RAID - Again & again & again

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#1 Mon, 10/27/2014 - 10:22
CTRChaosQc's picture
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RAID - Again & again & again

Started the RAID at the beginning of the week with many over 50 players, we got thru Level #1, because we learned from our mistakes from last time, so we collected the 1st chest and on to level #2, did 80 % of it and then the last part trying to kill the BOSS at the end. We took 5 cracks at it, and my son came downstairs to showed us an easier way, but still nogo not enough fire power to take him down. Last night a friend of a friend with a level 29 Warlock if I remember said he knew how to kill this Boss that he did the raid several times but never made it at the last level, but knew exactly what to from LvL #1 to LvL #4. So we took a crack at the boss again, 15 min it was over, great strategy,... jump up on the small door opening, pickup the 2nd chest and jump down to the never ending pit to end up in the maze. From there we all tried about 4 times to get the 3rd chest and then I stopped counting after 10 times after trying to run thru the end of the maze and hide from the badies,.... all this end up that the friend of his friend decided to leave and had enough. We were all looking at each other, then they all looked at me and said what do we do now,... LOL  Like if I knew, I only went thru this maze running behind my son, god bless me if I could remember the way. Talk about leaving and closing the lion's cage door behind you and saying goodbye to your kids,.. LOL. So only thing left wait for my son to see if he wanted to come downstairs and help out his dad thru this dam maze. After 10 min my son tells me he has a group of players waiting for him upstairs and he has about 2 min. I tell him are you kidding me,.. are you telling me will make it thru the maze in less time than this. Yes, on one condition, I will do it alone because if we have a group of player with me, They will not be able to follow me and it will go faster. Ok, it's cheating but whatever, as long as I see what you're doing I will be able to repeat it next week. "RIGHT!!!" So he jumps out of the party and starts jumping upwards, I ask him this is not the way the guy showed us where to go, he tell me no I'm just bringing you to a chest, WHAT another one!!!! Yep it's hidden up here, 5 Ascended Chards,.. cool. Then he runs as if there was no badies in the maze and opens up the other chest,.. oh you go this one already,... ok so he starts running to the end of the maze,.. does a few jumps and then I final big jump, then by the time I knew we were already on the last level. Back with my group in less than 55 sec. What the hell just happen,... I still don't know where you went to get out of the maze - LOL (Old age memory I guess).

As he is leaving to go back upstairs, he shouts 1 last word of encouragement to me, you will not last past the first stage in this level, you all don't have the guns for it,,,...... THANKS... So we are all at level 5, last night and stuck there, we gave it a shot just to learn, looks a lot like level #1 protect your circle,... but after 4 times I ended the slaughter. Last try tonight (required LVL 28 all guns maxed out, including 1 exotic weapon.

Let me know.


Cha0s Qc

Mon, 10/27/2014 - 10:28
Sparty1992's picture
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Wow sounds fun.  Amazing how easy it looks after someone whos done it shows you the way.  I think games are great to play video games with the kids, my 13 yo is always so fired up when he shows/teaches me something.  Good to know on the weapons upgraded, I havent fully done mine thinking I will get something better so why waste the materials.  But it sounds like I wont get something better unless I upgrade my stuff to the max!


Mon, 10/27/2014 - 10:39
CTRChaosQc's picture
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The only thing about this is my son is 21 and works for 1 out of 5 major game Companies in Montreal, so I can only imagin the lunch conversations about different games that goes on. Anyways no big deal if I don't finish lvl 5 this week, already did it with my son's friend in less than 41 min, it's just more fun when you do it with some of your friends. Anyways, I will just start it all over again tuesday night with the same gang and gather up all that loot in the 4 chest.


Mon, 10/27/2014 - 11:02 (Reply to #3)
Sparty1992's picture
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CTRChaosQc wrote:

The only thing about this is my son is 21 and works for 1 out of 5 major game Companies in Montreal, so I can only imagin the lunch conversations about different games that goes on. Anyways no big deal if I don't finish lvl 5 this week, already did it with my son's friend in less than 41 min, it's just more fun when you do it with some of your friends. Anyways, I will just start it all over again tuesday night with the same gang and gather up all that loot in the 4 chest.


My son would love that job.  I had to tell him though I dont think they sit and play games all day and its probably18 hour days pushing up to deadline release dates.  41 minutes to complete wow.  I did the raid 1x with my son and 4 people he rounded up.  I had to call it quits at the 2 and a half hour mark and we never saw any chests!

Mon, 10/27/2014 - 11:27
CTRChaosQc's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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I have to say, the easiest chest is right after the 1st level, you can't miss it. It's on your way to the 2nd level.

Mon, 10/27/2014 - 11:34
Thom293's picture
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The first time we did the maze we messed with it for 2 hours and died innumerable times.  I can now do the whole thing in 30 seconds.  Its amazing what experience at something does for you.


In fact, you over 50 guys should have experience out the wazoo.  :)


The final boss fight is hard, but fun.  I dont think it is as hard as the Templar though, so if you guys beat that, you can beat the end one.

Mon, 10/27/2014 - 15:40 (Reply to #6)
SoulTerror's picture
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Thom293 wrote:


The final boss fight is hard, but fun.  I dont think it is as hard as the Templar though, so if you guys beat that, you can beat the end one.


Man I think the Templar is a lot easier then Athelon. We have beat him twice, both times by knocking him off though.

Mon, 10/27/2014 - 11:37
CTRChaosQc's picture
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Good to know,.... 

Mon, 10/27/2014 - 14:33
Duke12's picture
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CTRChaosQc wrote:

 So we are all at level 5, last night and stuck there, we gave it a shot just to learn, looks a lot like level #1 protect your circle,... but after 4 times I ended the slaughter. Last try tonight (required LVL 28 all guns maxed out, including 1 exotic weapon.

Let me know.

Cha0s Qc

Sorry I couldn't join the Raid last night: was helping a pre-Level 20 friend out. But tonight, against my better judgment :-), I could be available to fill an unfilled Raid spot tonight, preferably not earlier than 10 or 10:15pm ET (but am negotiable, this being the last day before the reset).

Just crossed into Level 28, but weapons are still not maxed out: Legendary Primary Scout and Legendary seconday Solar Sniper both at 257. "Truth" exotic rocket launcher at 267. Also: Legendary arc sniper at 248. Rare void sniper at 224. So please give preference to those with better weapons if they want in. After tonight, will be spending the next week or two working on maxing out those weapons.

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 00:10
CTRChaosQc's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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Well after 1hr & 45 min of trying to finish level 5, down to the last Boss, which I think he is called Athelon going thru the protals and so on getting kill again and again, my son comes downstairs to say good night and asks me how long have you been trying to kill the Athelon,.. I tell him about 25 min so far,... he sits down and watch us and tells me you will not make it with the team you have there,.... ((do you have anything more encourging to tell me))..... why not tell me what we are doing wrong so i can tell them. Ok, so do this and do that,... but we still got killed - LOL But we are learning,... which it's all about with this game.

You know most "first person" shooting games that most of us are use to, is just get in the game and shoot!!!! Yes, you have little games like flag and so on which you need to work as a team,... but never as a complex strategy game like this one. So if only 1 player is of key, or not at the right place at the right time, you just won't make it. Bottom line we did finish the game, because my son took over my controler and did some crazy move to have the boss run after him, and he just pushed him off, 50 sec and it was all over. WTF,... everyone in the team was like - IT'S OVER???? What happen,... LOL - I'm sure in the next update they will fix this bug... if it is a bug.

Anyways I will be repeating it tomorrow night to hopefully get more loot out of those chest. But not sure that I will be hitting LvL 5 again until we have players with maxed out weapons this time.

Easier this way to make more damage to Athelon.

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 10:19
SoulTerror's picture
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So they still haven't patched being able to knock him off. I thought that was suppose to be patched last week. My team has not been able to beat him the correct way yet. Twice we have knocked him off.



So today's patch made it so you can't knock him off... Oh well

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 10:47
CTRChaosQc's picture
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Yep, I knew they had to fix this, since when we finished that level, the clock stoppped at "0" and stayed there, I had to force our way back to orbit,... but nonetheless, I know perfectly how to kill Atheon, since we went thru the routine about 7 times,..... didn't succed but at least we know what to do for next time.


Do you have the link to where all the bugs have been doc, with the update? I'd like to know if they also fix it for the Templar?



Forget it, found it  -> 

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 14:08
Duke12's picture
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Glad to have been a part of the (if at times frustrating and bewildering but always interesting) fun! Thanks to Chaos for leading and to Chaos the younger for keeping it from turning into an all-nighter. My new level 28 plus slightly stronger weapons seemed to make a noticeable difference on the Minotaurs compared to last week.

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 14:12
Duke12's picture
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BTW, I went back into the Vault of Glass later that night to see if I would still show up at the Atheon level. Nope: I appeared right back at the very beginning. Fought off a few Minotaurs for fun and then called it a night.

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 14:24
DEEP_NNN's picture
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FYI. Patch is up. No more (known )vault cheese.

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 14:33 (Reply to #15)
Thom293's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

FYI. Patch is up. No more (known )vault cheese.

Supposedly some bugs that causes lots more disconnects.  I hope not.

Tue, 10/28/2014 - 14:47 (Reply to #16)
CTRChaosQc's picture
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Thom293 wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

FYI. Patch is up. No more (known )vault cheese.

Supposedly some bugs that causes lots more disconnects.  I hope not.

I was playing a game or 2 this afternoon after updating Destiny, and Auroa got disconnected 4 times during that time, got booted back to orbit,... hmmmm updated patch doesn't look promising.


Tue, 10/28/2014 - 15:01
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Yup, several disconnects.

I'm on but showing offline. Sick as a dog. Saving my talking for Over 50 Halo tonight.

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