Fetal's blog


Shared on Tue, 01/09/2007 - 13:48

Moving Woes

Lord I hate moving. I despise everything about it; the packing, the driving, the unpacking and the cleaning.


Shared on Tue, 01/09/2007 - 13:48

Moving Woes

Lord I hate moving. I despise everything about it; the packing, the driving, the unpacking and the cleaning.


Shared on Fri, 12/15/2006 - 19:00

I got robbed....almost

My debit card company called me this evening and asked me if my $275 purchase online to some geneology site was legit. I'm glad they called to ask me because asides from my 360, I've never made a purchase over $70 with my debit card. While this is disheartening, the transaction was not applied to my account so in actuality I suffered very little from this attempted theft.


Shared on Fri, 12/15/2006 - 19:00

I got robbed....almost

My debit card company called me this evening and asked me if my $275 purchase online to some geneology site was legit. I'm glad they called to ask me because asides from my 360, I've never made a purchase over $70 with my debit card. While this is disheartening, the transaction was not applied to my account so in actuality I suffered very little from this attempted theft.


Shared on Thu, 11/30/2006 - 07:10

A Rant About MLG and Halo 2

Everyone on this site has played Halo 2. For over two years now it has remained the most popular game played on XBOX Live only recently losing out to Gears of War. I think MLG has a lot to do with Halo 2 remaining number 1 for so long. But I also feel MLG is in some way ruining the gaming experience.


Shared on Thu, 11/30/2006 - 07:10

A Rant About MLG and Halo 2

Everyone on this site has played Halo 2. For over two years now it has remained the most popular game played on XBOX Live only recently losing out to Gears of War. I think MLG has a lot to do with Halo 2 remaining number 1 for so long. But I also feel MLG is in some way ruining the gaming experience.


Shared on Tue, 11/14/2006 - 04:12

Call of Duty 3...A game with potential

This is the holiday season. A time when game developers unleash their best games with all the shiny bells and whistles. This is done with the hope children of any age will develop obsessive compulsive disorder over their releases and either buy them for themselves if they are adults, or pester their parents until they cave and buy that special game in the guise of Santa. Call of Duty 3 has the ability to be that special game.


Shared on Thu, 10/05/2006 - 04:14

The Sky Fell in My Kitchen

I've been kind of lax lately checking out the site. Work's been kicking my ass and i'm having a hard time getting into video games like normal but I still manage to get on Chromecrack and every once in a while, late at night. The last week has been a forced absence from gaming and visiting the site. My upstairs neighbor's fridge broke through my ceiling and landed on my fridge sometime last Monday. This bears repeating.

A refridgerator, belonging to my upstairs nieghbor, decided to migrate South from her kitchen, to mine...using the most direct route.


Shared on Tue, 08/08/2006 - 06:36

Two LANS Walk Into a Bar...

The first LAN tells the bartender, "We can gather 30 people together to play Halo 2 in 2005." Second LAN looks at LAN number one and says, "I can get 100 people in 2006 to play anything they want, and auction off a dildo for money." Bartender looks at em, smiles, and says, "Suck it. 400 in 2007 will pwn you both."


Shared on Sat, 08/05/2006 - 15:05

Chicago Lan Rocks

This is awesome. You should all have come. I now have faces to put with gamertags, and i realize my connection is a walmart one. gotta go, taxi's being a dick and wants his comp back. more news at 11.

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