changes, then my requests should be moderate. If not, just leave without dropping snot-o-grams.

Fri, 10/25/2013 - 07:53
Walladog's picture
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I agree


Fri, 10/25/2013 - 11:11
LocGaw's picture
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I blame Sha for recruiting me to play Chromehounds.

Fri, 10/25/2013 - 11:18
Walladog's picture
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I am deeply in agreement

Fri, 10/25/2013 - 11:48 (Reply to #229)
LocGaw's picture
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Walladog wrote:

I am deeply in agreement

Yea, didn't we smoke you guys way back when the clans used to have intersite tournements? Fuck, those days were the shit. You were guaranteed a great time. There was OMM, Clanarchy, PPC... Shit there was like 5-6 different 2o2p clans playing Chromeis. I can't even remember them all. Now I am sad...


Where is my beer? That will cheer me up.

Fri, 10/25/2013 - 12:59 (Reply to #230)
Rau's picture
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LocGaw wrote:

Walladog wrote:

I am deeply in agreement

Yea, didn't we smoke you guys way back when the clans used to have intersite tournements? Fuck, those days were the shit. You were guaranteed a great time. There was OMM, Clanarchy, PPC... Shit there was like 5-6 different 2o2p clans playing Chromeis. I can't even remember them all. Now I am sad...


Where is my beer? That will cheer me up.

  2o2p MK were the OG Chromehounds Clan, now named 2o2s.  And unfortunately Sha was there in the beginning.  He was such dead weight.  J/K Sha

Fri, 10/25/2013 - 11:58
Shadow's picture
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maybe once the One/PS4 take hold awhile and Titanfall/Destiny come out, the site can band together on some MP action.

Fri, 10/25/2013 - 14:49
LocGaw's picture
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See that is what we are talking about! I want people to understand if I need to leave a game because of a crying kid or a angry wife. Getting back to the plain old networking with other people wanting to game.


The tech just changed. It is just tough to keep up with the tech.

Fri, 10/25/2013 - 15:52
CProRacing's picture
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Over at 2Old4Forza we recruit alot.

Using Twitter, Facebook, FM4.net, Selling Tunes etc etc

We find it works very well. Take a look at the New in Town topic.

The top 3 are 2Old4Forza related and I would say around 60-70% of the first page are 2Old4Forza related.


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Sat, 10/26/2013 - 04:07 (Reply to #234)
POIDSLY's picture
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CProRacing wrote:

Over at 2Old4Forza we recruit alot.

Using Twitter, Facebook, FM4.net, Selling Tunes etc etc

We find it works very well. Take a look at the New in Town topic.

The top 3 are 2Old4Forza related and I would say around 60-70% of the first page are 2Old4Forza related.


Also more

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Two things stick out here for me Church


1. Less bloody forums, or not in the form of a long scroll down list. A clear landing area for a start.

2. Scouts and reps on other sites represent 90% of 2o4f incoming from FM.net imo, and over the life of fm4 yourself, tourni, oldschool and to some degree myself have plugged away over there. It pays dividends.

Don't know crap about twitter etc but I guess it must be part of the future.


Edit: oh and Grim is doing an amazing job over there now.

Sat, 10/26/2013 - 07:32 (Reply to #235)
CProRacing's picture
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POIDSLY wrote:

CProRacing wrote:

Over at 2Old4Forza we recruit alot.

Using Twitter, Facebook, FM4.net, Selling Tunes etc etc

We find it works very well. Take a look at the New in Town topic.

The top 3 are 2Old4Forza related and I would say around 60-70% of the first page are 2Old4Forza related.


Also more

Mobile Support

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Site Calendar Support

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FaceBook / Twitter / G+ integration

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Two things stick out here for me Church


1. Less bloody forums, or not in the form of a long scroll down list. A clear landing area for a start.

2. Scouts and reps on other sites represent 90% of 2o4f incoming from FM.net imo, and over the life of fm4 yourself, tourni, oldschool and to some degree myself have plugged away over there. It pays dividends.

Don't know crap about twitter etc but I guess it must be part of the future.


Edit: oh and Grim is doing an amazing job over there now.

Yes grim is doing an awesome job :)
Mon, 10/28/2013 - 09:31 (Reply to #236)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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POIDSLY wrote:

CProRacing wrote:

Over at 2Old4Forza we recruit alot.

Using Twitter, Facebook, FM4.net, Selling Tunes etc etc

We find it works very well. Take a look at the New in Town topic.

The top 3 are 2Old4Forza related and I would say around 60-70% of the first page are 2Old4Forza related.


Also more

Mobile Support

Better PM System (More options)

Site Calendar Support

Less Forums

FaceBook / Twitter / G+ integration

More PC gaming

More Drugs

More Girls


Two things stick out here for me Church


1. Less bloody forums, or not in the form of a long scroll down list. A clear landing area for a start.

2. Scouts and reps on other sites represent 90% of 2o4f incoming from FM.net imo, and over the life of fm4 yourself, tourni, oldschool and to some degree myself have plugged away over there. It pays dividends.

Don't know crap about twitter etc but I guess it must be part of the future.


Edit: oh and Grim is doing an amazing job over there now.

We do maintain a regular thread over at T-10's Forza forum, and in it we simply post upcoming series/race events, Grim's lately been posting race results themselves to more or less validate our point of regular activity, and I just post a few car pics occasionally of stuff for upcoming races or even just a random paint job. We all reply to questions asked in the thread when possible as well.

The point is, I guess, that anything posted in the thread keeps it visible on the first page and we do benefit from it being thus. We have gotten some great folks from that thread.

Fri, 10/25/2013 - 15:54
Shadow's picture
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I might get Forza 5, so LOOK OUT!!

Sun, 10/27/2013 - 04:06
x_The_Seeker_x's picture
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I'd like to throw in my 2 cents if you guys don't mind. As you can  see I've been a member for quite awhile, but I never post and I haven't played with anybody here in at least 4 years. I was recruited to 2o2p back in the COD4 period. I was actually pretty good at it and I spent a lot of time playing.

I was playing with Geezer Gamers then too. I eventually ended up choosing GG as my main forum because there's really only so much time available for forums when you've got family, job and stuff outside of gaming in your life. My last 2o2p game involved a bunch of 2o2p players team killing some outsider so he'd leave and another 2o2p could jump into the game. It was kind of dickish since the outsider wasn't a douche, he was just a guy trying to enjoy a game. That might not seem like a big deal to some, but it was a problem for me.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's great to have a good time, but when you're playing in public with the 2o2p in the clan tag you really need to make a good impression if you want to recruit people. Forums aimed at adult gamers seem to be dying everywhere. You can look at it like a looming enemy or you could look at it as an opportunity to recruit people who have given up on other groups. With the arrival of two new systems this could be a great time for recruiting new players or for bringing back old ones.   

Sorry for the wall of text style, for the life of me I can't figure out how to make paragraphs on this thing.

Mon, 10/28/2013 - 09:23 (Reply to #239)
Shadow's picture
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x_The_Seeker_x wrote:

I'd like to throw in my 2 cents if you guys don't mind. As you can  see I've been a member for quite awhile, but I never post and I haven't played with anybody here in at least 4 years. I was recruited to 2o2p back in the COD4 period. I was actually pretty good at it and I spent a lot of time playing.

I was playing with Geezer Gamers then too. I eventually ended up choosing GG as my main forum because there's really only so much time available for forums when you've got family, job and stuff outside of gaming in your life. My last 2o2p game involved a bunch of 2o2p players team killing some outsider so he'd leave and another 2o2p could jump into the game. It was kind of dickish since the outsider wasn't a douche, he was just a guy trying to enjoy a game. That might not seem like a big deal to some, but it was a problem for me.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's great to have a good time, but when you're playing in public with the 2o2p in the clan tag you really need to make a good impression if you want to recruit people. Forums aimed at adult gamers seem to be dying everywhere. You can look at it like a looming enemy or you could look at it as an opportunity to recruit people who have given up on other groups. With the arrival of two new systems this could be a great time for recruiting new players or for bringing back old ones.   

Sorry for the wall of text style, for the life of me I can't figure out how to make paragraphs on this thing.

Great points :)

Sun, 10/27/2013 - 05:13
CProRacing's picture
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Wall of text. You on a mobile device ;)

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