CrypticCat's blog


Shared on Sat, 02/11/2012 - 02:20

Kingdoms of Amalur


Shared on Fri, 02/10/2012 - 04:21

Tifferleigh the Belf vs Dragons

Yet stuck with another team of incompetent Orcs, Tifferleigh sets out to subdue the Black Dragonflight singlehandedly. Where's Chromie when you need her? I liked the questline in the Badlands though, but at the same time I also get the nagging feeling WoW doesn't want you to stand still for too long anymore. Inflated EXP and quests that are so streamlined they can be used to oil up pornstars give you a sense of urgency to keep going east.


Shared on Tue, 02/07/2012 - 05:05

Tifferleigh the Belf rocks on!

Tifferleigh the Belf is rocking hard at the "Lvl85 Tauren Chieftains" concert at the Darkmoon Faire. Her fishingpole a hint at what she does when there's nothing to euthanize within arm's reach. Actually, a few rounds of the island's coast can net you a cool 200gold just by fishing. Sadly, a lot of people have figured that out, so don't even try doing it at prime-time. Fishing there is a Volatile [whatever] bonanza. Entrepeneurs can make a killing there.


Shared on Sat, 02/04/2012 - 07:12

Some thoughts about the Forsaken in Cataclysm


Tifferleigh the Belf backed by her Orcish guard. Not that they are any good. Tiffer's worg is worth more than six Orcs.


Shared on Wed, 02/01/2012 - 00:37

Live without a 360. (pun)

 So how is life without a 360? It's pretty good. Years ago I moved to consoles because maintaining a rig to play games became too much of a hassle. (Back then, anything that could fit on a CD-rom and would make sense to Windows 3.11/95/98 was a "game") With the 180 and the PS2, I figured that consolegaming was finally matured enough to tackle PC and I would get to play games on a system that wouldn't need any upgrades for at least 5-8 years at a time. Until that time, I had consoles on the side because of Squaresoft, mainly.


Shared on Sat, 01/28/2012 - 05:12

No more Xbox anymore!

 It's weird. A month or so ago I have read some studies that showed the chilling comparisons of gamers versus labanimals. The more I read, the more I discovered that over the years gaming for me went from a genuine love for electronic activity to being manipulated to keep playing something.


Shared on Sun, 01/15/2012 - 22:04

You can laugh at me now.

 Remember my blog where I was happy that I got to move to my sister's? How I would help them out around the house and they would help me with my disability?


Shared on Mon, 01/09/2012 - 17:16

WoW-support and something fishy!

 This week I was forced to invoke Blizz-support three times! I have qualms about contacting support in WoW because 2 years ago I had a toon named Blizzvictim. It was an inside joke as I had started a guild with some friends that all had names regarding their addiction to Blizzware. Even the guild had a reference to failure because of Blizzard. It was all for shits and giggles and nothing ever came of it, apart from a lot of LOL tells as we made our way through the gameworld.

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