
Perfect Gamerscore: The Impossible 1000/1000

Achievements are a way of life for many X-Box 360 players.

Interview With Morgan Webb

E3 may have ended last week but the my E3 hangover still lingers. There's lots of info to process from the event that's still stuck in my head.

Text Based Adventures: Before the Graphics

Before the graphics, there was the word, and everyone knows words have power. Except in gaming, where graphics have all the power.

Will 360 Warranty Extension Come at the Expense of a Price Drop?

With news today of Microsoft's admission of widespread defects

Video Game Legislation in New York

The New York Senate just passed a new bill that will make retailers guilty of a class E felony, punishable by jail and fines if they sell an underage person a video game rated M or AO.

Sony Blog Attacks Major Nelson, Look Stupid

You’d think Sony would get “it”.

EDITORIAL: Keep It Fun, Stupid

For years, I’ve had to deal with a certain mentality from developers that just drives me up the wall. It prevails mostly in Europe, the land of Psygnosis and other sadistic developers.

A Gamer’s Bill of Rights

The video game industry is growing fast. It is a multi-billion dollar a year industry that is quickly becoming as common and acceptable as any other hobby, activity, or obsession.

Childhood Gaming: What Games Would You Like Re-Made?

Many of us older gamers grew up in a time when video games were 8-bits in size. Heck, many of us grew up when video games were just circuit boards with fancy wood siding.

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