2o2p v The World...Winner Take All
2o2p v The World...Winner Take All
2Old2Play vs. THE WORLD...Winner Take All!
This is your opportunity to go triggers down with a team of other 2o2p'ers against everyone else. This mixer matches you with three other members to go into MM to see who can win the most matches in a variety of 4v4 playlists. Your points for wins/ties/loses is then weighted against your own Kill / Death and the other teams. Stick it to a team with a higher k/d than you and get bonus points. Get your ass handed to you by a team you should have beat, watch your points dwindle away.
How well can you step up and represent your team against anyone out there?
Simple – Play Reach Matchmaking and win as many games as you can. Games against tougher teams nets you more points. The team with the most points gets a ceremonial T-bag on the rest of the community.
How to Play
Sign up by posting your Gamer Tag in this thread. Signups will close end of day 08/23/2012. Teams will be chosen by me (wamam87) and announce by 08/24/2012. All you need to do is show up for your team’s games. Captains will be assigned to each team and will need to post links in the forum to the games you played.
It’s up to you. Talk with your team; find out what works best and the captain makes the final call. The only thing is all games must be completed by end of day, 09/02/2012. An easy way to be in touch with you team without taking up multiple spots on your friends list is for everyone to join the Friends of Friends tag stickied in this forum.
* If you have a very limited schedule... please note when you can play at signup.
Base Points: one point for loses, two points for ties, three points for wins
Total Points: (Base Points / your k/d) * (average k/d of opponent)
Guests are figured by that match and must fall into the .5-2.0 range.
Examples -
If your k/d is 1.25 and the average of the other team is 1.75 and you win, you would get: (3/1.25) = 2.4; 2.4*1.75=4.2 . You get 4.2 points for this match
If you k/d is 1.5 and the average of the other team is 0.75 and you lose, you would get: (1/1.5) = .67; .67*.75 =.5 . You get .5 points for this match.
- If this seems too complicated, don't worry about it...just play and I'll figure out the scores for everyone.
Playlist *
1. Grifball
2. Team Slayer
4. Team Slayer
5. Super Slayer
6. Team Snipers
7. MLG
* Subject to change if MM playlists change or horrible whining ensues. (J/K...whining will get you das boot...i know DEEP, there's no more changes to the playlists.)
* All games must be played back to back in the order shown on the playlist on the same day. So once you start, you must play straight through all games on the playlist.
* Warm-up games are allowed if desired but CANNOT be the first game type on the schedule. (once the four of you play a match of grifball, it's on!)
* Once the first game on the schedule has been locked into MM by your team, your tourney starts. If another game type is played in-between by mistake, please note that when you post your scores. If more than one game is played in-between or out-of-order you get Das Boot (you’re team is out).
* If you have a no-show and don’t want to reschedule you can continue with 3 or pickup a friend online if they are not already in the tourney. A minimum of 3 players from the assigned team are required to play though!
* If your team plays with 3, the "4th" player will be the average of the remaining three from your team.
* Games are official after one minute of play. If the other team drops after that, you get 50 kills. If you drop, you get whatever you had when you bailed.
* If you have a network issue and you lose two or more players, replay the game. We’ll go by the honor system for that one.
* If you must drop out your team can get a sub, or continue with three. If someone subs for you, they sub for all remaining games.
** All rules are subject to change other than "have fun".
***Many thanks to my peeps in 2o2pHalo. Canned Heat wrote these rules originally for a clan tourney. I just edited them a little for this one.
Have some fun with some guys you don't normally game with and see how you match up against yourself. One more kill than you would normally make against that team could make the difference…and you might make a new friend.
Tell your buddies.
So far there are 21 signed up. We can still use more peeps. 5 teams will work, but we always need substitues for events like this! Sign up and bring a friend!!!
this will make things much easier filling the rosters.gif)
Throw me in there. Thanks wam!
I'm down xI F1R3 Ix
the last one was a blast. put me in also.
Where is the MLG love? :D
Also, your K/D scenario may not work for grifball ;)
Perhaps using the ratings (if they show on h.xb. com)
fair enough...i included grifball, the ultimate casual, so i've added MLG for super comp.
don't you worry about my scoring system. just sign up and play!
Will talk to my wife and see if I can and NOT get in the doghouse :)
since fridays are your best day, i'm pretty sure i can arrange for you to be on team that can play on that day.
last time was great. im definitely IN.
In - JTGJR007
Who won the last one? :)
Not captain! (like I was in jeapordy or something)
I'll play...it's nice when you get the Alabama host single.
Thanks for doing this again Wam!
I'm in.
thank you for creating a sweet tournament and writing the.gif)
I'm in but please not as a captain
maybe my kd wil be a little higher this time.
In, Kenjamin1 MI
- show mercy on my previous teammates WAM.
...NOT Captain!
Dude, those rules are way too complicated for me, but I'm in. I'll just let the team's captian figure it all out.
no problem...captain.gif)
I think I'm on vacation that week. I'm in if I'm wrong I'll let you know.