1.3 Update
Mon, 05/21/2012 - 13:44
1.3 Update
This update is most likely too little too late for most. I'm sticking around (sub still paid) to check it out. Server transfers/mergers are key. 280 servers is a little too much.
i didn't see anything about fixing the damn sounds issues they introduced with 1.2
Yeah, having the sound drop out sporadicly was a big immersion breaker.
Still sticking it out. Plan on playing it for a while as long as they keep the servers running.
Time to grind the crap out of my bounty hunter :)
My sith feels so week in pvp now :(
Patch notes are up.
I hope they fixed the sound issue. I have now caught T3's sound problems. Didn't even know a bomb was planted in Voidstart because it wasn't announced.
Played for 2 hours tonight doing Ranked warzones. No issue yet. They did say they fixed a "minor" sound issue.
i still have sound issues. Whatever.
I will say i am liking the group finder tool. when through an fp twice last night. Got some good loot. Did not take too long to cue up either maybe a few mins. of course i am a healer. heard dps classes where taking a bit longer. but i gues that is to be expected.
Healers will have fast queues. I queued up for about 10 minutes but went to a ranked warzone instead.
What sound issue? I played for like 4+ hours last night and never had the issue I had before. I did have mega lag issues in Huttball. Really bad. Bioware loves to introduce new bugs with patches.
my sound dropps out at times. I have to go into settings to re-enable sound. Happens mostely in wz's.
sound issue does appear to finally be fixed.