Seems like clans will be restricted to 100, groups can be bigger but will not be supported on Bungie's mobile app and won't have same capabilities.Don't know why they couldn't have made it a hierarchical structure.
Currently one can belong to multiple groups but only one clan. Wonder how Bungie will handle migrating groups to new D2 clans? Or will they migrate group to group and clan to clan separately?
My guess, based on the default changes mentioned in one of those links, I would GUESS that 2old2play will be converted to a Group, new clan(s) will need to be created and people will need to join one again. The question is whether we should have our own limited clan or join a larger one that would allow a bigger mix of targets. The one clan per person is a serious limitation in my opinion, especially for multiple game players (Forza, Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty, etc.).
Would help if you can belong to multiple and select which one is active when playing.
To clan leaders -- I have been a member of the group for awhile now, but just sent in a request to join the clan.
GT: Old n Achy
Never mind! Default search is for this week only! No problem now. Just requested (finally) to join.
The 2old2play Community is there
Clan 2old2pwn is there
as is ARTofWAR 2old2play
"I cannot find The "2old2play Community" or "2o2p" or any other combo on Bungie for group/clan"
While I see 105 clanmates I'm pretty sure Bungie said clans are locked at 100.
Seems like the clan discussion should be consolidated here.
Seems like clans will be restricted to 100, groups can be bigger but will not be supported on Bungie's mobile app and won't have same capabilities.Don't know why they couldn't have made it a hierarchical structure.
Currently one can belong to multiple groups but only one clan. Wonder how Bungie will handle migrating groups to new D2 clans? Or will they migrate group to group and clan to clan separately?
My guess, based on the default changes mentioned in one of those links, I would GUESS that 2old2play will be converted to a Group, new clan(s) will need to be created and people will need to join one again. The question is whether we should have our own limited clan or join a larger one that would allow a bigger mix of targets. The one clan per person is a serious limitation in my opinion, especially for multiple game players (Forza, Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty, etc.).
Would help if you can belong to multiple and select which one is active when playing.
Any further news on the new clan system?