Best PvP Pulse Rifles

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#1 Tue, 10/28/2014 - 10:31
Thom293's picture
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Best PvP Pulse Rifles

Ok, so I have a thing for pulse rifles.  I dont know why, I just want to use them.  I have a fully upgraded Shingen, Hushwind (even better than Shingen), and Suros Regime.  All are great weapons.  I just prefer to use pulse rifles for some reason - even if just as a change of pace.  I find I play more cautiously with them, which I need on nights where I am going .2 kdr because for some reason I decide I need to bullrush everything for some stupid reason.


I have the Stranger's Rifle of course, which is not fully upgraded.  I am considering going back to upgrade it and try it out again.

I have Bad Juju.  Very good ROF (just slightly slower than the JPS55).  It DOMINATES in pve .  You can basically pull the trigger non-stop and never reload or run out of reserve ammo.  Great for juggler levels.  But a 15 shot clip hamstrings it against bosses and in pvp for me.  It would be fantastic if it had a 21 shot clip, but with 15 there is too little room for error and I have a lot of error.


I have a Fair & Square.  It has the 3rd eye ability which is nice, but it fires to slow for me.  I dont really care for it.


And then I have the Suros JPS55 blue.  30 shot clip.  Highest pulse ROF of any other pulse rifle I have found.  Full Auto perk.  Great stability.  Sounds awsome when you pull the trigger.  I LOVE it.  But I would like a purple simply because it will have another perk and I could use it in pve too.


Does anyone have any suggestions?  I would prefer a high ROF gun, but havent found anything better than the Suros JPS55.  The Stranger's Rifle might be good to go back to, but again I would prefer a purple so I can equip Invective or Pocket Infinity.  Bad Seed Down looks ok, but the ROF isnt quite what I want.  Super Pox VLP and the two Crucible pulse rifles (Fair and Square and Strange Suspect) all fire really slowly.  Red Death also looks like it fires too slowly for me.


I would love feedback from people.  Is there a decent purchase out there, or do I just have to wait for a lucky drop with just the right combination of random perks?

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 10:46
Bluestar's picture
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I like Bad Seed Down.  Mine has a 30 mag clip with an option for 39.  Great stability that can be further increased if you go with the 30 mag and decent range.  I've been using it in PvP just because it feels like a BR and have been able to take out Suros AR users with it.

But I despise Bad Juju and am considering sharding it.

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 11:03 (Reply to #2)
Thom293's picture
Last seen: 5 years 6 months ago
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Bluestar wrote:

I like Bad Seed Down.  Mine has a 30 mag clip with an option for 39.  Great stability that can be further increased if you go with the 30 mag and decent range.  I've been using it in PvP just because it feels like a BR and have been able to take out Suros AR users with it.

But I despise Bad Juju and am considering sharding it.

Thank you.  I too am looking for the BR feel.  Just havent found it in a purple yet.  I'll pick up BSD this week once I get my marks back up.


Dont shard Bad Juju just yet.  Rumor has it that it will be buffed.  We will see.


Honestly, if you are a tournament-quality pro player that doesnt miss headshots, Bad Juju might be godly in pvp.   I, sadly, am not that player.

Wed, 10/29/2014 - 07:27 (Reply to #3)
Bluestar's picture
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Thom293 wrote:

Bluestar wrote:

I like Bad Seed Down.  Mine has a 30 mag clip with an option for 39.  Great stability that can be further increased if you go with the 30 mag and decent range.  I've been using it in PvP just because it feels like a BR and have been able to take out Suros AR users with it.

But I despise Bad Juju and am considering sharding it.

Thank you.  I too am looking for the BR feel.  Just havent found it in a purple yet.  I'll pick up BSD this week once I get my marks back up.


Dont shard Bad Juju just yet.  Rumor has it that it will be buffed.  We will see.


Honestly, if you are a tournament-quality pro player that doesnt miss headshots, Bad Juju might be godly in pvp.   I, sadly, am not that player.


The autofire just feels off to me.  I find it wasting shots even though I've let off the trigger.  And the recoil is horrid.  I'm more of a line up the headshot and pull the trigger shooter.  I find myself even skipping autofire on AR's sometimes and pulsing the trigger; too much BR use for the past 10 years.

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 11:29
YEM's picture
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Mythoclast ;)

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 12:20
Minotaur's picture
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Red Death pulse rifle - very BRish, low recoil, fast reload, head shots. Much-much better than the Stranger's Rifle. Looks cooler... :)

Wed, 10/29/2014 - 02:26
DedJeloC's picture
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Bad seed down is my favorite weapon in PVE......have not tried it in the crucible yet.

Wed, 10/29/2014 - 07:27
DarthTabasco's picture
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I have Bad Seed Down and The Conduit. Overall I like Bad Seed Down for it's better impact, but The Conduit had a higher rate-of-fire, so it might be more to your taste.

I've not tried either one in The Crucible yet - I stick to Auto Rifles and Handcannons for my primary slot.

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