Medal of Honor warfighter beta 10/5/12 xbox only - Updated

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#1 Mon, 10/01/2012 - 01:16
yaok888's picture
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Medal of Honor warfighter beta 10/5/12 xbox only - Updated

confirmed on xbox PR guy Major Nelson's podcast

MOH warfighter beta to be released Friday 10/5/12 - xbox only

Multiplayer with 1 game mode and 1 map only., 10 vs 10 max players.


I won't be getting the game as I'll save my pennies for Halo 4 and BO2 but beta is free.

(actually, this close to release, it is more of a DEMO than a beta)

basically it is BF3 without the blue filter on 2x COD-sized maps with scorechain "killstreaks".




Mon, 10/01/2012 - 06:19
CiaranORian's picture
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So same as for the original MOH, its a demo really not a beta. I'll probably download it and play a few games if its free.

Mon, 10/01/2012 - 08:49
ekattan's picture
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If its free i'll try it of course. 

Wed, 10/03/2012 - 09:22
B1G_KAHUNER's picture
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Fool me once...

Thu, 10/04/2012 - 08:35
Reddot82's picture
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Ill see if they figured out what their mistakes were from the first one, and actually improved on it.  Probably not, but worth a look.


Fri, 10/05/2012 - 13:33
yaok888's picture
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Seems like EA can't get anything right.

MOH warfighter beta was supposed to be available 9am PST/12 EST but now it is delayed for whatever unknown reason.

so while there is a Clickable link to MOH WF beta on the Game Marketplace Demos, all you get there is some adverts and video trailers to download.

The Beta itself is not available as of 11:30 PST/2:30 EST.

Maybe if we are lucky it will actually show up at 11:59 PM PST tonight.



Fri, 10/05/2012 - 13:59
yaok888's picture
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UPDATE 11:45 am PST


Actually It's sort of out 11:45 am PST. I'm downloading now.

It's NOT on the official DEMO MOH WF link.

it "cycles" between the Advertisements in the far bottom right corner of the Menu box screens:


I had to play around going from Tab to tab and checking the bottom right corner unitl it showed up like the image above with the "We hunt terror" MOH box.

then highlighted that box and it took me to the beta download page.  1.61 gb.

I have heard it might be - USA only download right now - so EU and Asian xboxers may be out of luck.



Fri, 10/05/2012 - 15:42
yaok888's picture
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Update 1:00 PST.

looks like EA/MS got it fixed.  "get trial" appears correctly in the MOH Warfighter demo main page.



Fri, 10/05/2012 - 21:15
Reddot82's picture
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Yea its there now. Got it downloaded.
Fri, 10/05/2012 - 21:45
yaok888's picture
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gotta say I'm passing on this one.

pretty much what I expected - Frostbite engine on COD-sized maps and run and gun gameplay and horrible spawns.

there is NO SPAWN PROTECTION - so even when you spawn on your buddy you have like 1-2 seconds when you are vulnerable and can't do shit.

plus there are COD type Killstreaks called "scorechains" which can wipe out a bunch of people at a time.

there is No destruction that I could tell on this map and game mode.  So you get some kid with an LMG behind a broken wall that's hard to take out even with grenades or grenade launcher.


When will EA learn that when you COD-ify games you may get more $$$, but dumbing down the game really pisses off the fanbase.

so in the short run, you make more money, but in the long run, you are going to lose your target fanbase and nobody is going to buy BF4 and MOH 2014 and Bad Company 3.

It's just like Tony Hawk and Rock band - just water the games down until they are recycled crap.




Sat, 10/06/2012 - 10:59 (Reply to #10)
Lala Calamari's picture
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yaok888 wrote:

When will EA learn that when you COD-ify games you may get more $$$, but dumbing down the game really pisses off the fanbase.

so in the short run, you make more money, but in the long run, you are going to lose your target fanbase and nobody is going to buy BF4 and MOH 2014 and Bad Company 3.


FYI.  Their target fanbase is the CoD crowd and not the BF3 crowd.  They want that money.  If I was EA, I'd want it too.

Fri, 10/05/2012 - 21:53
Reddot82's picture
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Yea about what i expected.
Sat, 10/06/2012 - 02:31
Short_Bus's picture
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I will be moving my pre-order money over to Halo 4.  There are so many mechanical things wrong with this demo.  Huge delays when you try and kneel or crouch, let alone go prone - it actually won't let you shoot and it always wants to make you knee slide.  Hit detection is garbage and the score chain stuff is way over powered.

The lack of destruction in a multiplayer Demo that they are touting for Frostbite 2 is horrible.  Nothing explodes, no increased level or destruction.

Sat, 10/06/2012 - 04:29
scratchski's picture
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Hallelujah !

Thank you my test monkeys 36

I cancelled my pre-order three months ago thinking that  I didn't need this day one, and I wanted to hear some opinions on it first, ( and not the paid games journalist opinion ).

If they release this as their " demo ", so close to release, and its as bad as you say, I'll stick with BF3.

". . .  but in the long run, you are going to lose your target fanbase and nobody is going to buy BF4 and MOH 2014 and Bad Company 3. " - unfortunately, we know this isn't true. Gamers are a simple breed who don't understand voting with their wallets.

For every savvy consumer like yourself, there are a thousand slack - jawed, drooling , half-wits that will buy the next installment of guns n ' stats self validation.

Oh EA, shame on you.

Sorry, I forgot, EA has no shame.

Sat, 10/06/2012 - 08:44
Corcharo's picture
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I cancelled my download... thanks for the feedback guys
Sat, 10/06/2012 - 10:08
Reddot82's picture
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Will just be another game full of the COD scene. Ill stick with BF3 until something better comes out.

Sat, 10/06/2012 - 10:22
2fat's picture
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PURE DOO DOO!!!!    I will stick with BF3 until Haloz. and Bloppiddy 2....

Sat, 10/06/2012 - 15:37
onthefritz's picture
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I played a few rounds last night and can say I am seriously considering cancelling my pre-order. It is just like Ghost Recon, except in first person mode. The hit detection is way off on both shooting someone and especially getting shot. I can't count how many times it showed me getting hit and killed from one direction and then the kill cam showed him in the complete opposite direction. WTF...?!?!? Spawning is just as I would expect from EA. You spawn facing a wall. Enemy soldiers can spawn right next to you or wait for you to spawn in your own spawn and get easy kills. Spawning on your buddy gets you killed too easily. I had tentative hopes for this game, but EA has gone out of there way to prove me wrong on my hopes & expectations. One last minor point. The sounds of the guns seems very CoD-like. They all sound similar and cheap (not real).
Sun, 10/07/2012 - 08:03
Blimey's picture
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Really again EA? Pass on this one too. I tried to play it all weekend. Not even close to a game to spend my money on.

Sun, 10/07/2012 - 10:36
Reddot82's picture
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yea tried it again lastnight, only lasted about 10 minutes........... Just like CoD, and i cant play CoD for even that long.  Im sure they will pull in a follwing that is getting sick of MW3 already. Dont know how many times i died, while i was aiming right at the guy with no hit markers at all. I mean, if my red dot is pointing right at the guy, id expect at least a hit maker before i die lol. RUN AND GUN JUST ISNT MY GAME


Sun, 10/07/2012 - 19:15
Corcharo's picture
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Gameplay is ok, the game is  just ugly visually

Tue, 10/09/2012 - 10:44
CiaranORian's picture
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It sounds so crappy I want to try it now!

Tue, 10/09/2012 - 16:04
Storm_Shadow_45's picture
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I'm not so sure if being inbetween COD and BF3 is a good place to be.  Not a bad game, but kinda Lack Luster if you ask me.  Nothing to make me want to stop playing a COD title or BF3.



Wed, 10/10/2012 - 15:26
Short_Bus's picture
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Now that I have played it for a week I am still just Meh... I keep waffling on keeping my pre-order and playing it until Halo 4 comes out so just trading this in.  I just can't justify spending Day One money on something for the Single Player mode.  The Single Player for this whole series has been top notch, but I can probably wait until after the first of the year to pick this up.  I just don't see enough of my friends buying it to make it worthwhile, since a coordinated fire team seems to be the only way to excel in the Demo.

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