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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
I posted this over in the Halo forums for DEEP, then figured you guys over here oughtta get a kick out of it too! DEEP NNN and Free Radikal threw me for a loop when we were doing story mode a couple weeks ago. I had no idea...
Thanks CHa0s.
They look like little kids sitting in the back of that car....His feet don't even touch the floor.Are people smaller in the future?
Too funny!
That's great!
Ha nice!
Rolling in my six four...
FreeRadikal wrote: Rolling in my six four...
Just need to unlock your purple legendary pimp chalice for your gin and juice
Very Funny!!
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
Thanks CHa0s.

They look like little kids sitting in the back of that car....His feet don't even touch the floor.Are people smaller in the future?
Too funny!
That's great!
Ha nice!
Rolling in my six four...
Just need to unlock your purple legendary pimp chalice for your gin and juice
Very Funny!!