That was a blast. Seeing all the different stratagies being played out, trying to figure out who was doing what with tires/pits cars everywhere on the track. Never a dull moment. Going to be a blast running this series! Well done Church!
Quali when I realized how fast the track was drying I waited till there was 3 min left kept the softs and took a chance which paid off getting the pole. I figured if I could just stay on track and avoid any issues I would have a chance once the front runners started start was a bit of a disaster, I completely missed my shifter at the start and when I pulled my hand back to shift again I hit the shifter and went in reverse sorry to who ever I held up behind me luckily it seemed a few others choose slicks as well the wet track saved my tires and I still had a perfect set left once the track dried and started pushing and worked out.
second race starting last with 45kg I really had no game plane other than hang with the group and hope to gain a few spots. Mistake 1 was trying a no stop on softs knowing I should have gone with at least the med slick. 2nd mistake was not pitting for fresh tires midway, but overal Iam happy with the 4th place finish. Congrats to mapo on the win and church for being able to make his tires last as long as he did :) at around lap 20 or so when I was gaining on church, then saw mapo come charging by i knew it was gonna be a good finish between the 2.
My .02 on the weather and track wetness.....
i love the features and that we're implementing them but personally I think we need to turn the amount of weather changability and time progress back a bit. Reason being the track was dry within 3 laps and really takes away from the tire planning and can be taken advantage like I did in race one . What I would like and someone mentioned aswell is slow the time progression and have it carry over to race 2, so if race 1 finished with a 15 % wet track race 2 would start with that %
i understand it's easier said than done and we can only get a ballpark est with further testing :)
anyways loving the series and glad I came back to console and gave gt6 a go !
Nice write up kurupt! I will be carrying the weather over from race 1 too 2. :)
Personally I need to spend a lot more time on GT6 I'm just using it like Forza. Pick the pad up and go but with this I need to think more about tyres, pit stops, fuel etc. I will get there.
Fully understand mate, wasn't trying to be a nit picker as were all new to the game and will only gain more knowledge and understanding through experience.
i have to admit I was quit impressed with your tire management today, when I got up to second i I was slowly gaining and knowing I had decided for a no stop and had no choice but to hold back and preserve all I kept thinking was "is bawls to the wall church gonna pit soon or is he actually going for a no stop race?" Lol once we got to about lap 22 I knew you were going for it, I watched mapo pass about 4 people before getting to me and I knew it was pointless to even try holding him back so I pulled over and let him passed than grim followed shortly after @ lap 25 with 0 left front left and not sure what the game was capable of, I was just praying I wouldn't get a blown tire and make things worse.
again I am amazed what they did with an aged console and can only imagine what ps4 will be capable of!
Don't see it a bit picking. Race two I was very mindfull about my driving. If asstrack wasn't sat on my rear for half the race I may have had a bit more left at the end. As soon as he pitted I just tried to maintain that gap up until mapo came along. He was taking 4 seconds a lap it off my lead lol
In regards to Kurupts weather settings this is what I've noticed...
1) amount of surface water means everything in relation to how much grip you have...whether its raining or not really has no bearing until the surface water starts to build up. Therefore to have a wet start to the race you must set the surface water to something above 0% - and probably a lot more than 1%.
2) #1 is used to gauge the conditions at race start. After that it really is quite random (which is sort of nice(realistic) but difficult to set out a predetermined weather forecast for the race(s)) but you need to consider both the weather at start of race option as well as the weather variability options. Yesterday there was no weather at the start and no weather variability so the only option was to have the track dry off. The weather start option will determine how much rain is occuring at race start so if you set this to 50% and set the weather variability to 0% the rain should continue throughout the race and over time the surface water increases which is ultimately what you're trying to set. That said I'm not sure how high you need to set the rain to have the surface water increas...i.e. I'm not convinced 25% weather actually increases surface water...our tires clear the rain quicker than it falls.
3) The weather variabilty option is truly random...the higher the setting the more quickly the weather changes (almost too fast imo) but whether the weather turns to more rain or less rain is completely unknown.
Actual Race set up feedback - I think your original idea to have 25 minute races is a good one which allows a fuel strategy to come into play.
I did extensive testing for this one (under dry conditions) and when I pushed it I couldn't make it without a pit stop for fuel but when I didn't push it I could make it without pitting but a 27 lap race could always be done without needing fuel.
A question about the game set up, how do u change your tyres for the race between quali and the race? Or does it merely start you on whatever tyres you had on at the end of qualification? I guess therefore you would have to be in pits at end of quali so you can make these changes before the session ends? I was completely caught out by being on wrong tyres like church and others but had no idea how to fix it?
This was my 1st attempt at online racing in gt6, was quite impressed by the lack of lag and clarity of the voice chat, although my bluetooth headset would only connect for like 5 seconds at a time annoyingly, guess the xbox headset isnt compatible lol.
Also using a controller just felt wrong but will have to persevere with that for now, any tips on controller settings?
General - What ever tires you qualify with is the tires you start the race with. Not sure if pitting during qualifing will allow you to change tires. Never tried it.
Think i should have done a little more research on that cos that was quite a noob mistake i made!! Also am horribly slow prob due to that pesky controller so on. On upside may have sorted mic out for next time
Thought my brands hatch Indy tune with a few tweaks would work fairly decent here, nope not even close massive oversteer and lack of grip plus the softs seem to deteriorate quit quickly I was down to 60% after 5 laps....gonna need to return to the drawing board and come up with a new game plan. 18kg really throws the car off causing drifts on these tight turns. Will try a grip tune and see how that reacts best I've managed is 57.5
Damn such an easy track yet difficult to tune for.....I made some tweaks and just made my times worse and have been ranging from 58-59 on avg. the front left just drops off quickly, can you not save a tune per track or reset a tune back to default or am I missing something ?
anyone else got any laps in yet? Iam thinking of opening a lobby wed nite @ 9pm mt if anyone is interested?
@ church have you done any testing to see if there's a better numbers inregards to the weather setup?
Suggestion....... Since it's rains pretty much all winter where your at like it does in Vancouver canada to avoid potentially having every race in the rain since it is winter there for the the entire series why not do it by the actual tracks weather forecast ? Some might have snow but sub for rain on those, and yes iam aware silver stone is in the uk and most likely raining .....just my .02 as long as iam racing iam happy :)
I think you should just schedule each week whatever suits your fancy so we get some variety not to mention perhaps the most common...dry races in the day hint hint.
is there a tune reset button iam not awawre of? i need to get back to the base and start over
I've never seen a reset button Kurupt but have you realized you have 3 different build/tune options available for every car? There's an A B aand C tab when you go into the car settings where you can apply three different builds/tunes for every car. Therefore if you haven't already changed all three of these you can go to the B or C tab to get back to the default values.
If you have used them already let me know what settings you want to know the defaults for and I'll get them to you some time today.
Plenty of half ass options thats for sure but some good ones too...really liking the new to GT6 side indicator but what we really need is a sharing tunes via an in-game file transfer option which I was hoping PD would pull off with GT6 but with only A B & C tuning "tabs" like GT5 I'm not as hopeful any more.
half ass GT6 tune sharing feature below...from top to bottom as it reads in-game, you'll figure it out.
That was a blast. Seeing all the different stratagies being played out, trying to figure out who was doing what with tires/pits cars everywhere on the track. Never a dull moment. Going to be a blast running this series! Well done Church!
Congrats to Mapo and Kurupt on the wins.
Great races today guys !
Quali when I realized how fast the track was drying I waited till there was 3 min left kept the softs and took a chance which paid off getting the pole. I figured if I could just stay on track and avoid any issues I would have a chance once the front runners started start was a bit of a disaster, I completely missed my shifter at the start and when I pulled my hand back to shift again I hit the shifter and went in reverse sorry to who ever I held up behind me luckily it seemed a few others choose slicks as well the wet track saved my tires and I still had a perfect set left once the track dried and started pushing and worked out.
second race starting last with 45kg I really had no game plane other than hang with the group and hope to gain a few spots. Mistake 1 was trying a no stop on softs knowing I should have gone with at least the med slick. 2nd mistake was not pitting for fresh tires midway, but overal Iam happy with the 4th place finish. Congrats to mapo on the win and church for being able to make his tires last as long as he did :) at around lap 20 or so when I was gaining on church, then saw mapo come charging by i knew it was gonna be a good finish between the 2.
My .02 on the weather and track wetness.....
i love the features and that we're implementing them but personally I think we need to turn the amount of weather changability and time progress back a bit. Reason being the track was dry within 3 laps and really takes away from the tire planning and can be taken advantage like I did in race one . What I would like and someone mentioned aswell is slow the time progression and have it carry over to race 2, so if race 1 finished with a 15 % wet track race 2 would start with that %
i understand it's easier said than done and we can only get a ballpark est with further testing :)
anyways loving the series and glad I came back to console and gave gt6 a go !
Fully understand mate, wasn't trying to be a nit picker as were all new to the game and will only gain more knowledge and understanding through experience.
i have to admit I was quit impressed with your tire management today, when I got up to second i I was slowly gaining and knowing I had decided for a no stop and had no choice but to hold back and preserve all I kept thinking was "is bawls to the wall church gonna pit soon or is he actually going for a no stop race?" Lol once we got to about lap 22 I knew you were going for it, I watched mapo pass about 4 people before getting to me and I knew it was pointless to even try holding him back so I pulled over and let him passed than grim followed shortly after @ lap 25 with 0 left front left and not sure what the game was capable of, I was just praying I wouldn't get a blown tire and make things worse.
again I am amazed what they did with an aged console and can only imagine what ps4 will be capable of!
In regards to Kurupts weather settings this is what I've noticed...
1) amount of surface water means everything in relation to how much grip you have...whether its raining or not really has no bearing until the surface water starts to build up. Therefore to have a wet start to the race you must set the surface water to something above 0% - and probably a lot more than 1%.
2) #1 is used to gauge the conditions at race start. After that it really is quite random (which is sort of nice(realistic) but difficult to set out a predetermined weather forecast for the race(s)) but you need to consider both the weather at start of race option as well as the weather variability options. Yesterday there was no weather at the start and no weather variability so the only option was to have the track dry off. The weather start option will determine how much rain is occuring at race start so if you set this to 50% and set the weather variability to 0% the rain should continue throughout the race and over time the surface water increases which is ultimately what you're trying to set. That said I'm not sure how high you need to set the rain to have the surface water increas...i.e. I'm not convinced 25% weather actually increases surface water...our tires clear the rain quicker than it falls.
3) The weather variabilty option is truly random...the higher the setting the more quickly the weather changes (almost too fast imo) but whether the weather turns to more rain or less rain is completely unknown.
Great start to the series!
Actual Race set up feedback - I think your original idea to have 25 minute races is a good one which allows a fuel strategy to come into play.
I did extensive testing for this one (under dry conditions) and when I pushed it I couldn't make it without a pit stop for fuel but when I didn't push it I could make it without pitting but a 27 lap race could always be done without needing fuel.
Results after round 1!!
The races will be for 25 Min from this week!
I will also be looking through the posts recently and will take every ones feedback on board. I will make changes to the OP where needed.
The rules wont change just the weather settings, amount of laps etc.
Cheers lads!
A question about the game set up, how do u change your tyres for the race between quali and the race? Or does it merely start you on whatever tyres you had on at the end of qualification? I guess therefore you would have to be in pits at end of quali so you can make these changes before the session ends? I was completely caught out by being on wrong tyres like church and others but had no idea how to fix it?
This was my 1st attempt at online racing in gt6, was quite impressed by the lack of lag and clarity of the voice chat, although my bluetooth headset would only connect for like 5 seconds at a time annoyingly, guess the xbox headset isnt compatible lol.
Also using a controller just felt wrong but will have to persevere with that for now, any tips on controller settings?
General - What ever tires you qualify with is the tires you start the race with. Not sure if pitting during qualifing will allow you to change tires. Never tried it.
Think i should have done a little more research on that cos that was quite a noob mistake i made!! Also am horribly slow prob due to that pesky controller so on. On upside may have sorted mic out for next time
Thought my brands hatch Indy tune with a few tweaks would work fairly decent here, nope not even close massive oversteer and lack of grip plus the softs seem to deteriorate quit quickly I was down to 60% after 5 laps....gonna need to return to the drawing board and come up with a new game plan. 18kg really throws the car off causing drifts on these tight turns. Will try a grip tune and see how that reacts best I've managed is 57.5
Damn such an easy track yet difficult to tune for.....I made some tweaks and just made my times worse and have been ranging from 58-59 on avg. the front left just drops off quickly, can you not save a tune per track or reset a tune back to default or am I missing something ?
anyone else got any laps in yet? Iam thinking of opening a lobby wed nite @ 9pm mt if anyone is interested?
@ church have you done any testing to see if there's a better numbers inregards to the weather setup?
No fella!
Been mega busy latley. I will be turning her on tonight and running a few and will go from there :)
This Friday will be 1 x 7 Min Quali followed by 2 x 26 lap races!
Long range forcast is as follows:
And yes it does rain this much in the UK lol
Suggestion....... Since it's rains pretty much all winter where your at like it does in Vancouver canada to avoid potentially having every race in the rain since it is winter there for the the entire series why not do it by the actual tracks weather forecast ? Some might have snow but sub for rain on those, and yes iam aware silver stone is in the uk and most likely raining .....just my .02 as long as iam racing iam happy :)
I think you should just schedule each week whatever suits your fancy so we get some variety not to mention perhaps the most common...dry races in the day hint hint.
is there a tune reset button iam not awawre of? i need to get back to the base and start over
I've never seen a reset button Kurupt but have you realized you have 3 different build/tune options available for every car? There's an A B aand C tab when you go into the car settings where you can apply three different builds/tunes for every car. Therefore if you haven't already changed all three of these you can go to the B or C tab to get back to the default values.
If you have used them already let me know what settings you want to know the defaults for and I'll get them to you some time today.
I think track forecast is a good way to go. Or as parcels says just do as you fancy so we get a good mix :)
Ya I'm pretty positive I've altered all 3 for weather conditions......iam looking for the stock suspension settings and aero. Thnx again!
Maybe have a second car?
Hopefully a reset to base tune and being able to save a tune for each track will be a feature added later as it's currently a half ass setup
Plenty of half ass options thats for sure but some good ones too...really liking the new to GT6 side indicator but what we really need is a sharing tunes via an in-game file transfer option which I was hoping PD would pull off with GT6 but with only A B & C tuning "tabs" like GT5 I'm not as hopeful any more.
half ass GT6 tune sharing feature below...from top to bottom as it reads in-game, you'll figure it out.
70 90
10.67 15.20
4 4
4 4
3 3
0 0
120 200