My take is this... With the popularity of the show, the comics are being viewed by a ton of people. Instead of giving you pretty much the same storylines as in the comics, they are shaking things up a bit. I think it will give an overall better feel for both the comics and the show. I don't think the show jumped the shark at all, but driving around in a brand new hyundai year after year could do it ;) I think they'll still follow some storylines, but deviate with characters. They spent 3 seasons to build up the characters on the show, and now we can see where they are going with the premise of comics in the background. I think eventually they'll do the hilltop arc with Negan but that won't be for at least 2 more seasons if they keep on this pace. My hope is they don't really go into life at the prison for a whole season, or it will feel like season 2 part 1 where they spent most of the time searching for sophia and talking.
As far as what started the zombie apocolypse that Mrs Dixon asked, I don't think they'll ever explain it. On the Walking Dead wiki in the comics section: As to the cause of the zombie outbreak, Kirkman wrote, "I have ideas [about the cause of the zombie plague]...but it's nothing set in stone because I never plan on writing it. So yes...I do know...kind of."
Thank You, BigFish for that. I'd never read that. I have my own theory, but I may never find out the truth.
I have a friend who pointed out when Merle was in the car with radio blarring, uuummmm where was the music coming from? who's manning a radio station, and not brodcasting emergency info?
I have a friend who pointed out when Merle was in the car with radio blarring, uuummmm where was the music coming from? who's manning a radio station, and not brodcasting emergency info?
So I really liked the opening episode, although the whole time I kept trying to figure out how much time had passed, but then in Talking Dead they said it was 6-7months between seasons. Would've been nice to address that in the episode though, small complaint however. It was very interesting this episode, they're talking about in the Talking Dead, about how the virus might be going airborne, or getting more severe. The whole thing with the pig being dead at the end, and then the boy dying and becoming a zombie at the end, without being bit, adds some interesting theories. It'll be cool to see where they go with it.
I wonder though if Carl's going to snap again... I was really hoping he could go back to being some sort of child again, but looks like it may not happen :(
It was obvious right away that whatever killed the pig killed the boy. Husband and I think it's something like H1N1, that will create a whole new kind of zombie.
Yeah it definitely looks like the virus/bacteria/plague/whatever is mutating...... killing pigs and goofy looking kids. I'm also thinking these "blood-eyed" zombies will be different
As an aside I picked up the PC game of this the other day, not normaly the style of game I go for, but I have to say it's really quite good. So if you guys have not tried it? Give it go.
I dont get something. They found a bunch of dead rats by the fence and Rick says that "Someone is feeding the zombies". Why would someone feed the zombies a rat? At first I thought the mysterious character was letting the rat eat on the zombies in order to start a plague.
Nah, the "traitor" is feeding the zoms rats to get them to bunch up at certain spots at the fence. And we see what happens when they do.... the fence (almost) comes down.
You have to remember, a lot of these people are from Woodbury and people they've come across out scavaging. Who knows what their motivations really are
Nah, the "traitor" is feeding the zoms rats to get them to bunch up at certain spots at the fence. And we see what happens when they do.... the fence (almost) comes down.
You have to remember, a lot of these people are from Woodbury and people they've come across out scavaging. Who knows what their motivations really are
So is there a virus or is there a problem with the water? The first episode seemed to be hinting at a water issue? The second they jumped to a virus/illness. Though I suppose the water could simply be making some ill? Haven't seen last night yet, I'm on XlLive 1 day delay, will watch tonight.
So... There's something going on with Daryl and Mishone, right? This is going somewhere? Because of that's true, then I'd say Daryl's re-programming is about complete. Merle must be turning over in his zombie grave.
And ummmm..... Carol?? ........ Wha.....? Hmm?? ........ How? ....... Wha? ....... Oh this is creepy.....
I thought the "traitor" might be a kid that was just feeding zombies like a kid would feed stray dogs. Tyreese would be out the gate by now if I were Rick.
Rat feeder, i think Lizzie or her sister, she seems like a sneaky type. I'm iffy about Bob, the army medic guy, the way he acts makes me think he's got an insidious agenda up his sleeve.
Also, Talking Dead, never have Marilyn Manson as a guest again, he ruined the show with his stupid genital warts, John Deere, kiddie porn comments. I watch for potential facts about the show and upcoming reveals not to have someone waste air time comparing wallking dead to world war z.
I couldnt agree more about desoldier. Marilyn Manson sucked. I actually stopped watching about 20 min in. Carol will be back, and more badass Im thinking.
They are making a companion show (2015) to go along side The Walking Dead. This is what Kirkman said about it
“After 10 years of writing the comic book series and being so close to the debut of our fourth, and in my opinion, best season of the TV series, I couldn’t be more thrilled about getting the chance to create a new corner of ‘The Walking Dead’ universe,” said Kirkman. “The opportunity to make a show that isn’t tethered by the events of the comic book, and is truly a blank page, has set my creativity racing.”
I agree. The last few episiodes the show seemed to be lacking any real direction besides finding the antibiotics and dealing with Carol, both of which took 3 episodes to resolve. Last night's episode was great though. I *almost* found myself rooting for the Governor at the end.
My take is this... With the popularity of the show, the comics are being viewed by a ton of people. Instead of giving you pretty much the same storylines as in the comics, they are shaking things up a bit. I think it will give an overall better feel for both the comics and the show. I don't think the show jumped the shark at all, but driving around in a brand new hyundai year after year could do it ;) I think they'll still follow some storylines, but deviate with characters. They spent 3 seasons to build up the characters on the show, and now we can see where they are going with the premise of comics in the background. I think eventually they'll do the hilltop arc with Negan but that won't be for at least 2 more seasons if they keep on this pace. My hope is they don't really go into life at the prison for a whole season, or it will feel like season 2 part 1 where they spent most of the time searching for sophia and talking.
As far as what started the zombie apocolypse that Mrs Dixon asked, I don't think they'll ever explain it. On the Walking Dead wiki in the comics section: As to the cause of the zombie outbreak, Kirkman wrote, "I have ideas [about the cause of the zombie plague]...but it's nothing set in stone because I never plan on writing it. So yes...I do know...kind of."
Character development?
More here:
Thank You, BigFish for that. I'd never read that. I have my own theory, but I may never find out the truth.
I have a friend who pointed out when Merle was in the car with radio blarring, uuummmm where was the music coming from? who's manning a radio station, and not brodcasting emergency info?
Did your friend forget about tapes or cds?.gif)
The new episodes start soon. Been a long wait...
Tomorrow night, to be exact
3 more hours..... this is killing me...
So I really liked the opening episode, although the whole time I kept trying to figure out how much time had passed, but then in Talking Dead they said it was 6-7months between seasons. Would've been nice to address that in the episode though, small complaint however. It was very interesting this episode, they're talking about in the Talking Dead, about how the virus might be going airborne, or getting more severe. The whole thing with the pig being dead at the end, and then the boy dying and becoming a zombie at the end, without being bit, adds some interesting theories. It'll be cool to see where they go with it.
I wonder though if Carl's going to snap again... I was really hoping he could go back to being some sort of child again, but looks like it may not happen :(
It was obvious right away that whatever killed the pig killed the boy. Husband and I think it's something like H1N1, that will create a whole new kind of zombie.
Also, Tyrese is kind of a wimp, huh?
Yeah it definitely looks like the virus/bacteria/plague/whatever is mutating...... killing pigs and goofy looking kids. I'm also thinking these "blood-eyed" zombies will be different
As an aside I picked up the PC game of this the other day, not normaly the style of game I go for, but I have to say it's really quite good. So if you guys have not tried it? Give it go.
I dont get something. They found a bunch of dead rats by the fence and Rick says that "Someone is feeding the zombies". Why would someone feed the zombies a rat? At first I thought the mysterious character was letting the rat eat on the zombies in order to start a plague.
Nah, the "traitor" is feeding the zoms rats to get them to bunch up at certain spots at the fence. And we see what happens when they do.... the fence (almost) comes down.
You have to remember, a lot of these people are from Woodbury and people they've come across out scavaging. Who knows what their motivations really are
Gotcha, thanks Yem.
So is there a virus or is there a problem with the water? The first episode seemed to be hinting at a water issue? The second they jumped to a virus/illness. Though I suppose the water could simply be making some ill? Haven't seen last night yet, I'm on XlLive 1 day delay, will watch tonight.
So... There's something going on with Daryl and Mishone, right? This is going somewhere? Because of that's true, then I'd say Daryl's re-programming is about complete. Merle must be turning over in his zombie grave.
And ummmm..... Carol?? ........ Wha.....? Hmm?? ........ How? ....... Wha? ....... Oh this is creepy.....
I don't think there is. I think Daryl just respects her. Besides, he has a "thing" going on with Carol
I thought the "traitor" might be a kid that was just feeding zombies like a kid would feed stray dogs. Tyreese would be out the gate by now if I were Rick.
Rat feeder, i think Lizzie or her sister, she seems like a sneaky type. I'm iffy about Bob, the army medic guy, the way he acts makes me think he's got an insidious agenda up his sleeve.
Also, Talking Dead, never have Marilyn Manson as a guest again, he ruined the show with his stupid genital warts, John Deere, kiddie porn comments. I watch for potential facts about the show and upcoming reveals not to have someone waste air time comparing wallking dead to world war z.
Bob's only issue is alcoholism I think.
I couldnt agree more about desoldier. Marilyn Manson sucked. I actually stopped watching about 20 min in. Carol will be back, and more badass Im thinking.
Heard a lot of people guessing that Carol getting banished is setting her up to be on the spin-off show.
Umm, what spinoff show?
They are making a companion show (2015) to go along side The Walking Dead. This is what Kirkman said about it
Cool beans!
Thank you!
Good episode. Can't wait to see where they go with this.
I agree. The last few episiodes the show seemed to be lacking any real direction besides finding the antibiotics and dealing with Carol, both of which took 3 episodes to resolve. Last night's episode was great though. I *almost* found myself rooting for the Governor at the end.