What does everyone think so far???

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#1 Thu, 03/21/2013 - 14:03
jwbeck's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 11/08/2007 - 23:00

What does everyone think so far???

Everyone I've talked to seems to have a opinion..... I'm just wondering what everyone thinks so far???

Thu, 03/21/2013 - 20:19
cs7499alco's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 02/14/2007 - 23:00

I wish there were a few more maps but I think the map layouts are great. there are enough close quarters to keep the gnasher in play and the sawed off does not seem to have a spread as wide as the screen. the multi level maps are better design than gears 3 allowing for attacks with you default weapon and at different points in the maps instead of the edges.. I'm not crazy over the constant supply of nades but since the cant be planted or tagged to you, it works well. I need to try other game types other than domination but so far I have a better feeling about the game than I did before release.

Fri, 03/22/2013 - 03:36
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Joined: 01/30/2009 - 23:00

The grenades CAN be tagged to you, either by being thrown at you or holding LB and tapping B near a guy. It's not Gears, it doesn't play like Gears, but for some people that's a good thing. The skill gap is basically eliminated. Not good at gnasher battles? You don't even have to have a gnasher anymore, just spray and pray with your favorite rifle. No more needing to stay near teammates to revive them or help get the kill on a guy since you can't go down anymore. And no more need to keep control of the power weapons since with 50 lives, 3 kills on a boomshot really doesn't matter much.

Basically, if you were completely horrible at the other Gears games then this is the game for you. You can play it exactly like CoD and do just fine with it.

Mon, 03/25/2013 - 11:01
jwbeck's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 11/08/2007 - 23:00

I've read all the reviews and some of the negatives I agree with but overall I'm having a blast with Judgement.....and I haven't even played the campaign.  The only two bitches I have are the lack of maps and COG vs COG.  They should have had at least 8 maps and I don't understand why it would be such a big deal to have the locust in multiplayer.

Game Types:

Overrun is fun but can get a little boring after a while.  I like going and playing a game of Overrun if multiplayer isn't going so hot. 

Survival: Haven't played it but from what I've been told most people would prefer Horde

Domination:  By far my favorite multiplayer mode.  Constant action and always a battle going on somewhere.  For some people maybe a bit too much action.  If you like to sit back and camp areas and are only worried about K/D "This is not the game mode for you"  If you want non-stop action and always a fight going on then you will enjoy Domination. 

TDM:  I don't mind this gametype but with the maps as large as they are this can turn into a snooze fest.  I understand that holding down a power weapon or a shield is a tactical move but sometimes this happens for the entire game.  If they made TDM 8 versus 8 I think it would be perfect.  I just don't enjoy TDM as much as Domination right now.  On a side note I'm extremely excited about execution coming back in April.

Some people have complained about the gnasher.  This is by far the most consistent the gnasher has ever felt in any of the Gears games to date. (IMO)


Tue, 03/26/2013 - 04:13 (Reply to #4)
KamakazeTaco's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
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jwbeck wrote:

TDM:  I don't mind this gametype but with the maps as large as they are this can turn into a snooze fest.  I understand that holding down a power weapon or a shield is a tactical move but sometimes this happens for the entire game.  If they made TDM 8 versus 8 I think it would be perfect.

I think you're on to something here. They could do that, get rid of that pesky cover system and perhaps something could be done with that helicopter on Rig with the gun on it. Maybe if you get enough kills you can bring one around to shoot the other team for you.

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 13:57 (Reply to #5)
CMETILT's picture
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jwbeck wrote:

 COG vs COG. 



I can't stand this part of the game.  It's not Gears without the COG vs. Locust in MP.  It's more like COD. 

Thu, 04/11/2013 - 11:48
jwbeck's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 11/08/2007 - 23:00

I figured since the game has been out for a month or so I would re-visit this subject and post my updated review/opinions:

Overall I'm still enjoying the game.  My biggest complaint is that TDM/Dom/EXE get very repetitive after about 45 minutes of play.  Every other gears game I could put in a couple of hours of play and still not be bored with the game.  With Judgement after about 45 minutes I'm ready to do something else (Survival, overrun, Tiger woods golf :))  I think if they had 3-4 additional maps this would change my opinion.

Epic has to consolidate the matchmaking play lists.  Currently if you want to play real players you are limited to only a couple of game types with a decent population.  They should just get rid of ranked all together, and having a VIP playlist along with a DLC playlist is simply stupid!!!!!

I'm still not happy about having COG vs COG but I'm kind of getting used to it so not a deal killer in my book.  I would still like it changed to COG vs Locust for the record!!!!

I'm still loving the verticality of Judgement.  This brings a new element to Gears and I like it bunch!!!!

PCF did listen to the community as far as the two-piece being nerfed or it feels like they reduced the stun time and maybe the radius from which you could two-piece this has helped.

I wish they would just get rid of the stim-nades.  Getting into a one on one fight just to have the opposing player drop a stim nade is stupid in my opinion and ruins the head to head combat that makes Gears a great game.  Hell I ran into a team last night that would drop multiple stims.  I would back off after they dropped the first stim and wait until either the player rushed away from it or it was done being effective only to have that player drop another stim-nade.  Made for a very frustrating game needless to say.  It might be okay if it was limited or reduced just a touch but for someone to be able to survive multiple frags and a flamethrower while sitting in a stim-nade is pretty ridiculous IMO.

I'm still enjoying the game.  I just wish they would give the Gears community a little more to make me feel like I paid $80.00 for a new game and not just an expansion pack!!!!!!

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