We shepherded Midnight Office all the way to Aksis phase 2 and put some time in on that stage as well. Things went rather well. We hope he can turn out Fri to finish up.
I had a plan A (which I've been discussing with Deep) as to what I want to do now that the Normal Raid is getting routine. But after our failed Aksis attempt on Feb. 3, I have a plan B: sticking with the Normal Raid, but randomly assigning roles at least for the Aksis phase: that way, everyone gets a chance at learning something new (which is kind of the Bungie spirit anyway). With a Google Random number generator and a piece of paper I could do the assignments in advance or within seconds on the raid day itself. We could stick with that assignment until we "get it right" at least once, or we could randomly assign each week.
As a test run, here's what I randomly came up with: Right: Achy cannon, Gman bomb; Center: Deep cannon, Krak bomb; Left: Duke cannon, DoorG bomb
There's lots of ways to mix this up: if we're shepherding, we can still assign roles for some and randomize the rest or just keep our "tried and true" setup.
Plan C is I just do cannon from now on. That should be interesting enough :-)
The regular crew turned out and Aksis fell again. This time we switched things around. As Duke suggested, we all played different rolls. It was interesting and fun.
There is a lot of fun watching people try to jump up to the one right before Vosik. They either nail it right away or that little ledge that you have to jump to frustrates the crap out of them. I won't say which one I was, but I don't think I have it on all 3 characters yet.
Thanks to Ranger and Kal we (DEEP, Achy, Krak and doorgunner) spent a fair bit of time on the Aksis challenge. We were getting better but alas didn't get it.
Thank you for the invite. I had a good time. The challenge takes a bit of getting used to, especially if you've been playing a different way for a while. But it is a good, fun way to run that encounter. I try to only teach new people this method so they dont know any other way. :)
Definitely takes some getting used to. I have been involved with this technique several times now but last night was the first time I think it really sank in. I think us cannon guardians have it a bit tougher because we have to know where to position ourselves in all 3 positions with Center/Mid being the toughest and requiring the quickest reaction. The one major benefit to successfully doing this, challenge or not, is that Aksis can go down in 2 or 3 cycles because everyone has a super on every stun -- realizing that all the empowered have to be moving to their positions before taking on the big guy.
He can easily be 2-phased. If I'm not empowered and a bubble titan, I have successfully gone through 2 full swords of ammo (had to synth between once) with weapons of light. Massive damage.
One part we didn't talk about last night was that if he has very little health and you end up with a 3rd phase, do no damage to him until you get to the main damage phase. The reason is, he can teleport to a pad, then immediately teleport center for final stand. This will cause a failure to the challenge as you missed the stun/supercharge for that teleport. If you see him really low, just worry about stun and supercharges and do not shoot at him until damage phase its not worth the risk of failure.
Sorry for the late posting, but I will not be joining you folks tonight. Internet access is still too spotty and would probably just slow you all down. Even with the new line, it hasn't appreciably improved overall performance. Looking at other options (provider changing) but not likely soon.
Yeh! Happy to hear you guys got some HM loot to drop from the challenge. I like the sniper and use it often in strikes and the raid. With spray & play and wait for it, you get plenty of shots in quickly.
Hey folks, that day has come. For the most part, we've used up the WotM content. I am considering this group activity to be running on an ad-hoc basis.
I will be available, though not guaranteed to be so, at the usual time for raiding or whatever.
Some people may still want to go after raid challenges for loot drops and I'm open to that.
Thanks to all the members for your companionship during this adventure.
Aksis challenge this upcoming week. We haven't conquered that yet. Beside a chance for a HM weapon/armor drop there should be a nice emblem drop. This should be doable since most of us know the mechanics by now.
Aksis challenge this upcoming week. We haven't conquered that yet. Beside a chance for a HM weapon/armor drop there should be a nice emblem drop. This should be doable since most of us know the mechanics by now.
I thought we beat the Aksis challenge NM. HM weapons didn't drop though. See our other topic.
Ok, found it, but what was nagging me is that not everyone finished the Aksis challenge -- when we did it Duke was out of town, Krak had power problems, and I believe Doorgunner had to drop because of connection issues, so they still have to do it.
As far as drops go, HM weapons can (but not guaranteed to) drop in NM challenge completion, although at 385 LL. The Ex Machina~ sniper a couple of us got for completing the Vosiks challenge this past week is a HM weapon.
Which means we need a strong hit of Krak!
We shepherded Midnight Office all the way to Aksis phase 2 and put some time in on that stage as well. Things went rather well. We hope he can turn out Fri to finish up.
If we're not shepherding next week, would be interested in finding the Raid Siva clusters on 2/7. There are 4. https://destinysivaclusters.com
Good thought, Duke. I'm missing two of the four myself.
I'll check the videos for locations before Tuesday.
I had a plan A (which I've been discussing with Deep) as to what I want to do now that the Normal Raid is getting routine. But after our failed Aksis attempt on Feb. 3, I have a plan B: sticking with the Normal Raid, but randomly assigning roles at least for the Aksis phase: that way, everyone gets a chance at learning something new (which is kind of the Bungie spirit anyway). With a Google Random number generator and a piece of paper I could do the assignments in advance or within seconds on the raid day itself. We could stick with that assignment until we "get it right" at least once, or we could randomly assign each week.
As a test run, here's what I randomly came up with: Right: Achy cannon, Gman bomb; Center: Deep cannon, Krak bomb; Left: Duke cannon, DoorG bomb
There's lots of ways to mix this up: if we're shepherding, we can still assign roles for some and randomize the rest or just keep our "tried and true" setup.
Plan C is I just do cannon from now on. That should be interesting enough :-)
I do not regret my personal decision to assign low priority to HM. NM is a big challenge for me.
Plan D, Volley Ball style and possibly simpler than random: shift one Aksis position clockwise after every successful Raid completion.
Consider cannon to be clockwise to bomb. (so left cannon would shift to right bomb; right cannon shift to center bomb, etc.)
The regular crew turned out and Aksis fell again. This time we switched things around. As Duke suggested, we all played different rolls. It was interesting and fun.
You forgot about all the fun we had watching each other's jumping prowess as we searched for and found siva fragments along the way

There is a lot of fun watching people try to jump up to the one right before Vosik. They either nail it right away or that little ledge that you have to jump to frustrates the crap out of them. I won't say which one I was, but I don't think I have it on all 3 characters yet.
I think we are going to need at least one more tonight. The raid this week has the Asiks challenge. Might be fun to try.
Thanks to Ranger and Kal we (DEEP, Achy, Krak and doorgunner) spent a fair bit of time on the Aksis challenge. We were getting better but alas didn't get it.
Thank you for the invite. I had a good time. The challenge takes a bit of getting used to, especially if you've been playing a different way for a while. But it is a good, fun way to run that encounter. I try to only teach new people this method so they dont know any other way. :)
Definitely takes some getting used to. I have been involved with this technique several times now but last night was the first time I think it really sank in. I think us cannon guardians have it a bit tougher because we have to know where to position ourselves in all 3 positions with Center/Mid being the toughest and requiring the quickest reaction. The one major benefit to successfully doing this, challenge or not, is that Aksis can go down in 2 or 3 cycles because everyone has a super on every stun -- realizing that all the empowered have to be moving to their positions before taking on the big guy.
He can easily be 2-phased. If I'm not empowered and a bubble titan, I have successfully gone through 2 full swords of ammo (had to synth between once) with weapons of light. Massive damage.
One part we didn't talk about last night was that if he has very little health and you end up with a 3rd phase, do no damage to him until you get to the main damage phase. The reason is, he can teleport to a pad, then immediately teleport center for final stand. This will cause a failure to the challenge as you missed the stun/supercharge for that teleport. If you see him really low, just worry about stun and supercharges and do not shoot at him until damage phase its not worth the risk of failure.
Sorry for the late posting, but I will not be joining you folks tonight. Internet access is still too spotty and would probably just slow you all down. Even with the new line, it hasn't appreciably improved overall performance. Looking at other options (provider changing) but not likely soon.
You should at least give it a try.
We beat the Vosiks challenge on normal mode. Some of us got a Raid sniper called EX MACHINA~. Interesting perk called "Wait for It."
Yeh! Happy to hear you guys got some HM loot to drop from the challenge. I like the sniper and use it often in strikes and the raid. With spray & play and wait for it, you get plenty of shots in quickly.
Hey folks, that day has come. For the most part, we've used up the WotM content. I am considering this group activity to be running on an ad-hoc basis.
I will be available, though not guaranteed to be so, at the usual time for raiding or whatever.
Some people may still want to go after raid challenges for loot drops and I'm open to that.
Thanks to all the members for your companionship during this adventure.
It's been a gas!
Aksis challenge this upcoming week. We haven't conquered that yet. Beside a chance for a HM weapon/armor drop there should be a nice emblem drop. This should be doable since most of us know the mechanics by now.
Ok, found it, but what was nagging me is that not everyone finished the Aksis challenge -- when we did it Duke was out of town, Krak had power problems, and I believe Doorgunner had to drop because of connection issues, so they still have to do it.
As far as drops go, HM weapons can (but not guaranteed to) drop in NM challenge completion, although at 385 LL. The Ex Machina~ sniper a couple of us got for completing the Vosiks challenge this past week is a HM weapon.