***Your Mission Here***
Sat, 02/11/2017 - 06:04
***Your Mission Here***
If you are working on something that needs a fireteam, you are welcome to post at bottom and see if you can find some help. For the past few months, we have had groups doing raids and other activities on Tuesdays and Fridays at 9pm Eastern, so if one of those times works for you, you might find yourself a supporting fireteam here!
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This is where the sign-up for a raid next Friday would normally be, but I don't know of anyone who still needs a normal mode raid clear, and I don't think we have a quorum for hard mode. So if there's something you need help on, or just think might be fun to do, you are welcome to suggest below, and we'll see if we can assemble a team! Our usual time is Fridays, from 9pm-11pm Eastern. This coming Friday is February 17.
VoG normal.
Achy wants Arc exotic sword.
Ok. Between Tuesday and Friday, we can do all of that and more. Keep the suggestions coming!
Definitely need arc sword strike. That should take about 30-40 minutes tops.
Last Tuesday we got a checkpoint at Aksis Phase 2 (normal) and were working on learning the Aksis challenge. We should have time to work on try to finish the challenge off on Friday, if we have a full team (currently have five), so sign up if you think you can help!
Sorry I missed the party, guys! Lost power for several hours yesterday, and it's still stormy here.
DEEP, Achy, doorgunner, Soul Terror, GMAN, Ranger and Kal completed the challenge. We made a second attempt but ran out of time. Doorgunner had to drop out due to network issues.
Thanks shenaninanigigianinians.

...and we almost had it on the first try!! Turns out that the challenge method is not too difficult once one gets the mechanics down. Most failures last night were a combination of missed timing and the occasional weird death although the captain behind the wall did show up once.
Was a good time, I was a little disappointed no HM weapons dropped. There is no guarantee it will, but it can so its worth doing for the chance.
After you guys left us, Soul, Ranger, GMan and myself started the encounter again and 4 manned Aksis. I had one very interesting death and I wish I had recorded it. I stunned Aksis on his 2nd teleport and as he raised up, I sank inside of his body and died.
Update, ATT were here tonight and said there is an outside line problem (about 5000ft away!?), so will send a repair truck tomorrow to hook me up with a better line. Hope that will help. If not, may go to Xfinity 10mbs with house phone for about $10 less per month if we can afford the setup/equipment fees. We'll see!
Good luck with repairs/service switch.
Maybe you can play one service off the other to get a price/equipment break. Always possible to negotiate.
Good luck DoorGunner! Bad connection issues are a pain!
Will be on board for Tuesday 2/21 and Friday 2/24. Not available for Tuesday 2/28.
Also posted this in the "Rise of Iron, Tuesday" thread:
"Sorry for the late posting, but I will not be joining you folks tonight. Internet access is still too spotty and would probably just slow you all down. Even with the new line, it hasn't appreciably improved overall performance. Looking at other options (provider changing) but not likely soon."
For today Feb. 24, 2017, 9pm E:
Primarily interested in:
Trials: need to complete 3 of 5 passages
Available for:
Nightfall, Raid, and pretty much anything else.
Duke got his Trials requirements with the help of DEEP and Krak. Doorgunner and Livereatinratso helped each other ranking up characters.
BTW, the trials team we beat in a passage was pissed. Thought we were kids.
Did you tell them you were all dirty, dirty granpas? :} Probably should change the title and OP to just "Put Your Mission here" and keep the thread flowing. I still need that Arc sword.
Top of the thread changed as requested.
I need the arc sword, as well. Will check later in the week as to where I am in the progress: crucible kills, I believe. Available for other matters as well Fri Mar 3.
Thanks to Deep and Krak for the Trials run!
I need to do the last step in the Arc Sword quest -- The special version of the Sunless Cell Strike.
I can help with that. It will probably be a week or two before I'm ready for that one, myself. I'm guessing I'll be in Iron Banner a lot on Friday, so send me a message or party invite if you need the assistance.
Thanks to Deep and Doorgunner. I now have the Arc sword. Interesting animation and effects.
I love that sword. Used to use it for a while in crucible. Throw a bolt down a hallway and watch it melt ppl.
I recently was watching a twitch stream, HM Vosik, where one of the middle guys was using it. He'd throw a bolt in mid to clear the ads. Complete annihilation. I'm not quite willing to try that yet, but NM I may be doing that.
Congratulations, Achy! And thanks for the description, KalSC! I'll look forward to adding the Arc to my collection.Do Iron Banner kills count during the Crucible/Majors phase? You'd think I'd remember, but it escapes me at the moment.
Yep, you can go around hilt killing in iron banner too. Might be a bit messy though. I liked doing the classic rumble. Take a fireteam in and hunt each other down.
IB was our activity. Including some friends, we kick some pretty good ass last night.
For some reason I just didn't feel motivated to play IB this time around, wound up downloading and playing a little BF1 campaign.
It was mostly a grind but we had a few really good yahoo moments.