What level and how far are you?

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Sat, 06/09/2012 - 18:48
Banshee3's picture
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fast fire chains descrator plagued.  


the blue and yellow mobs in inferno are near impossible for me. Lack of killing speed is sad.

Sat, 06/09/2012 - 21:42 (Reply to #62)
TANK's picture
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Banshee3 wrote:

fast fire chains descrator plagued.  


the blue and yellow mobs in inferno are near impossible for me. Lack of killing speed is sad.


Ya the Elite mobs are bullshit on Inferno, they're bad in hell but taken to a whole other level on inferno.  They'll spawn minions that are immune to EVERYTHING , then wall you in so you can't retreat.  Or they pull you into them with some invisibile teleport power and gang rape you.  I especially love when they lob endless fireballs so yo ucan't fight at range but then they spawn the immortal minions around them so you can't fight up close either.  What kind of bullshit is that?!

So may times already on Inferno i've just had to say fuck this cave/dungeon and leave becasue you can't get past the mob with elite backup.

I really love it when the mob is right up to the doorway you spawn in and whe you retreat there's a mob in teh previous area waiting for you at that door.  That's when you hit ESC and click Leave Game.


I'm not finding Inferno fun or challenging, i'm just finding it straight up bullshit.  I'm up to about the 6th missions in Act 1 and I just ahppened to get into a game with 3 wizards and was able to progress that far with them.

Sat, 06/09/2012 - 18:55
TheBarefootJedi's picture
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Woohoo! update to where I am, just finished normal (finally) a couple nights ago and now have been farming the crap out of the Cavern of Frost looking for that damn Gibbering Gemstone. That thing does actually exist right? Beginning to wonder if all the posts of people who have gotten it is just one giant conspiracy joke to drive people like me insane, lol.

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 09:51 (Reply to #64)
cmandingo's picture
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TheBarefootJedi wrote:

Woohoo! update to where I am, just finished normal (finally) a couple nights ago and now have been farming the crap out of the Cavern of Frost looking for that damn Gibbering Gemstone. That thing does actually exist right? Beginning to wonder if all the posts of people who have gotten it is just one giant conspiracy joke to drive people like me insane, lol.

I got that one first try. Took me 15 or so tries for the shinbone though. If you want to do some whimsyshire runs on NM, I'm usually up for it when I'm on.
Sun, 06/10/2012 - 18:50
Banshee3's picture
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I find act 1 challenging. I tried act 2 and couldnt get out of town.

Sun, 06/10/2012 - 20:45
Shadow's picture
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sheesh TANK, looks like in my weekend away you really passed me by :)

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 12:35
Banshee3's picture
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I updated to the Hell staff on the weekend. Hell ponies are not that much tougher (save champs) and the level drops better stuff. However I can full on run MF gear in NM ponies.  Did that a lot on Saturday and got 3 orange drops in the process. All garbage. 

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 13:02
Shadow's picture
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finished Hell a bit ago.  Diablo wasn't all that bad, even two player.  Was getting MASS loot with 5 stacks in A4.

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 13:17
TANK's picture
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.  Did that a lot on Saturday and got 3 orange drops in the process. All garbage.


I find most drops are just that, garbage.  Level 60, Act 1, Quest 10 Inferno and i'm getting Yellows dropping with like 160 damage and shit like that.  Seriously ?!  WTF.  Blues I sell automatically without even looking at them unless it's a weapon.  I've been on the lookout for a 900+ dmg 1h weapon but haven't found one so I've sold all those too.



Mon, 06/11/2012 - 18:28
TANK's picture
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I just watched an Inferno WD take out Belile solo and am inspired.  I didn't know i could take multiple spells from the same spell grouping and map them to one of the six default buttons.  I've been pretty limited with what I can pull off only being able to use one #3 and one #4 group spell, but shit... i didn't know you could take two #4 group spells and map one to button 3 and one to button 4.  That changes EVERYTHING!



Mon, 06/11/2012 - 21:19 (Reply to #71)
Raider30's picture
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TANK wrote:

 i didn't know you could take two #4 group spells and map one to button 3 and one to button 4.  That changes EVERYTHING!


Wait...what??? Seriously?  Am I understanding you to say I can take 2(or more?) spells from the section 1 grouping and screw the rest if I wanted to?  

If that is true it actually changes my whole opinion on the game(which wasn't a bad one to begin with but it certainly leaves a whole lot more room for customization.

I am stunned.


 - Raider30

Tue, 06/12/2012 - 03:36 (Reply to #72)
Custom_45's picture
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I probably should have posted that earlier.  Options game options elective mode.  This allows you to map the spells of your choosing where you want them for the most part hoeever there are some exceptions.

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 19:30
Banshee3's picture
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elective mode tank!!!

Tue, 06/12/2012 - 10:09
TANK's picture
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Using Elective Mode, I was able to drastically change up my WD last night.    I was using two Group 4 spells and two Group 2 spells basically almost turning zombie bears into a spammable power.   Ran some Butcher runs and felt like i could hold my own against Elite mobs.  Problem is when I run out of mana.... i'm totally fucked.  Still tinkering wth it, might need some gear with high mana regen stats or +mana, sitting on 888 mana right now, would love to get that over a hundred.

Tue, 06/12/2012 - 16:49 (Reply to #75)
Custom_45's picture
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In my opinion (as I have an arcane bubble that mirrors your mana bubble) you need to use witchdoctor specific items to maximize your mana regen as well as balance our other stats.  Ceremonial knives, the shrunken heads and I found a WD specific helm you might want.  All of these add mana regen about 90% of the time and are definitely worth looking into.

Wed, 06/13/2012 - 13:13 (Reply to #76)
TANK's picture
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Gear i'm most lookign for right now have +mana regen or +mana  or +crititcal hit change or +critical hit damage.  I think that's where I need to focus now sinc ethey messed with the +attack speed effects to nerf that. 


But i'm still rolling with a shield.  I'm not sure how much armor othe rclasses have but i'm around 4500 armor, 1100 of that is within my sheild.


I'm rollling with your helmet but I really felt the effects of the loss of +5000 health from globes.  I went shopping for a belt that gave me +health from globes and + critical hit chance.  Overally i'm down 3000 health from globes but I still get some boost.

Thu, 06/14/2012 - 01:31 (Reply to #77)
Custom_45's picture
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The only class I would say that should even remotely rely on HP globes is the barbarian since they a skill which has a 25% chance to generate them and also has a 100% greater effect from them.  Every other class should rely on their arsenal, i know hp globes are nice but I would not count on them being there.

Thu, 06/14/2012 - 10:32 (Reply to #78)
TANK's picture
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Custom_45 wrote:

The only class I would say that should even remotely rely on HP globes is the barbarian since they a skill which has a 25% chance to generate them and also has a 100% greater effect from them.  Every other class should rely on their arsenal, i know hp globes are nice but I would not count on them being there.


I have similar spells that when someone dies there's a %chance they drop a globe.  I'm not using any of that stuff though, those spells don't play well on Inferno.

Thu, 06/14/2012 - 15:49 (Reply to #79)
Custom_45's picture
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I would hope no barbs are depending on their skill for it either as they are unpredictable and there are much more viable options for survival in inferno.

Sat, 06/16/2012 - 22:37
cmandingo's picture
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So, how high are the resists for you guys running inferno? I am at 280+ on everything with 50% or so on damage reduction and dodge. I have about 50k health and do about 15k damage right now. 

Mon, 06/18/2012 - 11:32 (Reply to #81)
TANK's picture
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cmandingo wrote:

So, how high are the resists for you guys running inferno? I am at 280+ on everything with 50% or so on damage reduction and dodge. I have about 50k health and do about 15k damage right now. 


I had made an investment in resistances for inferno but I never really found it to be that useful.  I think the stuff does so much damage that unless you get it into the thousands, it's not a worthwhile investment.  That's just my feeling on the matter.


On the other hand, I switched out my shield for a mojo so i lost 1100 armor and i'm feeling it big time, dropped from like 4900 armor to 3500 armor (i know the math doesn't add up, must have been getting an armor boost from something).  But that makes a shit ton of difference.  Now i'm trying to figure out how I can make up that armor loss in other pieces of my gear without disrupting my balance too much.


On a different topic, i found this awesome witch doctor weapon... 19% attack speed, 8.5% critical hit bump, 81% critical hit damage bump, +100 mana and +11 mana recharge rate which bumps to +33 when I have 4 powers on cool down.  It's a freak'in awesome knife..... the problem?  612damage.  I wish i could turn that 6 into a 9.  I haven't found another weapon with anything close to these bumps in anything that's realistically affordable.  So i'm trying to make the most of it by getting the highest intelli i can get on everything plus sockets for yellow gems and looking for stuff with either + critical hit percentage or + critical hit damage.  I'm up to 17k dps right now, whcih compared to other classes is weak but for a whitch doctor it's pretty respectible. 



Mon, 06/18/2012 - 20:57 (Reply to #82)
Custom_45's picture
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Investing in resists for inferno is a class by class basis.  For wiz, WD, and DH it is not worthwhile.  Barb and monk however need to shoot for 800+.  This number seems high and yes you will sacrifice some offensive capability but look at it this way your not doing damage if your dead.

Wed, 06/20/2012 - 10:57 (Reply to #83)
Shadow's picture
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cmandingo wrote:

So, how high are the resists for you guys running inferno? I am at 280+ on everything with 50% or so on damage reduction and dodge. I have about 50k health and do about 15k damage right now. 


DH.  My resists are not good, hovering around 100.  But I have about 900 Life on Hit and 30K damage, 40K health.

Tue, 06/19/2012 - 10:36
TANK's picture
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I spent a wad of gold on new armor pieces over the past couple days, almost have my armor rating back to what it was before i got rid of my shield.  Gotten some vitality and intelligence buffs along the way, i'm a hair shy of 19k dps now.   I need armor thought because i run head on into elite mobs, hit my Voodoo which gives everyone a 30% damage bump plus attack and movement speed ups, and then i hit my mini-me's which erupt from the ground doing 280% damage each to any enemy in the vacinity plus they fight and act like cannon fodder for 20 seconds.  So I need the armor to get into the mob and get outta the mob and still be able to fight afterwards.  It was working a lot better last night as my armor steadily increased .

Tue, 06/19/2012 - 16:01
TANK's picture
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Curious how much peoples DPS dropped post 1.03 because their builds relied heavily on IAS.  Mine didn't so I'm the same now as I was but i've read about people loosing 10-20k dps post 1.03.



Wed, 06/20/2012 - 11:23
Banshee3's picture
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last night I logged in and lost 4K dps.  So I went from

dmg: 16500

life: 18900

armor: 4300

resists all: 240



I died a lot last night and got me thinking I needed some gear updates. I bought a few pieces this morning. and I think I'm back at 

dmg: 16k

life: 26k

armor: 5200

resists: 280

Wed, 06/20/2012 - 12:07
TANK's picture
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Some good upgrades, I dunno how I'll be able to afford any more gear now that my gold earnings have been cut by 1/3rd.

Resists i don't think matter unless you can get them to 1k or so.   Your amor is pretty good though I think.  I was at 4900 then dropped to 3500 when i switched my shield to a mojo and i felt that difference .  I'm back up to bout 4500 armor by upgrading my helm, chest pants and boots.  Still need to up my bracers, gloves and belt.


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