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#1 Thu, 10/20/2011 - 09:28
POWERROB_3000's picture
Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 03/05/2009 - 23:00

Time to share

Ok well halloween is almost upon us,  thought it might be fun to share some scary moments, etc... from your child hood halloweens.


Around my house as a kid we capped off halloween with watching horrer flicks.   These few scared the living shit out of me  as a kid.


The Thing

Salems Lot ( the part with the brother floating outside the window..Frown )


Nightmare on Elm Street





I have alot of them but  I will just share one for now


When I was about six or so there was a case where someone got effed up by a razorblade in a zero candy bar,   so of course there was the big freak out about check your candy,  my parents decided best bet was to have my dad smash each piece of our candy with a hammer,  4 kids I guess he figured  this was a time saver,   nothing quite as yummy as a tootsie roll flattened out to the size of a silver dollar...Smile


Anyway me being the little scamp I was decided it would be fun to put one of those dracula capsules in my mouth,  you know the ones that turn your saliva to a gooey bloody mess,     So I pop this thing in my mouth, followed by  a big bite of a snickers  then proceed to drool blood and writh around on the floor  screaming.    I assure you my performance was worthy of an oscar,   my parents  however after I revealed that I was not mutilated internally  failed to see the humor  in my  stellar role  and decided  motivation by leather strap  would be a good diversion for me to no longer seek a career as an horror film actor..Cry

Thu, 10/20/2011 - 13:13
buckeye75's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
Joined: 02/22/2008 - 23:00

I have to say, that must have been horrifying for your parents.



The only notable thing that ever happened to me during Halloween was when I was a junior in high school.  A group of us were walking down the road to get to a party.  A car came speeding by and someone in the car threw a pumpkin out the window that hit me square in the back.


I grew up in a small town so I knew who's car it was and I knew who all was in the car.  When we got to the party, I saw the car in the driveway.  As I walked in the house I saw a kid telling the story of the time when he threw a pumpkin out the window of a moving car at a group of people.  As I walked up I said "hey", as he turned I let go of a right cross that sent him onto his back.  But not before making a very short pitstop at the corner of a coffee table.  He got several stiches and a broken nose.



The moral of the story is this:  If you have a Halloween party, move the coffe table into the garage.

Thu, 10/20/2011 - 14:08 (Reply to #2)
POWERROB_3000's picture
Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 03/05/2009 - 23:00

I think my mom had about 20 grey hairs pop out right after that...lol,      I pulled alot of pranks in my day  but that one was definately top 3   on the poor taste meter.     My mom still to this day doesnt see the humor in that one. 




Another favorite  was one my uncle helped me with,  we took a butcher knife  and used the bench grinder to carve out enough of the metal in the middle  that is would fit across my forearm,  basically looking like the knife was halfway embedded in my arm.   add a quart of used trasmission fluid mixed with cornstarch for thickness  and presto   instant  knife accident of horrible proportions.  Got my ass beat pretty good for that one too..Laughing    oh yeah and my mom didnt speak to my uncle for about a month and half.

Thu, 10/20/2011 - 14:43
JPNor's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 11/16/2006 - 23:00

When I was 9 or 10, my sister and I were at an October family gathering at a relative's house. We decided to play a prank on a distant relative, a woman we didn't know that well. My sister set up a bunch of stuffed animals on a bed and I hid under the bed. My sister (2 years younger than me) brought the relative to the bedroom to show her the stuffed animals. When the woman got to the foot of the bed I grabbed her ankle. She didn't scream like we were hoping - she gasped loudly, instinctually pulled back her foot and stomped on my hand as hard as she could. This, of course, sent me into a crying fit and caused all the other relatives to come running upstairs. The relative was completely mortified.

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