Kings Fall HM - Saturday December 17 LFM

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#1 Sat, 12/17/2016 - 10:37
KalSC's picture
Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
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Kings Fall HM - Saturday December 17 LFM

Hey guys.  I had a fireteam who was planning to go into Kings Fall HM to do the Golgy challenge tonight to get the challenge emblem.  I have two people who are now iffy if they can join us tonight.  So our team will likely need at least 1, but probably 2 more.  If anyone is available and interested  in bringing those old KF bosses to their knees with our higher light levels, please let me know either on here or send me a message on xbox. 

Current start time is around 8pm eastern or whenever we can get 6.

Sun, 12/18/2016 - 00:42
KalSC's picture
Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
Joined: 06/04/2016 - 12:49
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Thanks to Deep for helping us get to Golgy.   I have an emblem I have really wanted for a long time.  

In case anyone is interested, hard mode KF still has a lot of mechanical challenges, but taking bosses out are super easy now.  The warpriest, Golgy, and daughters were melted quickly.  Even the ogres are easily melted even without a weapons bubble.

Sun, 12/18/2016 - 07:49
OldnAchy's picture
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I miss good old Golgy.

Sun, 12/18/2016 - 08:47 (Reply to #3)
KalSC's picture
Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
Joined: 06/04/2016 - 12:49
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It felt really good to go back into Kings Fall. But man were we a little rusty.  We quickly started to remember how to do things and managed our way through.  I may have to try to put together a team more often just so that we can keep that muscle memory alive. 

We did get really lucky at the totems though.  A lot of the team was dead just as the last bit of aura was deposited into the middle plate.  Just after I died we got the we were worthy message and it didn't wipe us.

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