Custom Game - DEC 27th - All night
Custom Game - DEC 27th - All night
Like every Year, I run thru all my Custom Maps, this Year on the 27th, (tomorrow) I will start at 6:00 PM estern time and run thru my 120+ maps till Midnight.
- Everyone is welcome,... BUT NOTE:,....
- A K/D Ratio of 1.25 and less is prefered since many of the old guys are below .9 in average, so it's just to balance it out, thats if you decide to invite a friend.
- Don't forget 16 places only, so send me a PM and as soon as there is an opening I will invite you.
If you have friends all they need to do is repect others and the maps choosen, since there is over 60% of Hardcore Maps and the rest is goofy and just for fun type maps, not for everyone. I will try to mix them as much as possible depending on the amount of people in the group.
Hope to see you there.
Cha0s Qc
Should I just run with an AR? lol
Thanks Chaos! Had a great time while I was there!
Motivated me to finish several forge maps I had in-progress. - Tangarine (race v1.1), X-IT-UP and Cyclical (both small-medium battle maps)
Everyone should Download and Recomend the maps and gametypes from my fileshare!
- waypoint fileshare link below my signature! 
My Wife sat in front of the worst junk TV shows all evening.
I was on for awhile. but the party was always full
Glad people had a good time.