Destiny has gone GOLD!

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#1 Fri, 08/22/2014 - 20:24
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Sat, 08/23/2014 - 13:18
DedJeloC's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
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Thanks Deep, been waiting for this.

Sat, 08/23/2014 - 19:41
Dixon_Tufar's picture
Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: 12/15/2007 - 23:00
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(Copied over from Mr. Biznass' duplicate thread)


Destiny is goooollllldddd.

"Now, we’re very close to launch – the final weeks. This next milestone carries a heavier weight of finality. Destiny is Gold. Discs are being pressed and packed into crates.


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