Are theses cars still available?? I have bought some vinyls to make my own designs but these would be a great help because I prefer rave liveries to fantasy liveries.
Also are there any restrictions to selling cars with these logos on them?
How can a guy get his hands on a few of these then? Have signed up for a few races, so would like to be able to create some liveries but lack the patience and skill to make logos such as this!
Hey guys, I had the worst thing happen: My ninyl groups somehow got corrupted and I had to delete the files from my hard drive. I have recovered a lot of them because, thankfully, I had a lot of them on cars in my garage. I am working on a project and could use some other decals that I didn't already have. Could someone send me Stu's logo cars? I am also looking for the "Hawaiian Tropic" logo/script for a paint scheme I'd like to do on a Karmann Ghia. Anyone have that? I would also like the "Ron Jon Surf Shop" logo if anyone has created that and doesn't mind parting with it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Cars sent Shifty.
Glad to help guys.
Thanks :D now all i need is time and motivation to paint lol ;;
These are fantastic designs. Who knows, maybe I can have a respectable looking car for once.
Thanks again to VXRStu for putting this together and NakedRescue for taking the time to send em over. Next round is on me
Are theses cars still available?? I have bought some vinyls to make my own designs but these would be a great help because I prefer rave liveries to fantasy liveries.
Also are there any restrictions to selling cars with these logos on them?
How can a guy get his hands on a few of these then? Have signed up for a few races, so would like to be able to create some liveries but lack the patience and skill to make logos such as this!
any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Shoot a message to Stu on XBL & he will take care of you. Or message anyone you see on this thread who has got them already.
Steelerguy and Ry8114, if you're still interested, just shoot me FR.
Hey guys, I had the worst thing happen: My ninyl groups somehow got corrupted and I had to delete the files from my hard drive. I have recovered a lot of them because, thankfully, I had a lot of them on cars in my garage. I am working on a project and could use some other decals that I didn't already have. Could someone send me Stu's logo cars? I am also looking for the "Hawaiian Tropic" logo/script for a paint scheme I'd like to do on a Karmann Ghia. Anyone have that? I would also like the "Ron Jon Surf Shop" logo if anyone has created that and doesn't mind parting with it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I would like to take all 3 logo cars if they are still available. Thanks!
If these are still available can i have them too please? Thanks.
Same here. Would love to have the logo cars if they are still available. Thanks.
Stu I would also like those if I could. I would like if someone had Holeshot
Any of you guys still without the logo cars shoot me a FR and message...
Hi, I sent you a FR for the set of 16 in the other thread, but if you could tack these three on as well that would be very much appreciated :)
EDIT: Nevermind, Church hooked me up with the 3 in this thread, am still interested in the other 16 though - can never have enough logos
me to! FR and message sent
I can send these out if this hasnt been done yet