Educate me Warlock Voidfang Vestments.

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#1 Fri, 11/28/2014 - 15:17
Bardachta's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Educate me Warlock Voidfang Vestments.

OK so I have some Strange Coins and Motes of Light to spend, but when I interacted with Xur I became a little confused.

This is what I have:

This is what Xur was offering:

I give up

Intellect and Dicipline; more ammon for Sniper Rifle which I use; 

for Strength; and eventually 33 more in Defence and 3 more in light; Enhanced Axion Bolt; more Hand Cannon ammo which I rarely use; more Special Weapons ammo.

My question is does it make sense in the long run for a Primarly PvE player?

Finally I spent Mote of Light on an Engram and got this:

Now I have to run up a Hunter lol or what do I get if I dismantle it?

Fri, 11/28/2014 - 17:00
Thom293's picture
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On the dismantling, you will get shards or energies plus whatever class material (wire here I think. Not sure on the voidfang as my warlock is only 9, but I would like to know too.
Fri, 11/28/2014 - 19:28
Bardachta's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Thanks Thom hopefully one of the higher level warlocks with some experience will manage a few minutes to answer our question wink

Fri, 11/28/2014 - 19:53
CrimsonSasquatch's picture
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Okay so let's discuss in lehmans terms.

If you are not a 29 and want to do hard raids to get to a level 30 you need this simply put.  When you play the raids you will get random armor drops.  Keep anything with Hezen in the name, as a matter of fact I only have legendary armor due to it all being my preferential gear.

You will get boots, gloves or chest piece from normal raid either after the oracle, Templar or Atheon checkpoints.  You will only reach level 30 via hard raids or a random xur week where a helmet is offered.  The benefits of being a 29 in raids is you have a small damage penalty and as a 30 you have no penalty.

When you dismantle you will get 3 ascendant shards and 3-5 harmonic essence, those should be self explanatory since after 20 you need to do defense upgrades of armor and they require a material and ascendant shards.

I dismantle almost all my exotics armor wise except sun breakers and one chest piece in case the perks help in the future DLC and I don't have to wait on xur.

Simply put if you add me we can do raids weekly and you get raid armor, but if you want to do hard raids start upgrading this chest piece to reach level 29.

Fri, 11/28/2014 - 20:56 (Reply to #4)
Bardachta's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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CrimsonSasquatch wrote:

Okay so let's discuss in lehmans terms.

If you are not a 29 and want to do hard raids to get to a level 30 you need this simply put.  When you play the raids you will get random armor drops.  Keep anything with Hezen in the name, as a matter of fact I only have legendary armor due to it all being my preferential gear.

You will get boots, gloves or chest piece from normal raid either after the oracle, Templar or Atheon checkpoints.  You will only reach level 30 via hard raids or a random xur week where a helmet is offered.  The benefits of being a 29 in raids is you have a small damage penalty and as a 30 you have no penalty.

When you dismantle you will get 3 ascendant shards and 3-5 harmonic essence, those should be self explanatory since after 20 you need to do defense upgrades of armor and they require a material and ascendant shards.

I dismantle almost all my exotics armor wise except sun breakers and one chest piece in case the perks help in the future DLC and I don't have to wait on xur.

Simply put if you add me we can do raids weekly and you get raid armor, but if you want to do hard raids start upgrading this chest piece to reach level 29.


Bluestar wrote:

You'll get shards and hadronic essence.  Nothing much more.  I use the voidfang for running a Voidwalker for the advanced axion bolt, switch to Heart of Praxis Fire for Sunsinger.  Voidfangs are good for PVP and I use handcannons so the extra ammo is nice.  I sharded my Nerigal Savants when I got the voidfangs.  Don't use auto rifles except in PVP where ammo is plentiful and Icebreaker makes sniper ammo redundant.  I use Sunsinger more often anyway for the beyond the grave respawn, voidwalker is pretty much just for PVP and pounding out 3 super kill bounties.


See Thom I told you there would be help around the corner.


I will send a friend request from Bardachta610 thanks.

Oh and I am 28 + 3/4 going on 29 and they drug my sorry upstart lvl 26 asp through the Looking VoG not long ago butt I need practice .... oh boy do I need practise lol.

Since then I have been writing upgrading the Epilogue I left the Vault with and the other miserable weapons I have lol

I knew a guy once called Jeff Lehman butt we never came to terms wink

Thanks for the help Crim and Blue.

See you soon out there amongst the stars yes

Fri, 11/28/2014 - 19:55
Bluestar's picture
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You'll get shards and hadronic essence.  Nothing much more.  I use the voidfang for running a Voidwalker for the advanced axion bolt, switch to Heart of Praxis Fire for Sunsinger.  Voidfangs are good for PVP and I use handcannons so the extra ammo is nice.  I sharded my Nerigal Savants when I got the voidfangs.  Don't use auto rifles except in PVP where ammo is plentiful and Icebreaker makes sniper ammo redundant.  I use Sunsinger more often anyway for the beyond the grave respawn, voidwalker is pretty much just for PVP and pounding out 3 super kill bounties.

Fri, 11/28/2014 - 23:24
SoulTerror's picture
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You can get exotic helmets from the Nightfall as well. I got one for my Titan tonight. Just need a raid chest to hit 30.

Sat, 11/29/2014 - 06:19 (Reply to #7)
Bardachta's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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SoulTerror wrote:

You can get exotic helmets from the Nightfall as well. I got one for my Titan tonight. Just need a raid chest to hit 30.

A w e s o m e!

Mon, 12/01/2014 - 08:10
DarthTabasco's picture
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I love the Voidfang for PvP as it lets you respawn with full grenade energy. If you don't have any other exotic armor pieces, it's certainly worth the purchase. I know, this is after the

I run a different set of armor for PvE. I find that it's better to have more armor pieces so you can mix and match to suit your weapons and subclass or to compliment your group and what others are running. 

I don't dismantle any exotic unless I get a duplicate because you never know when you might want to change things up. 

Mon, 12/01/2014 - 11:31 (Reply to #9)
Bardachta's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Thanks for this Darth, and no worries about it being a late addition,

because we all know we add sauce after being served our plate winkyes

Thu, 12/04/2014 - 11:09
Fighter59's picture
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As for your hunter gear, put it in your vault.  I was dismantling every non-character armor early, now I have all three characters and wished I had saved it all.  I did finally start saving it.  Once my second character got to 20, I loaded my "gear" and jumped to like a 24 or 25 immediately.  Then you just have to grind out the light and subclass ranking and your raiding with it.  

Fri, 12/05/2014 - 12:32
EVILCLAW's picture
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You only need 3 pieces of raid armor and an exotic piece of armor in order to get to level 30.You don't have do hard raids to achieve this. Your armor can be in any config, just 3 raid and 1 exotic=level 30.Didn't see this spelled out above.

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