Digital Destiny?

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#1 Tue, 04/14/2015 - 08:13
Hammerdrake's picture
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Digital Destiny?

I'm thinking about buying another Xbox One so that I can play games (like Destiny) with my son (age 12).  I'm trying to figure out exactly how that works and if I will end up needing to buy two copies of each game.  I think that I can buy a digital copy of a game on my "home" Xbox (living room).  My son should be able to log in on that console and play the full game (dlc included), right?  Then I can log in to the secondary Xbox One with my account and dowload and play as long as I'm logged in?

Any verification out there would be greatly appreciated!

Tue, 04/14/2015 - 10:30
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I do that every day. 2 x XB1 + 1 Gold account + 1 Destiny digital.

Tue, 04/14/2015 - 11:09
Blue_Stiehl's picture
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From what I have heard/read, login in on your sons One, purchase and download the game. Then you can download it on your One (home). That should allow your son to play on his One without you logged in.

I don't have two One's so I could be wrong.

Wed, 04/15/2015 - 17:00 (Reply to #3)
YEM's picture
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Blue_Stiehl wrote:

From what I have heard/read, login in on your sons One, purchase and download the game. Then you can download it on your One (home). That should allow your son to play on his One without you logged in.

I don't have two One's so I could be wrong.

This is true

Thu, 04/16/2015 - 08:02 (Reply to #4)
Xenmic's picture
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YEM wrote:

Blue_Stiehl wrote:

From what I have heard/read, login in on your sons One, purchase and download the game. Then you can download it on your One (home). That should allow your son to play on his One without you logged in.

I don't have two One's so I could be wrong.

This is true


This only works If the father makes his home on his sons Xbox One and his son makes his home on his fathers Xbox one.


Anyone that hasn't done this yet and wants to with anyone in their home or with a friend, feel free to just invite me into a party chat and I can help walk the two parties through it.

Tue, 04/14/2015 - 12:43
Xenmic's picture
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My son and I only purchase 1 game.

What you need to do is setup his Xbox as your home and setup yours as his home. Then whatever you buy he gets and whatever he buys you get. You still have to buy 2 gold accounts though.


Feel free to send me a party chat some night when I'm on and I can explain it better.

Wed, 04/15/2015 - 07:40
FreeRadikal's picture
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Math hard.

Wed, 04/15/2015 - 07:53
Xenmic's picture
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It's so worth it if there are 2 X1's in the house. Actually they don't even have to be in the same house. If you have a friend (I recommend someone who is a real good friend) you can do this as well with them. Whatever you get he gets and whatever he buys you get. You basically share games you each buy. However it helps if you buy games evenly. I know someone woh is doing this and the person he set this up with hasn't bought a thing yet.

Thu, 04/16/2015 - 09:07
Hammerdrake's picture
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Great information so far from everyone, thanks!  I'm the only buyer in the house (for now) so it sounds like as long as he is using my "home" xbox and I am signed in on the "other" xbox, we should be good to go.

Based on the input here, I'm starting to look at local craigslist for a used box.  

Two new questions:

If they have downloaded digital games on that system, I can play/access them on that box, but if they some how get deleted, I cannot get them back, right?  Do I need to keep their profile on the system?

The cloud/always online/new age stuff has me a little confused.  I would expect my Destiny characters and game state to basically follow me where ever I sign in.  However, games like Dragon Age, are those saves stored locally?  How do I play something like that back and forth on different consoles?  Do I just need to hand carry my HDD to and from?


Thanks again!

Thu, 04/16/2015 - 09:21 (Reply to #9)
Xenmic's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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Hammerdrake wrote:

Great information so far from everyone, thanks!  I'm the only buyer in the house (for now) so it sounds like as long as he is using my "home" xbox and I am signed in on the "other" xbox, we should be good to go.

Based on the input here, I'm starting to look at local craigslist for a used box.  

Two new questions:

If they have downloaded digital games on that system, I can play/access them on that box, but if they some how get deleted, I cannot get them back, right?  Do I need to keep their profile on the system?

The cloud/always online/new age stuff has me a little confused.  I would expect my Destiny characters and game state to basically follow me where ever I sign in.  However, games like Dragon Age, are those saves stored locally?  How do I play something like that back and forth on different consoles?  Do I just need to hand carry my HDD to and from?


Thanks again!

Add me as a friend and we can chat tonight if you like, it's easier for me to explain than try and type it all.

Thu, 04/16/2015 - 09:26 (Reply to #10)
Hammerdrake's picture
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Xenmic wrote:

Add me as a friend and we can chat tonight if you like, it's easier for me to explain than try and type it all.


Already did the first part, I'll try to get on tonight and link up.  Thanks.

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