The new guy
Mon, 02/22/2016 - 12:42
The new guy
Hi folks,
My name is Ben (or Benni or Benjamin), I am from Germany, 30 years old and I game on Xbox One. GT is TyrStyleDone.
I am mostly playing Forza Motorsport 6 and I am looking for some clean racers to make MP fun again. I normally play manual w/ clutch, TCS only (depending on the car: everything off) and with standard steering.
Apart from that I also enjoy shooters and I am looking forward to play some The Division! Halo 5 and Titanfall are also games I might come back to but I am merely an average shooter guy.
Feel free to add me on XBL and maybe I see some of you guys online :)
Welcome to 2old2play!
Welcome Ben
Hi Ben, and welcome! I'll be giving the Division a try myself when it launches. My GT is Krak64.
I am newer than you...but welcome!
Greg Beck
xbox gamertag: dragon0520#6085
Welcome to the nuthouse!