I was really wanting to run the ring which is why I decided to postpone. I wasn't expecting someone to host in my stead. would there be any objections to rnning the ring aghain this week?
I was really wanting to run the ring which is why I decided to postpone. I wasn't expecting someone to host in my stead. would there be any objections to rnning the ring aghain this week?
Sorry Cotter, i had a room open running the AIS cars with Shrimp then had a few jump in so we took it from there.
I was really wanting to run the ring which is why I decided to postpone. I wasn't expecting someone to host in my stead. would there be any objections to rnning the ring aghain this week?
Sorry Cotter, i had a room open running the AIS cars with Shrimp then had a few jump in so we took it from there.
Running the Ring again sounds good to me
Sorry if I sounded negative there. I'm glad you guys went ahead & ran & I appreciate you stepping up. I just really had my heart set on the ring. I could run that track all day & be a happy camper.
epic racing today folks. I still can't believe we pulled a double header at the ring. It was a real workout. thanks to everyone who came out today, especially those of you who stuck around for 2 races.
Great 5 laps of the Ring..gif)
Thanks to the guys that turned up, i seemed to be sitting in the hosts chair when everyone turned up.
Hope you're feeling better, Cotter and I'm glad to hear that y'all had a good race around the ring. Sorry I missed it.
Track request for next week. How about Sebring to coincide with the ALMS 12 hours?
I was really wanting to run the ring which is why I decided to postpone. I wasn't expecting someone to host in my stead. would there be any objections to rnning the ring aghain this week?
Sorry Cotter, i had a room open running the AIS cars with Shrimp then had a few jump in so we took it from there.
Running the Ring again sounds good to me.gif)
Sorry if I sounded negative there. I'm glad you guys went ahead & ran & I appreciate you stepping up. I just really had my heart set on the ring. I could run that track all day & be a happy camper.
Since I also missed Saturday's race I'm ok with running Der Ring.
And as I missed the start by 10 min count me in!
I should definitely be there too.
Yay then I can beat you!.gif)
I prefer to read non-fiction.....
LoL @ Dr.
epic racing today folks. I still can't believe we pulled a double header at the ring. It was a real workout. thanks to everyone who came out today, especially those of you who stuck around for 2 races.
Next week: Sebring Full
Handicaps will be returning also.
Here's a real world preview for next week...
No second invite :-(
I even sorted my car
Didn't see you on when we started the second race church. sorry about that.
Its ok I was running public's. Something I have only done a few times
Oh by the way guys, sorry I had to miss round 2 on the ring. I had to run and grab some.gif)
Great night racing round the ring..gif)
I was beginning to wonder why we were racing porches all the time...I can't wait till Saturday now.
Grat racing today. The last few laps were pretty exciting especially. Thanks for coming out.
How about Laguna Seca next week?
I thought this was suppose to be 10pm GMT?
Daylight savings has got everything off kilter Max. It's 9pm gmt until you guys change over next weekend.
Which track are we doing next ?
I think it'll be Laguna.
Heading down to San Diego tomorrow with the wife so I won't be there tomorrow. Have fun!
Yes, Laguna today.