Aftermath Gameplay Footage (PS3)

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#1 Wed, 11/28/2012 - 09:37
Corcharo's picture
Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
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Aftermath Gameplay Footage (PS3)

Wed, 11/28/2012 - 10:01
scratchski's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
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I played a few games of TDM on each map last night, and really enjoyed them.

It was late after the big download, ( 1.6 GB ), so I'll test the objective games later tonight.

I haven't tried the crossbow yet as I don't really care for it, but for me, these are the maps Close Quarters should have been - relatively confined, but not so cramped.

Mind you, its only been a day, so Mr opinion might change wink

Wed, 11/28/2012 - 10:45
Corcharo's picture
Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
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Did you try the Scavenger mode? From what I've watched, it looks a modified conquest mode. Should be interesting.

Thu, 11/29/2012 - 00:43
scratchski's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: 02/01/2007 - 23:00

I played scavenger last night, and loved it !!!

The video review is spot on. This is the rejuvenation of BF3 for me.

Scavenger makes BF 3 fun. No camping snipers, no imbalance of vehicles and / or unlocks.

You move, with your team and capture points ( quickly ), like conquest on speed. Add in the lottery of whichever weapon you happen to pick up on the way, ( limited ammo ), not knowing if your opposition will have a toothpick or an AK47.

If you go lone wolf, you'll capture a point, or two, before meeting a pack of the enemy head on and losing.

Really, it's those early shooters like Doom meets conquest. It doesn't force team work, its a natural consequence of the game type because you don't want to be caught alone if you only have the pistol.

The downside - rage quitters. One or to will unbalance the teams so quickly - more so than gun game.

I tried some conquest, but only found laggy lobbies, so left.

The maps are great. Nice size and the vehicles compliment them, not like the " vehicles for everyone " bullshit of other maps. Here, you use the tank and the heli to attack, but there's plenty of scope to lose them if you don't play wisely and have an engineeer with you, ( lots of places for C4 sneakers to hide ).

I 'm hoping my love affair continues with this content and the asshats don't find a way of ruining it.

Thu, 11/29/2012 - 08:56 (Reply to #4)
fatLUNCH's picture
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scratchski wrote:

I 'm hoping my love affair continues with this content and the asshats don't find a way of ruining it.

^^This!!  I know how you feel!

Good review.. I too hope my 430 hours or so of game play isnt wasted on a shitty update.  I am happy to hear that the update might bring back some more intense fights!

Thu, 11/29/2012 - 02:57
CiaranORian's picture
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Looks good. Might be time to get onto the Battlefield again.

Thu, 11/29/2012 - 06:17 (Reply to #6)
Corcharo's picture
Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
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CiaranORian wrote:

Looks good. Might be time to get onto the Battlefield again.

Might be time to set a cross atlantic playdate up then.

Fri, 11/30/2012 - 09:50
CiaranORian's picture
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Can someone tell me when this is out on 360?

Sat, 12/01/2012 - 09:47 (Reply to #8)
2fat's picture
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CiaranORian wrote:

Can someone tell me when this is out on 360?

 Dec 4 for Premium, 2 weeks later for everyone else!  I have also been playing this on the PS3, I must agree this DLC feels more like BF than any of the previous DLCs!  Maps are perfect size and battles seem to be more intense! I cannot wait until Tuesday....Woooot!

Sat, 12/01/2012 - 09:54
YEM's picture
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Sounds sweet. Can't wait! See you Tuesday 2fizzat!

Mon, 12/03/2012 - 10:36
CiaranORian's picture
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This sounds good.........

Mon, 12/03/2012 - 11:57
H2Daddy's picture
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This will bring me back to the Battlefield. Need to update tonight so I will be ready for the download tomorrow.

Mon, 12/03/2012 - 14:21
ekattan's picture
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2 more weeks, Bastards, 

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