Halo 5 Short-term Review Thread

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#1 Wed, 12/02/2015 - 00:44
DCHaloJunkies's picture
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Halo 5 Short-term Review Thread

I think enough time’s gone by for some short-term reviews.  Here’s mine on the multiplayer aspect of the game.  Post yours too, good or bad.



The new core movement and combat abilities add a new dimension to the classic formula and it seems like almost every existing mechanic in the game has been thoughtfully expanded on and tuned.  The mechanical depth makes this the kind of game where players always feel like they have a chance no matter the situation.  There are more ways than ever to out-move, out-gun, and out-play opponents.

Combat is fun and satisfying.  The execution aspect of the game is challenging with greatly improved shooting and especially strafing mechanics.  A good selection of balanced and useful weapons round out the old utility weapon centered gameplay.



There’s a good variety of arena maps that range from 2-base symms to no-base asymms.  They’re nicely sized, have unique flows, and mesh with the gametypes and new mechanics.  There are already several maps I really like.

There are an impressive number of gametypes that could have real staying power.  Slayer is back to itself with timed weapon and item drops that promote player movement.  Strongholds is a nice upgrade over King of the Hill.  There are already 2 or 3 really good CTF gametypes.  It’d be nice to see one more pure objective game mode added eventually, but there's plenty of variety for now.



The streamlined selection of launch playlists emphasizes quality over quantity.  The strength of the core playlists helps offset the lack of doubles, objective, and other small but popular playlists from previous titles.  Team Arena is the meat and potatoes playlist and is a great mix of objective and slayer.  The intensity level of FFA is addictively insane…It just keeps building until the very last kill.  I’m very happy with the playlists so far and have yet to check out out half of them.

Minus a point for the matching system.  The ranks definitely need more time to settle, but lopsided teams and blowouts seem pretty common.  There's already speculation about changes and a rank reset, but you should be fine as long as you go in with a party.

The dedicated servers seem to be doing their job.  Lag is very rarely a problem.


OVERALL - 10/10

H5 MP is pretty much everything you could ask for in a modern console shooter and is an absolute must-play for all console FPS fans.  It’s fast, fun, and addictive thanks to a top-down mechanics overhaul and a variety of impressively polished out of the box maps and gametypes.  So far it’s classic Halo at its best and with developer support it'll only get better.

Wed, 12/02/2015 - 10:08
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Agree for the most part.  The one gameplay issue they really need to address is the terrible, terrible, and by terrible I mean shitty, spawns.  Especially in btb and especially on Deadlock/Standoff.  If one of your teammates happens to cross into the enemy's spawn zone, they will switch, no matter if you're at camo spawn.  They'll spawn right behind you and it will piss you off, or me at least.  They really need to prioritize base spawning and de-prioritize teammate spawning, because the latter can actually spawn you into gunfire.  Sad day when I realize I would rather be spawn trapped and killed than having wonky spawns ruin map control.  Aside from that, great game!  yes

Wed, 12/02/2015 - 11:32
sknnie's picture
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Future Farmers of America is all i ever see when people use that acronym 

Thu, 12/03/2015 - 09:41
FreeRadikal's picture
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Plasma rifle is my new favorite weapon!
Thu, 12/03/2015 - 10:14 (Reply to #4)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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FreeRadikal wrote:
Plasma rifle is my new favorite weapon!
Do you mean the plasma caster or storm rifle? There's no plasma rifle in H5. The former is great for Warzone Assault, as it takes care of campers just inside the door, yet out of reach from grenades. The latter has the quickest kill time of the AR weapons but overheats quickly.
Thu, 12/03/2015 - 11:36
FreeRadikal's picture
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Your face is a plasma rifle but you've got the body of a cheetah.
Thu, 12/03/2015 - 11:37
FreeRadikal's picture
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Meow! Storm rifle.
Mon, 12/07/2015 - 11:47
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Said it before, but this is the best Halo game since the H2 and 3 days and its on par with them, at worst.

Mon, 12/07/2015 - 12:29
Minotaur's picture
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Both ODST and Reach gave us FireFight. Halo 4 gave use Spartan OPS. So many fun hours were spent doing those solo or with friends. It seems that after spending so much time, money and effort on MCC, 343/MS cheaped out when compared to what they offered with games of the past. 

I got H5 on launch day. Halo 5 has campaign and MM. If you don't love MM, the campaign quickly wears thin. The lobby issues kept me away from MM. Need to give it a another go, cuz I like the crucible in Destiny. I like the idea of dedicated servers, and the one H5 coop campaign session (full run on Heroic) I've been in worked fine with XBL party chat. 

Mon, 12/07/2015 - 13:52
FreeRadikal's picture
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SR54 so far and I just can't get enough!
Mon, 12/07/2015 - 16:05 (Reply to #10)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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FreeRadikal wrote:
SR54 so far and I just can't get enough!
I think I might be SR1. I don't even know. :(

Mon, 12/07/2015 - 17:08 (Reply to #11)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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FreeRadikal wrote:
SR54 so far and I just can't get enough!
65 and I've been plating nothing but Fallout for the last week! Pick it up Free!
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 07:29
OldnAchy's picture
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Isn't there going to be a reset soon?

Tue, 12/08/2015 - 08:15
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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For your skill ranks (bronze, gold, silver, diamond, etc) not your Spartan Rank, which is more based on how much you play.
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 09:15
FreeRadikal's picture
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Ranked seasons just like H4.
Tue, 12/08/2015 - 14:53
sknnie's picture
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even though i have made the adjustment i still cant stand the aiming controls. i know that they are addressing it in the next update so im excited to see how that helps, but the way it is now has definitely effected the way i play. i also dont understand why the standard for controllers still has 4 buttons on the top. all those usefull fingers going to waste under the controller. the new controller that came out i just cant bring myself to dish out that kinda money for it. ill sooner open up the one i have and move the damn buttons myself.


i remember reading about the xbox and thinking it sounds awesome but it wont have gta2. so i was walking into gamestop to buy a ps2. inside was kiosk with halo ce and i played until they were ready to close and even though xbox didnt come out for a few months i put my money on the xbox. ce was so much fun but i was never apart of LAN parties and never really played the mp part of the game. halo2 is by far my fav. it was the pioneer of online gaming for consoles. xbox live had been out for a couple of years but everything pretty much sucked online till h2 came out. add in all the glitches and a fun game that brought me back together with friends that now lived all over the country. i dont think any halo will ever live up to h2. h3 was good but i actually like reach better. there was a time when all my friends disappeared because of reach and i almost stopped playing myself even though i liked it. thats when i found 2old2play. the more i played reach the more i liked it and playing with 2old2play community was a blast. what really stood out in reach was the forge community. never before did i play custom games until reach. Thursday nights were just as fun as any day on halo2 so i have to put reach ahead h3 just because it brought somthing new to the table that was a blast.

so far i like h5 outside of the controls and a broken lobby chat. im even starting to appreciate how the game wasn't finished.instead of being bombarded with a full game ive been able to pour time into little bits at a time. i actually finished the campaign. pretty sure i never did on h4. i dont like campaigns. got alot of warzone in and arena games. then bigteam and new reqs made it fresh. then they drop a 72 hour req pack that i really went after and earned. now forge is about to drop. the game has been keeping me excited and ive been having fun. 


Thu, 12/10/2015 - 09:26
OldnAchy's picture
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Didn't want to create a new thread for this:


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