ive been working on some things chat and company

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#1 Wed, 01/20/2016 - 15:38
sknnie's picture
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ive been working on some things chat and company

so ive been recruiting tryin to rebuild the halo community here and the company. ive noticed a few people have joined the company this week so it must be working.

Who ever is in charge of the company??? deep, Assasin, Smooth. keep an eye on the company. also i would add to the description talking about our weekly custom game nights. they have always been the most popular thing in our community with the biggest draw.

finally i have been trying to find away to keep everybody involved with communication during the custom nights since 343 failed to do it themselves. i have started a 2old2play chat channel on the app "discord" it is an app for your phone and also a website. it has an easy to use chat function that will alows us to communicate with everybody in the fireteam. plus it has  other functions to help us stay connected while we game or what not. best thing is that there is currently an app being developed for xbox which will allow us to use our xbox mics. if we get a jump on discord now then we will already be set up to use it when it releases on xbox.

you can find discord in your appstore or at http://discordapp.com

here is the invite code  to join the 2old2play channel https://discord.gg/0mICXKwUkEt7SwNF its only good for 24 hours so if it doesnt work then its because i havent posted a new one yet still trying to figure out how to make a permanent one

Wed, 01/20/2016 - 16:48
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Wouldn't the most practical thing to do is just wait for the XB1 app?

Wed, 01/20/2016 - 16:55 (Reply to #2)
sknnie's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Wouldn't the most practical thing to do is just wait for the XB1 app?

well who knows how long that will be and no lets get the ball rolling. stop being old and scared of something new.

Wed, 01/20/2016 - 17:00
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I got so many yeah buts, but I'll just let this play out from the bleachers.


Wed, 01/20/2016 - 17:08 (Reply to #4)
sknnie's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

I got so many yeah buts, but I'll just let this play out from the bleachers.


i dont k now what this means


Wed, 01/20/2016 - 17:31 (Reply to #5)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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sknnie wrote:


DEEP_NNN wrote:


I got so many yeah buts, but I'll just let this play out from the bleachers.




i dont k now what this means


Imagine me in the bleachers. Imagine me just watching how it goes.

Wed, 01/20/2016 - 18:44 (Reply to #6)
sknnie's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
Joined: 10/23/2010 - 23:00

DEEP_NNN wrote:


sknnie wrote:



DEEP_NNN wrote:


I got so many yeah buts, but I'll just let this play out from the bleachers.




i dont k now what this means



Imagine me in the bleachers. Imagine me just watching how it goes.


well your a pretty pivotal part in the custom game nights it would be nice if you got ur ass outta tha bleachers and out on the court. its gonna be hard enough to get all you old grumpy men to try something new. it will be easier if deep is doing too.

Wed, 01/20/2016 - 18:47
Assassin_45's picture
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     Yeah I been trying to get people into the company as well. About 10 new members in just a couple days. If anyone plays with these guys: LegendcalledJim, Smoothe212, Bcyclops, Eric 1138, Kenjamin MI, Livereatinratso, Medic113,  Vaht Vokuree maybe mention it to them. I have already sent them a message via XBL and sent invites to the company on Waypoint. So if interested they would just have to sign in on waypoint and accept the invite. Mention the company on gamenights whenever possible and explain to them about the armor set that can be unlocked.

     Not sure how the app thing would work. Am I talking to everyone through my phone? With my headset on?  Explain it more or I'll look at your links later to figure it out.

Wed, 01/20/2016 - 19:07 (Reply to #8)
sknnie's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
Joined: 10/23/2010 - 23:00

Assassin_45 wrote:

     Yeah I been trying to get people into the company as well. About 10 new members in just a couple days. If anyone plays with these guys: LegendcalledJim, Smoothe212, Bcyclops, Eric 1138, Kenjamin MI, Livereatinratso, Medic113,  Vaht Vokuree maybe mention it to them. I have already sent them a message via XBL and sent invites to the company on Waypoint. So if interested they would just have to sign in on waypoint and accept the invite. Mention the company on gamenights whenever possible and explain to them about the armor set that can be unlocked.

     Not sure how the app thing would work. Am I talking to everyone through my phone? With my headset on?  Explain it more or I'll look at your links later to figure it out.

you can do it how ever you want with or with a headset same with the computer or laptop mine has a built in mic connecting and disconnecting are really easy we would only be using it in the lobby the app has other functions as well that will make it easier to find games with other company members. the app will make having a 100 people in a company easier to maintain 

Thu, 01/21/2016 - 10:00
OldnAchy's picture
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Discord downloaded to laptop and channel joined.  I can see a potential issue though.  With a headset on, listening to laptop speakers might be problematic.  I can put the laptop nearby, but won't be gaming with it in my lap.  Texting will also be an issue for the same reason.  My laptop's internal mic is really good (I use it for walk thru videos) so hearing me should not be a problem.

I am hoping that the XBONE app will be available soon.  Running it there thru the headset and mic would solve the above issues.

More than willing to try this, even if I am an old fogie, but for it to work, all 202p'ers who want to play the site-wide customs would have to buy into this. 

Thu, 01/21/2016 - 13:34 (Reply to #10)
sknnie's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
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OldnAchy wrote:

Discord downloaded to laptop and channel joined.  I can see a potential issue though.  With a headset on, listening to laptop speakers might be problematic.  I can put the laptop nearby, but won't be gaming with it in my lap.  Texting will also be an issue for the same reason.  My laptop's internal mic is really good (I use it for walk thru videos) so hearing me should not be a problem.

I am hoping that the XBONE app will be available soon.  Running it there thru the headset and mic would solve the above issues.

More than willing to try this, even if I am an old fogie, but for it to work, all 202p'ers who want to play the site-wide customs would have to buy into this. 

And that is the major issue at this point getting people to even sign up on discord. I dont see the harm in trying. Ive used 2 nights in arow i use it on my phone and ive noticed it is best to use any headset with a mic otherwise u get echo and other backround noise. Using you phone or tablet ipod or whatever would be easier than a computer. I dont expect this to be an easy transition. People had a hard enough time using the ingame gamechat/partychat option. Another problem is most of the people we play with arent even showing up on 2old2play anymore so they dont even know what we r trying to do. I mean this whole thing could just go away if 343 would just fix lobby chat but they haven't and it doesnt sound like they are going to. Im trying to find away around it. If people dont want to even try to be apart of the solution. Then i guess we will just continue to be held hostage by the parameters that 343 and xbox have put in front of us
Thu, 01/21/2016 - 13:34
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Not pursuing any solution outside XB1. Too much headache if not too confusing.

Of course participation by others could change my mind.

Thu, 01/21/2016 - 14:19
DarthTabasco's picture
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How does Discord work with being able to hear the game sounds and do party chat? My Turtle Beach headset plugs into my adaptor on the controller - the headset can be used with my phone, but then how would I get game sound?

I don't necessarily have any major issue with trying something like this other than:

1) We should not be forced into using 3rd party apps, when 343 should just fix the game. How could this not be a priority?

2) I can't quit playing Witcher 3...lol

Thu, 01/21/2016 - 14:31
Duke12's picture
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Greatly appreciate your efforts to find a work-around. I know its not easy and requires some brainstorming. However, I'm going to opt out of this one as well: I know of at least one regular member who does not access this site, does not own a smartphone, and isn't planning to do so anytime soon. So even if some of us figured out how to use this method, the exclusion problem hasn't been solved.

Thu, 01/21/2016 - 15:37 (Reply to #14)
sknnie's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
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Duke12 wrote:

Greatly appreciate your efforts to find a work-around. I know its not easy and requires some brainstorming. However, I'm going to opt out of this one as well: I know of at least one regular member who does not access this site, does not own a smartphone, and isn't planning to do so anytime soon. So even if some of us figured out how to use this method, the exclusion problem hasn't been solved.

well like i said its eventually gonna be on xbox  and when it does we are going to use it if lobby chat hasnt been fixed yet so might as well sign up now and get acquainted with it

Thu, 01/21/2016 - 20:31 (Reply to #15)
Duke12's picture
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sknnie wrote:


might as well sign up now and get acquainted with it


Okay. Will do.

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