Stu, I received the logo cars. Thanks a bunch. the logos all look really great. I sent a few items in return. I hope you fing them usefull. I plan on creating my own logo car as well. Hopefully I won't be recreating some of the logos that have already been done.
Stu, I received the logo cars. Thanks a bunch. the logos all look really great. I sent a few items in return. I hope you fing them usefull. I plan on creating my own logo car as well. Hopefully I won't be recreating some of the logos that have already been done.
thanks for the logos and the M1 paint Snappy, love it mate. The logos will deffo come in handy as there are a few I've not created yet that you sent.
Ant, I'll send all logo cars when I get on tonight mate :)
I'd like all three if you're still doing this. This will be a tremendous help to me as I'm just now learning about the painting features of the game so that I can make unique liveries for my cars for the racing series around here.
I would also like all three (and the fourth if its done lol) cant send FR as your list is full :(, if anyone else who has the cars gifted can hit me up i would be much appreciated
I would also like all three (and the fourth if its done lol) cant send FR as your list is full :(, if anyone else who has the cars gifted can hit me up i would be much appreciated
Shoot me a FR and I'll get them to you.
My FL isn't full so if any of you other guys still need them shoot me a FR, too...
Received! Can now wipe crayon off my screen.
Can I have all 3 please stu
Stu, I received the logo cars. Thanks a bunch. the logos all look really great. I sent a few items in return. I hope you fing them usefull. I plan on creating my own logo car as well. Hopefully I won't be recreating some of the logos that have already been done.
thanks for the logos and the M1 paint Snappy, love it mate. The logos will deffo come in handy as there are a few I've not created yet that you sent.
Ant, I'll send all logo cars when I get on tonight mate :)
Thanks for the compliments Stu. Any critiques in a Pm could come in handy too. I have thick skin so don't be bashfull. LOL
I'm always looking to learn something new.
Your logo cars came in handy already! I've also sent over another batch of logos to you.
Ooh just found this...May I please have all three cars? As someone once said I'm no painter more a striper but a great logo can help loads
Hehe, that's all I am too.
Hell, I think the Enduro Falcons turned out alright.
They did indeed mate, and yes team photo called for.
this is an awesome idea. cuz some logos look simple but tricky to get them looking good.
This is amazingly giving of you VXRStu!
I'd like all three if you're still doing this. This will be a tremendous help to me as I'm just now learning about the painting features of the game so that I can make unique liveries for my cars for the racing series around here.
Hi VXRStu can I please have all 3 if they are still available cheers can sort you out with
credits just let me know boss
Hi Stu, if the logo cars are still available I would appreciate it if I could have all three please
yeah, they're still available, just send me a FR and I will gift them across :)
If i get time this weekend I'll put a fourth car together :)
Thanks Stu, I wil send u a FR as soon as I get on later, cheers
Stu can ya send me those cars as well.... thanks
Xbox is saying that your friends list is full, so I can't even send a request over to you right now
Logo cars received - thank you very much Stu - looking forward to putting plenty of those logo's to good use!
Hi Stu do you still have these cars woud love me sum logos
Can I get the 3 logo cars gifted, please and thanks!
Stu maybe you didn't see my request for the logo cars ? may I please get them ?
Ahem...same here...pretty please.
Hi Stu could I get the third logo car, thank you for the other two.
I would also like all three (and the fourth if its done lol) cant send FR as your list is full :(, if anyone else who has the cars gifted can hit me up i would be much appreciated
Shoot me a FR and I'll get them to you.
My FL isn't full so if any of you other guys still need them shoot me a FR, too...
I'll take you up on that offer Naked, Thanks
I'll send FR over if that's cool Naked
Logo cars sent.
FR sent naked an ty :)
Cars received. Thank you
Cars received
Cheers Naked