Project Cars

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Mon, 12/16/2013 - 13:08
kurupt's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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Renault coming to pcars!

That's 5 btcc cars now available and 3 retro btcc :) 

need a honda and audi license and were golden also the production of brands hatch has started.

Mon, 12/16/2013 - 13:26
tartan_special's picture
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Excellent news and just what I wanted. The laguna is my all time favourite BTCC car!
Tue, 12/17/2013 - 18:40
KnightofRedemption's picture
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My god what has happened to the sound? No idea what I'm hearing it sounds like I'm driving a Jumbo jet.

Tue, 12/17/2013 - 20:55
kurupt's picture
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You've grown accustom to the quietness of rfactor :) all my games seem much louder except those 2 ?

atm the engine sounds are loud cause there apparently reworking the tire sounds which tie in with the physics which is still in development.



Wed, 12/18/2013 - 07:57
KnightofRedemption's picture
Last seen: 6 years 10 months ago
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No it's more than that man, there is this roaring sound that drowns everything out, I don't know if it is supposed to be wind noise or what. I dunno what you mean about rF being quiet, it is as load as any other I play...But this pCars build is mental on the I say not engine, something that roars over the engine, so I cannot hear anything but this...well sound like a jumbo jet. Maybe it is not playing nice with my phones or something I'll have to dive into settings and see if I can work out what it is. As it stands it is unplayable,

Wed, 12/18/2013 - 10:20
kurupt's picture
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Other than the overly loud intro it sounds no different too me did you delete your cars folder? 

Wed, 12/18/2013 - 11:49
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Yes mate, always do...I dunno I'll take a look like I say at the settings because I have never heard anything like this from it. It really is that bad you cannot drive because every other sound is just drowned out...It rises with speed but is not the engine because at the start you can hear the engine, then as you speed up this roaring noise takes over.

Wed, 12/18/2013 - 12:17
kurupt's picture
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Post it on the forum and see what comes of it....maybe it's new, your system or a known bug, best way to eliminate possible causes :) 

Wed, 12/18/2013 - 23:31
kurupt's picture
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Development on oulton park and snertton has started !!!

Thu, 12/19/2013 - 14:45
kurupt's picture
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Brands Hatch made it into todays build and my god is it beautiful 4

as well the merceds sauber c9 and ginetta surprise

excellent build with alot of updates!

Thu, 12/19/2013 - 15:21 (Reply to #131)
Zero7159's picture
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kurupt wrote:

Brands Hatch made it into todays build and my god is it beautiful 4

as well the merceds sauber c9 and ginetta surprise

excellent build with alot of updates!

I will not be getting many additional physical presents for Christmas, since I got my Xbox One last month, but we have been getting major Christmas love for many of our favorite sims in the form of new updates and/or content, including Forza 5, Gran Turismo 6, iRacing, Assetto Corsa and now Project CARS.  All that is left is some love from ISI for rFactor 2.

Thu, 12/19/2013 - 15:56
tartan_special's picture
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Team Member here sad

EDIT: 2nd update through the day, FLY lol.

Really love the feeling from that Ginetta and hope it stays that way.

Thu, 12/19/2013 - 15:42
kurupt's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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The only thing they ever had in the works that got me remotely excited was the btcc honda which would be a nice Xmas gift from them before my membership expires early in the new yr.

I picked up Ac this morning and was pretty content with what I saw in the 30 mins I gave it....very console like but not a bad thing.  My biggest concern going forward with my work sched. Is I have to plan to race with friends once a week....I hate that when I get some spare time being morning or late night I just want to jump on and race, iam sure Pcars and Ac will fill that void iam so desperately seeking :) 

comparing the 2 I personally felt they were very similar to one  another even tho there at different stages .  FFb Ac has more going with bumps and engine vibe, but if you run fanaleds on Pcars with the new gt flexi carcass they felt very similar just Pcars has less of a spring feel and a smoother drifting feel, Ac I found if the back end kicks it more than likely will result in a tank slapper.  All and all I enjoy both and excited for the content and licenses they have planned I will wait till there completed to make further judgement, there's already to many people running around with crystal balls predicting the outcomes of these games that are still in development ;) 

Thu, 12/19/2013 - 16:15
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Civic is still waiting on aproval from Honda Japan, so nothing ISI can do about that I'm afraid. The new Chassis flex model is being added to ISI content, and they are beavering away on some other stuff. Will it make it in time for Xmas is debatable for reasons I cannot go into here.

Thu, 12/19/2013 - 16:20
KnightofRedemption's picture
Last seen: 6 years 10 months ago
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Oh and a new build has just hit the forums.

Thu, 12/19/2013 - 16:25 (Reply to #136)
tartan_special's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
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KnightofRedemption wrote:

Oh and a new build has just hit the forums.

I raced over to ISI expecting a civic angry lol

Thu, 12/19/2013 - 17:06 (Reply to #137)
KnightofRedemption's picture
Last seen: 6 years 10 months ago
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tartan_special wrote:

KnightofRedemption wrote:

Oh and a new build has just hit the forums.

I raced over to ISI expecting a civic angry lol

LOL Tim is talking to then tonight, Honda that is, but a small game developer is not top of Honda's list of VIP's I'm afraid so fingers crossed. He is also in talks with Lola so that should be interesting.

Thu, 12/19/2013 - 16:30
tartan_special's picture
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Looks especially festive at night

Thu, 12/19/2013 - 18:17
kurupt's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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I love all the Xmas scenery they added and the big thank you and merry Xmas sign entering turn one!!!! We'll done yet to try any of the new cars I'll give them ago they have the ntm available? 

Thu, 12/19/2013 - 18:39
KnightofRedemption's picture
Last seen: 6 years 10 months ago
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Got the day to myself tomorrow, so will spend some time seeing what is what, hopefully the sound will have sorted itself out with this build, I'll restrict myself to those cars that have the most advanced work I think, I am still not wowed but have just tried cars that I suspect are not yet in a state of readyness to really form any real opinion. I do think the HDR has been overdone, I find it all a bit too shiny and bright of late, so I hope they tone that down a little.

Thu, 12/19/2013 - 20:23
kurupt's picture
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I haven't noticed the HDR issue, tho in the setup screen there's 4 or 5 different HDR settings to chose from as well as a slider to fine tune it to your liking, iam sure with some tweaking you can find a setting that suites you :)  

Fri, 01/31/2014 - 12:06
kurupt's picture
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A much needed new wip braking model has been added which adds a lot more detail under braking, with an upcoming sound update the 2 should tie together quit nicely:) 

the lastest car to make it through its first round of focus testing is the m3 gt4 which is pretty enjoyable to drive now! 

Fri, 02/07/2014 - 16:46
kurupt's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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Latest news.....

x64 bit system being implemented slowly, full will be available in mondays build.

Feedback from nic and ben on the new tm is available @ the form


Mercedes DTM has made its way in and is a joy to drive for a first pass

NEW UI different but easy to navigate not sure how i feel about the back ground graphics, sober there a bit space techy, stoned might be the colest thing ever lol ill get back with an update later :)

Fri, 02/07/2014 - 16:55
Zero7159's picture
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kurupt, what cars have good FFB these days?  Lately it seems like every time I try a build I pick the car with the crappy FFB.  blush  iRacing, Game Stock Car 2013, rFactor 2, GT6, Assetto Corsa and Forza 5 have spoiled me rotten with good FFB, such that I cannot drive cars without it. 

Sat, 02/08/2014 - 13:49
kurupt's picture
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There is no FFb currently only tire flex and suspension till the tire model is complete, than they will add all the canned effects, engine vibe, bumps etc .  Something has changed in the last few builds and has weakened the effects I think it has to do with a new test tm being added and the x64 bit slowly being implicated


Edit: if you hit f1 and scroll through the dev options you can change some features to your liking, also in ffb there are settings currently disabled that you can activate.  fanaleds is a nice thing to have just go to gameplay and turn on shared memory.  I run everything stock so i can get an accurate reading of what the tire is doing so i can give feedback in weekly physic forum, plus i get the bumps through my buttkicker, personally i dont like the feel of the bumps in rfactor & iracing on my wheel as they are far too harsh and feel more like potholes than bumps and clip the ffb quit badly,, and if i turn it down the wheel gets lighter and and i lose tire feel.  I kike some wheel vib but my main concern is tire feedback :)

Mon, 02/17/2014 - 13:23
kurupt's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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Oulton park and the Ginetta junior gt5 have made it into todays build!

Oulton park is just the track no off track textures have been added.

FFB is alot better in this build and will feel even better once the canned effects and road bumps are added.  Tm gives an  excellent amount of grip detail and flex  and is starting to feel similar to assetto corsa.

I drove the lmp protype today what a blast!!

Mon, 02/17/2014 - 18:05
tartan_special's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
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I can't see this being finished in time for the estimated Q4 2014 release date. There is so much yet to be done.
Mon, 02/17/2014 - 19:03
kurupt's picture
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They hoped for a Christmas released but said if it wasn't complete they would push it back.  If iam correct there's 3 more tracks and at least 20 more cars that need to be added which makes it pretty doubtful that it will meet there estimated deadline.  Once they figure out the tire model for each compound I think it will pickup.  But will see there isn't a completed sim on current market, so why would they wanna be the first ? Lol 

Mon, 02/17/2014 - 19:19 (Reply to #149)
Zero7159's picture
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kurupt wrote:

They hoped for a Christmas released but said if it wasn't complete they would push it back.  If iam correct there's 3 more tracks and at least 20 more cars that need to be added which makes it pretty doubtful that it will meet there estimated deadline.  Once they figure out the tire model for each compound I think it will pickup.  But will see there isn't a completed sim on current market, so why would they wanna be the first ? Lol 

There is no way they are going to be done this year, unless they cut content.  I don't really mind anymore, I gave up being pissed about rFactor 2 and Project CARS getting my $$$ years ago and still no finished products for either.  I am having too much fun anyway with iRacing (which is "completed" by the way, they just keep adding improvements and new content), Forza 5, GT5 (triple screens) and GT6.

Mon, 02/17/2014 - 21:25
kurupt's picture
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As SMS only set a goal and not a final date for the release iam perfectly fine with it and don't feel they have taken my money.  It's by far developing the fastest of any sim and is gradually becoming the game I hoped for with content that interests me the most.  You can claim iracing is complete if your ok with it's missing features that even older titles had implemented like  weather, multiple tire compounds, ingame telemetry offline mode, ai etc.  don't get me wrong I quite enjoy iracing it just doesn't fully fulfill my racing needs and style.  Iam mind boggled how anyone can tune a car with no info of what your suspension is doing other than by trial and error and watching replays? I also like to take chances from time to time and rub doors with guys just to let them them know iam there or be able to return a bump without having to worry about being penalized and called a dirty driver.  None of the games are perfect and I doubt any will be any time soon you just gotta find one that fits your needs and style and support it :) 

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