Nice to meet ya people!
Nice to meet ya people!
Teodor here...31 and still kicking monsters.
Always is a pleasure to see people like me...gamers for life!
Many of my friends can't understand why I still play games, its a waste of time for them, but the truth is thay don't know what missing. :D Still every man do what please him and playing games..(old, new) is one of that things for me....probably child in me will never die.
I like mostly RPG games, with open world if posible like......Ghotic 1,2. Baldar's gate, Risen 1, ELder scroll, Fallout, Vamprie the Masquerade, Final Fantasy, Star Wars - Old republic and many, many more. I played a lot of games and don't mind to share experiance.
I like and Quests a lot! Syberia1,2, The Curse of Monkey Island all series.. The Longest Journy...and other which don't remember now.
I like to play in party and co-op alot, becouse there is real pleasure of gaming. ;) Really hope to find buddies here.
Welcome to 2Old2Play!
Welcome o kicker momster arse. Feel free to ad me on Xob1 mate
Hi Teodor! I'm new on this site myself, but a few of us have been enjoying Neverwinter on Xbox. You might like it. Then there's Xbox Elder Scrolls Online on the horizon... It sounds like several of us will kick the tires on that when it comes out as well.
Ummm...the monstar mash is a grave yard smash...
How long did it take to catch on?
Welcome. I'm a fan of RPG/MMOs myself when I'm not sim-racing. I dabble a bit in Guild Wars 2, WoW, and Diablo 3 among others.
Ok guys, how much of you play on steam or old dos like games from 90's and and go on...
Most of you play on xbox or playstation, but pc?
I got xbox 360 of my own but can't buy 12 month card, so i play on pc now.
I'm mostly on PC now. On Steam a little, but not a ton. Usually Borderlands2, Kerbal Space Program, Tropico and a couple others when I am.