FIRST! Oh and CEA Achievements!!

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#1 Sat, 10/15/2011 - 09:57
jonny12gauge's picture
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FIRST! Oh and CEA Achievements!!

First post for the Halo fourm.  Woot!


And on that note, check out the new cheevos for Halo CEA


***Warning*** Semi-mini-sort-of-spolier-alert

Looks like there are going to be some really fun ones!




Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Achievements


If you’re skittish about spoiling an experience ten years in the making, we recommend avoiding everything below this sentence. You have been warned!


There’s something indescribably satisfying about unlocking Xbox 360 achievements. Perhaps it’s the customary bleep bloop you hear as the notification pops up on your screen. Or maybe it’s the undeniable feeling of satisfaction gained after reaching each specific goal. Regardless, because of their delightfully addictive nature, we wanted to share the achievements you can look forward to unlocking when playing Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary.


In addition to the type of achievements that are standard across all Halo titles, we took the opportunity to create several level-specific achievements. This specific batch was born out of community meta experiences spanning the decade since Halo: CE launched in 2001. For example, you can now get an achievement if you complete The Library on Legendary in 30 minutes or less. No small feat but if you pull it off, you will then gain a monument to all your sins. I mean, a virtual monument for surviving the experience.


So, read up and start planning your first playthrough! And perhaps your second, third, and fourth as well.


Campaign Completion Achievement List


Pillar of Autumn


Complete the level “Pillar of Autumn” on any difficulty.


25 points




Complete the level “Halo” on any difficulty.


25 points


Truth and Reconciliation


Complete the level “Truth and Reconciliation” on any difficulty.


25 points


The Silent Cartographer


Complete the level “The Silent Cartographer” on any difficulty.


25 points


Assault on the Control Room


Complete the level “Assault on the Control Room” on any difficulty.


25 points


343 Guilty Spark


Complete the level “343 Guilty Spark” on any difficulty.


25 points


The Library


Complete the level “The Library” on any difficulty.


25 points


Two Betrayals


Complete the level “Two Betrayals” on any difficulty.


25 points




Complete the level “Keyes” on any difficulty.


25 points


The Maw


Complete the level “The Maw” on any difficulty.


25 points


Birth of a Spartan


Complete every level of the game on Normal difficulty.


10 points


Believe in a Hero


Complete every level of the game on Heroic difficulty.


20 points


Living Legend


Complete every level of the game on Legendary difficulty.


50 points


Standard Operating Brocedure


Complete any level on Normal difficulty cooperatively.


10 points




Complete any level on Heroic difficulty cooperatively.


20 points


Bro Hammer


Complete any level on Legendary difficulty cooperatively.


50 points


He’s Unstoppable!


Complete any level on Heroic difficulty or higher without taking health damage.


20 points



Level-Specific Achievement List


Overshields are for Sissies


Complete the level “Pillar of Autumn” on Legendary without picking up an Overshield.


10 points


Walk it Off


Complete the level “Pillar of Autumn” on Legendary without picking up a health kit.


25 points


No-Fly Zone


Destroy three Banshees in the level “Halo” on any difficulty.


10 points


How Pedestrian


Complete the level “Halo” on any difficulty without entering a vehicle.


25 points


All According to Plan…


Kill all the enemies in the first encounter of the level “Truth and Reconciliation” without being detected.


10 points


Close Quarters Combat


Complete the level “Truth and Reconciliation” with at least four rounds left in your Sniper Rifle.


25 points




Storm the Beach on the level “The Silent Cartographer” without losing any marines on Heroic difficulty or above.


10 points




After activating the map in the level “The Silent Cartographer,” complete the rest of your mission without firing a shot on Heroic difficulty or above.


25 points


Wraith Hunter


Destroy four Wraith tanks in the level “Assault on the Control Room.”


10 points


I’ll Be Taking That!


Pilot a Banshee on the level “Assault on the Control Room.”


25 points


This One’s for Jenkins!


Kill 50 Flood Combat Forms on the level “343 Guilty Spark” on Heroic difficulty or higher.


10 points


Breaking Quarantine


Escape the Forerunner facility on the level “343 Guilty Spark” in 21 minutes.


25 points


That Just Happened


Complete the level “The Library” on Heroic difficulty or higher without dying.


10 points


Speed Reader


Complete the level “The Library” on Legendary difficulty in 30 minutes or less.


25 points


Look Out for the Little Guys


Complete the level “Two Betrayals” on Heroic difficulty or higher without killing any Grunts.


10 points


Leave It Where It Lay


Complete the level “Two Betrayals” on Legendary difficulty without picking up a new weapon.


25 points


Tying Up Loose Ends


Kill every Elite on the level “Keyes” on Heroic difficulty or above.


10 points




Kill 100 Flood Infection Forms on the level “Keyes” on Heroic difficulty or above.


25 points


This Side Up


Complete the Warthog ride on the level “The Maw” without being forcibly ejected from your vehicle.


10 points


Never Tell Me the Odds


Complete the Warthog ride on the level “The Maw” on Legendary difficulty with at least a minute remaining on the countdown.


25 points



New Feature Completion Achievement List


What have we here?


Read a terminal.


10 points


Heavy Reading


Read half the terminals hidden throughout the campaign.


25 points


Dear Diary…


Read all of the terminals hidden throughout the campaign.


50 points


Looks like the Oddball


Find your first campaign skull.


10 points


Skulls Taken!


Locate half of the skulls hidden throughout the campaign.


25 points




Locate all the skulls hidden throughout the campaign.


50 points




Complete any level with iron and two other skulls active at Heroic difficulty or higher.


50 points

Sat, 10/15/2011 - 09:59
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