Just joined
Tue, 09/03/2013 - 21:25
Just joined
I just found the site while looking for a club for Forza 4. I'm Sig, 43, and live in Ohio. I've been gaming all my life, and always loved driving sims. I've played the Forza series since the first on the original Xbox. I love Race07 on the PC, as well as all the older Simbin titles. I think the original Indianapolis 500 sim from Papyrus is what really got me hooked on realistic racing games. I also enjoy RPG's and wargames when I have the time. I have always spent most of my time in single player, but reading about 2old4forza got me thinking this might be a good place to branch out more into multiplayer racing. Gamertag and Steam profile id are both Sigwolf.
Welcome to the site. One of the admins will get you access to the 2old4forza division soon. Once you get access, be sure to check out the racing subforum to see when scheduled races are taking place.
Welcome to the garage! Online racing and general hooning are where it's at!
Welcome bro. I just added you to 2Old4Forza. Ghost can get you an invite to the club in game. Let us know if you need anything.
We've also got some PC racers here at 2old2race..gif)