Dew Double XP question

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#1 Tue, 01/01/2013 - 12:41
Gatsu's picture
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Dew Double XP question

I've bought a bunch of the Game Fuel 12 packs and each code is worth 6 matches. Does the double XP only work for multiplayer or does it work for Spartan Ops as well?

Either way I need a group to play with so I can use these up before the 31st. I don't run into matchmaking by myself.

Tue, 01/01/2013 - 14:21
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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It works with both.  If you want the most bang for your buck, I recommend playing MM Spartan Ops.  If you play SpOps solo, you'll only net around 5-6k exp.  If you do the MM SpOps and the game lasts at least 10 minutes and you have at least 10 kills (10 kills has been the lowest I've gone while still obtaining the max exp), you can net nearly 12,000 exp per mission!  If you have Pioneer unlocked and use that in your SpOps mission, you can get an additional 1-2k!  So 14,000 exp in one match is not unheard of.  Now go boost your ranking with this news in hand.  

Tue, 01/01/2013 - 18:38
Gatsu's picture
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I'd rather have some good people in my party that I trust not to be tools. heh.


Wed, 01/02/2013 - 10:32
DIE75's picture
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I use MM Spartan Ops and I usually get anywhere from 14 to 17K per match with double XP. The only problem is after a few matches you can end up hitting the XP cap for the day.


If that happens, stop playing.


Any games you play after you hit the cap will consume double XP games but will yield you no XP. If you go single player, any weekly challenges you hit will also be for naught. You will have to wait until 5am the following day to resume gaming.


I found this out the hard way.

Wed, 01/02/2013 - 09:06
Gatsu's picture
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That sucks. Forgot about the XP cap.

So...anyone interested in hitting up MM Spartan Ops with me sometime this week? Probably Thursday or Friday night?

Wed, 01/02/2013 - 09:34
Kenny Grindall's picture
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I plan to get in some SpartanOps this Friday... shoot me an invite. I just banked about 20 double xp matches, and since I've already done the 25 chapters my new goal is to start back at "Land Grab" and get a co-op completion on Legendary for each before the new episodes roll in a few weeks from now.

I was surprised at the big xp payout. Helps me a lot, as I don't score too high in my WarGames play.

May be on tonight, too, but probably not Thursday.

Wed, 01/02/2013 - 09:40
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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I also need the achievement for finishing the first chapters on legendary.  Co-op will definitely make it easier.  Let me know for sure when you want to do this!

Wed, 01/02/2013 - 10:33
Gatsu's picture
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I'm gonna be away from the xbox tonight. So how about Friday night? I'm on Eastern Standard so whatever time you guys want.

Fri, 01/04/2013 - 09:30
Hammerdrake's picture
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I've been hitting Spartan Ops MM with Randoms.   Every time I think about how much more fun it would be with some pals in a party.  I'll look for you guys tonight!

Fri, 01/04/2013 - 10:11
Kenny Grindall's picture
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Looks like my new batch of 2XP matches is not working, God knows why... I may try to sort that out today, but still plan to play tonight no matter the outcome. Sounds like a foursome to blow through Episode 1 -- or at least the chapters needed to get the achievement for whoever still needs it.

Fri, 01/04/2013 - 11:55 (Reply to #10)
onthefritz's picture
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Kenny Grindall wrote:

Looks like my new batch of 2XP matches is not working, God knows why... I may try to sort that out today, but still plan to play tonight no matter the outcome. Sounds like a foursome to blow through Episode 1 -- or at least the chapters needed to get the achievement for whoever still needs it.

I thought I read that the Dew 2XP ended on dec 31st.  (???)  


Fri, 01/04/2013 - 16:34 (Reply to #11)
YEM's picture
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onthefritz wrote:

Kenny Grindall wrote:

Looks like my new batch of 2XP matches is not working, God knows why... I may try to sort that out today, but still plan to play tonight no matter the outcome. Sounds like a foursome to blow through Episode 1 -- or at least the chapters needed to get the achievement for whoever still needs it.

I thought I read that the Dew 2XP ended on dec 31st.  (???)  



Nope, end of this month (just over 26 more days)

Fri, 01/04/2013 - 12:19 (Reply to #12)
Hammerdrake's picture
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Kenny Grindall wrote:

Looks like my new batch of 2XP matches is not working, God knows why... I may try to sort that out today, but still plan to play tonight no matter the outcome. Sounds like a foursome to blow through Episode 1 -- or at least the chapters needed to get the achievement for whoever still needs it.


If you want the big XP, you've got to go Matchmaking, you get much more that way.  For now, that means only Episode 3, currently the only episode in the Spartan Ops Playlist (set to Legendary).  I'm good for any episode, just would prefer to hit 4 before 5, I haven't done those two yet.

Fri, 01/04/2013 - 10:45
Kenny Grindall's picture
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Okay, I just sent FR to Gatsu, Hammer and OMG.

Should we try to set a time to meet in SpartanOps lobby?

Fri, 01/04/2013 - 11:06
Gatsu's picture
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I'll be on around 8 PM EST


Fri, 01/04/2013 - 12:16
Hammerdrake's picture
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Codes can be entered on the Website until 11:59:59 pm ET on 1/31/13; any unapplied XP Matches remaining on or before 3/31/13 will be forfeited. If no Xbox LIVE Gold Gamer ID/Gamer tag ("Gamer ID/Gamer tag") has been entered during the Promotional Period, XP Matches will be forfeited


I'm good for 8 pm EST.  BTW, I'll run Spartan OPS with or without codes for those interested.


Fri, 01/04/2013 - 14:01 (Reply to #16)
onthefritz's picture
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Hammerdrake wrote:

Codes can be entered on the Website until 11:59:59 pm ET on 1/31/13; any unapplied XP Matches remaining on or before 3/31/13 will be forfeited. If no Xbox LIVE Gold Gamer ID/Gamer tag ("Gamer ID/Gamer tag") has been entered during the Promotional Period, XP Matches will be forfeited


I'm good for 8 pm EST.  BTW, I'll run Spartan OPS with or without codes for those interested.


Cool.  Now if I only drank Mountain Dew.  

Fri, 01/04/2013 - 14:58
Kenny Grindall's picture
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Hammer: I'd bet that's what I did wrong the other night... I played Episode 1 with my brother, hoping for the 2x points but just got the usual.

Looking forward to some XP madness with y'all. And 8pm EST works for me.

Fri, 01/04/2013 - 16:23 (Reply to #18)
Hammerdrake's picture
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Kenny Grindall wrote:

Hammer: I'd bet that's what I did wrong the other night... I played Episode 1 with my brother, hoping for the 2x points but just got the usual.

Looking forward to some XP madness with y'all. And 8pm EST works for me.

Sorry, that's not what I meant.  Playing the same match in Matchmaking vs. straight selecting the Episode just grants you a higher level xp.  Your bonus should work for either.  But I ran into the following two problems myself, your milege may vary...


- After redeeming your code, be sure you sign in within the DewXP site (after signing in with your Dew account) with your Xbox Live account AND THEN "Apply" your desired number of matches from the DewXP Dashboard.  Once you've done that, the next number of matches (as you applied) will be doubled, you don't select anything on the xbox and cannot control which matches get the bonus, its just the next ones.


- Not sure it was the time or the process, but I "Applied" from my tablet while in the Spartan Ops section and didn't get the bonus.  So, the next time, I "Applied" from my table from the Spartan Ops section, but then backed all the way out to the main menu, waited just a bit and then went back to Spartan Ops.  That time I recieved my bonus.  Like I said, I don't know if it was the time passed, or moving out and then back into the Infinity section of the menu.


Hope that helps some...

Fri, 01/04/2013 - 22:57
Kenny Grindall's picture
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Hey, thanks to Gatsu, Hammer and Hack (and my brother, N2XRAYS!) for a great hour-plus of Spartan Ops tonight. I assumed it was my router maintenance earlier in the day that was getting me lagged off a few times, but I've since heard a lot of folks are having the same issue. I may start avoiding Friday nights. Or start playing at 2am.

So my 2XP games were right there — I wasn't able to get a fifth round in thanks to the droppage, but four chapters of episode three got me 61,848 xp. Ranked up three times in one night. With a final mission and a couple quick WG rounds I'd have squeezed in if things weren't so glitchy, I might have ranked again.

So, does the active episode for Spartan Ops cycle weekly?


Sat, 01/05/2013 - 00:19 (Reply to #20)
SquatterBag's picture
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Kenny Grindall wrote:
So, does the active episode for Spartan Ops cycle weekly? 

Yes, every Monday

Sat, 01/05/2013 - 08:56
Hammerdrake's picture
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I missed the first go around, as I was concentrating on the campaign, but I know for the past 3 weeks it has been Ep1, Ep2, and Ep3 this week, each on legendary.  


I thought when they were live the first time around, the most recent two Episode were available, but they may not have been legendary.  


I have yet to play Ep4 and Ep5, I am waiting for them to go into MM to get the improved XP.


However, I enjoy the Spartan Ops and had a great time last night, so hit me up for more if I'm on.

Sat, 01/05/2013 - 10:50
onthefritz's picture
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I can join someone tonight.  I played it for a little while really late last night.  My biggest handicap is not knowing the maps at all.  

Sat, 01/05/2013 - 11:09 (Reply to #23)
SquatterBag's picture
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onthefritz wrote:

I can join someone tonight.  I played it for a little while really late last night.  My biggest handicap is not knowing the maps at all.  

They recycle the spar ops maps so you'll get use to them in no time. I was thinking of doing some xp grinding today on spar ops. Keep an eye out for me. I'm on the FoF list or just shoot me a FR. I needs me some more specializations.
Sat, 01/05/2013 - 11:50
Kenny Grindall's picture
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What time today, Squatter?

I was not able to complete Ep3-Ch4 last night thanks to horrible lag. That alone would get me SR39. I'd probably be starting my specializations by now if I'd been working MM SpartanOps as the episodes have cycled.

Halo 4: The "Saturday morning cartoons" for 21st century 40-year-old boys!


Sat, 01/05/2013 - 13:11
SquatterBag's picture
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Whenever, got a lazy saturday going. If I'm not on the xbox I'll be near the laptop. Let me know, I'll keep an eye out.

Sat, 01/05/2013 - 13:45
Kenny Grindall's picture
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Then how's about... say, 1:30pm MT / 3:30pm EST?

That's 45 min from now, as I post. Gives me time to wrap up a mission-critical house chore.

I will goof off in a couple custom maps I downloaded from Kenjamin if I don't see you right away... Just do the invite thing. Spartan Ops parties can be up to four, which mos def helps with Legendary. Anybody else got your trigger finger handy this afternoon?

Sat, 01/05/2013 - 14:09
SquatterBag's picture
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I'll be there.

Sat, 01/05/2013 - 15:21
Kenny Grindall's picture
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Need 4-5 more min... On my way!

Update: Make that 45 (forty-five) more minutes. @!&#^%!!

Worked all morning to clear a time slot to play. Ran downstairs to meet folks in a Spartan Ops lobby... and the controller batteries are dead. No problem — I keep a stash for rotation: drop the duds in the charger, and grab a fresh pair from the container. Only... what the — somebody's used 'em all and put 'em back dead.

Sorry, Squatter. I'm rapid-charging a couple sets, should be ready to play by 3pm EST.

And going out tomorrow for one of those multi-pack controller-specific rechargeables!

Famb Damily.


Sat, 01/05/2013 - 17:29
Kenny Grindall's picture
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Thanks for the games, SB!

With the help, I finished a second episode of SpOps on Legendary, and hit SR40.

Eager to run episode four with you all next week...


Sun, 01/06/2013 - 01:01
Gatsu's picture
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Anytime you guys wanna jump in some Spartan Ops let me know. I still got a ton of double xp to go through, and even when I eventually run out, it'll still be fun to play.

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