Yeah I know this is a little early but it's the long weekend! LONG WEEKEND! The last one of the summer camping season is always bittersweet. I waffle between being done with camping and wanting to go one more time. It's a 50/50 shot up here in the great white north that we will actually see the white part of that moniker fall this weekend. Typically the closer you get to the mountains the more likely it will happen. However, this years forecast is looking good! Mid 20's c (mid 70's F) all weekend! It also means an extra day for some extra long gaming sessions! I know these drop after the long weekend but it's always good to know what is coming down pipe!
Life is Strange: True Colors
Release Date: September 10th, 2021
Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, XSX/S
They misspelled "colors" here...it is correctly spelled "colours". Ok I am being a jerk. Much like the jerky characters in this series that you kinda want to punch every now and then. Then there are the other moments that can grab you by the heart strings (or so Mrs-Soup tells me). The series is an emotional roller coaster at times and this time around that is what your power is...emotions. As good as this game likely is , living with my two teenaged daughters I seriously do not need more emotion in my life.
Lost in Random
Release Date: September 10th, 2021
Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, XSX/S
Hmm...this is like A Nightmare Before Christmas + Caroline card based RPG. Well that is what I take away from the trailer below. Looks interesting. Hopefully it's on EA Play so I can give it a try.
NBA 2K22
Release Date: September 10th, 2021
Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, XSX/S
Tales of Arise
Release Date: September 10th, 2021
Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, XSX/S
An action role playing games from Bandai Namco. Reminds me a little of Dragon Quest and that is not a bad thing as I really enjoyed a DQXI. Hero on a journey, picking up friends along the way..ok cool. However, after reading the description of Tales' Linear Motion Battle System where the focus in on evading and countering...well let's just say I typically button mash the shit out of my controller and evading and countering are not my strong suits. I enjoyed DQXI's turn based combat as these old reflexes ain't what they used to be.
The Artful Escape
Release Date: September 9th, 2021
Platforms: PC, Xbox One, XSX/S
That seriously looks like the poster for a Terry Gilliam film. If there was to be a movie made from this game I think he would make the perfect director. The Artful Escape is a musical platform game that leaves me thinking ....what?!?!? Check out the trailer below to see what I mean.
WarioWare: Get It Together!
Release Date: September 10th, 2021
Platforms: Switch
Wario is one of my most despised Nintendo characters. I think I like Waluigi more than him. I know he is supposed to be the evil twin of Mario so you are not "supposed" to like him but why make a party game with him. The poster above offends my eyeballs, the trailer below..well maybe it will appeal to someone but I don't see a fun game here...maybe if I was really drunk...maybe.