CrypticCat's blog


Shared on Thu, 12/22/2011 - 08:32

Again and again!



Shared on Tue, 12/20/2011 - 02:46

About a girl. PSYCHE! It's WoW.

Haki the Draenei Hunter is now lvl20. I didn't even do much. It's a bit disheartening to experience the XP-nerf in the old world. Kill a beetle, gain a level. (Kill a beatle, go to jail. NOT FAIR!) You now need 33% less XP to go from 70 to 80, meaning that only the last 5 levels are normal gain. There has been lots of Nerd-angst about it; we would get people who don't know how to play their class. An assertion that always made me chuckle. I know that I suck in some roles, so I avoid them. I feel most at home in the DPS-pool and I usually one-button in groups anyway.


Shared on Mon, 12/19/2011 - 06:50

WoW, PSU, SWTOR, moar MMO moar!

 (Do you know how hard it is to rhyme that shit?)



Shared on Thu, 12/15/2011 - 08:30


Gaming less is harder than you think. I do have more time for other things, true, but the force is strong. Game I must!


Shared on Wed, 12/07/2011 - 18:45

The chillpill

 So, what does a gamer do when he cuts down on gaming so severe his Xbox cries bitter tears? Eh, not much. One would think that I would have had profound experiences in the MMO called life by now, but I suck at life. LOL I mean, I live in my sister's basement, come on. Right?


Shared on Sun, 12/04/2011 - 06:42

Why modern games can't keep my interest.

 The last days I've been thinking about my aversion towards gaming as of late. I think I have somewhat of an answer to it. Games are just not complicated anymore. They're beautiful and pretty. But not complicated. If games would have names nowadays, they would be called Tyffany. (No ill meant to beautiful, pretty girls named Tiffany that are rocket-scientists.)


Shared on Tue, 11/29/2011 - 06:37

Last blog, drama free.

 Let's face it, gaming doesn't hold my interest anymore. It was different when I was still working everyday, gaming then was a way to relax. But ever since I became disabled I can litterally fill 24 hours a day with gaming and let me tell you, it might sound like a dream-scenario to many of you but when you have nothing to do but gaming you'll realize that it is quite probably the empiest hobby you can pick.

So the time has come to call it quits. I have removed myself from your FL's, so you guys can give that spot to someone more deserving. My gamertag doesn't exist anymore too.


Shared on Mon, 11/28/2011 - 11:24

Avatar diversity.

 Kinda following PP2's lament here. Not many people blog anymore it seems. Honestly though, most of us lead pretty normal lifes apart from our binding factor called gaming. How many blogs can you fill with tales from the cubicle or my case, tales from the wheelchair? I'm sure that if had the skills to write up day-to-day ho-hum events into rivetting tales of chivalry and debouchery, I would do so. But yeah...



Shared on Thu, 11/24/2011 - 06:06

Happy Thanks Giving!

 Even though in my corner of the world we don't celebrate Thanks Giving (I give it another 5 years or so, we had trick or treaters this year.), I'm thankful for being here, knowing you all en becoming friends with some of you.

I would like to give a special thank you to the members that aren't with us anymore, who have passed away.

A very special thank you to those of us who do service and can't be at home with their families and loved ones.

A hearty thank you for the veterans here, who, like me, have been there and did make it home. Enjoy today, you deserve it.

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