Spreadsheet updated with this week’s spec car. This week we’re driving another Lotus and also paying homage to an awesome car (much better than last week’s Lotus) that suffered a tragic loss yesterday as the series fell an unfortunate cancellation due to lack of participation. Parcells is feeling robbed about that so this is how I’m going about getting what I feel is due to me
As everyone’s aware the builder of the spec car has free will to set the guidelines as they see fit so since that’s me this week we’ll be racing this week’s car under some of the intended rules of the series that could have been awesome. What that means is for this week only tuning this car is not allowed and you will need an oil change and also improve the cars rigidity.
The spec car is the Lotus Elise Race car – 96 totally stock except the oil change, rigidity upgrade and we’ll be running race soft tires. Tracks will be updated before Tuesday.
Non spec cars for this week are below… if anyone wants to run the Lotus all night Parcells is on board.
Spreadsheet updated with this week’s spec car. This week we’re driving another Lotus and also paying homage to an awesome car (much better than last week’s Lotus) that suffered a tragic loss yesterday as the series fell an unfortunate cancellation due to lack of participation. Parcells is feeling robbed about that so this is how I’m going about getting what I feel is due to me
As everyone’s aware the builder of the spec car has free will to set the guidelines as they see fit so since that’s me this week we’ll be racing this week’s car under some of the intended rules of the series that could have been awesome. What that means is for this week only tuning this car is not allowed and you will need an oil change and also improve the cars rigidity.
The spec car is the Lotus Elise Race car – 96 totally stock except the oil change, rigidity upgrade and we’ll be running race soft tires. Tracks will be updated before Tuesday.
Non spec cars for this week are below… if anyone wants to run the Lotus all night Parcells is on board.
Mazda Touring car
Dodge Super Bee HEMI – 71
I actually liked last week's Lotus. It was the best I ran all season.
Al, part of the reason this series has last so long (since 2011) is because tuning has always been a non-factor. I know I don't make many races anymore, but when I do, they are always fun because we all are on the same playing field. I think your decision is a good one and consistent with what has made this series so successful. The tuners are not disadvantaged at all.
Parcells...Would you at least name the tracks for this weeks race?....Reason being that a lot of guys have been running these tracks for a long time...
I'll update them tonight Wheels unless of course you want to name them, I'm fine with that...was thinking about choosing 5 of the tracks that Grimm was intending to run but it really dont matter.
Glad to hear that unsub but you'll still like this weeks Lotus better so we'll be expecting some podiums out of you.
Spreadsheet updated with this weeks tracks or see below...
Nurburgring GP/D
Ascari Full
Fuji GP/F
Brands Hatch GP
Special Offer: I'll give anyone 48 hours to suggests Race medium tires over soft for this week...It just occurred to me that most (if not all???) of my limited racing to-date with this car is on medium tires and they were plenty good so I'm wondering if I went a bit overboard on the tires but guessing not as Lotuses deserve optimal performance. Whatever you say Wheels, now show Parcells proud and suggests medium tires for the boys....Parcells dares you LOL
Great Time Last Night Parcells...Apologize for any bumps, jumping corners to avoid cars or my nemesis..Spinouts...Which sometimes get ugly...I owe Indy a win when I tapped him on one of the last corners at Fuji...Just when I thought I had a handle on the car...Another Spinout
Used to be Cards-Cubs was the big rivalry in NL Central, but now Reds and Pirates are both becoming playoff teams. Cubs, Red, and Pirates should all be making playoffs this year too so every game they all play against each other will be huge.
Too bad there's a 100% chance of rain in Cincy on Thursday. :(
I assume the choice of aero and wheels means aero and rims??? Also what does "custom parts unlimited" mean?
I had resrevations putting you in charge while I was away for the weekend :) but it seems you came through and no harm to the series has been done, way to go!
Good Time Last Night Parcells...Loved the Mazda...A Lot of Fun...Cannot agree with Jimmy on the Nissan...The car required more concentration than I was willing to give last night...Still..All and All a Good Time...Great to see you stop by Jimmy...You did a lot better than I did!!!
The Nissan was a great car it just didn't seem as awesome because we just finished driving the stick to the track like glue car the Mazda6 touring car (yet another great touring car) which will be scheduled into a spec car in the near future if Parcells has anything to say about it. A lot of the Mazda races were amazing but the 4 of us bustling for position on the last sector of the Spa race was Parcells favorite, went from fourth, to second back to fourth and perhaps back to second(?) at the line that was a riot!
Good to see you get out Jimmee and I can see your adjustment to GT6 was nothing more than a cakewalk for you, damn you were immediately fast!
We have definitely got to run the Mazda as a spec car night. That car is incredible. Didn't GT5 have a feature where you could race-modify cars to make just about any car a touring car? Wish GT 6 had that feature. Also wish they hurry up with the track editor. And Watkins Glen. And Road Atlanta. And a drag strip. And real damage.
We have definitely got to run the Mazda as a spec car night. That car is incredible. Didn't GT5 have a feature where you could race-modify cars to make just about any car a touring car? Wish GT 6 had that feature. Also wish they hurry up with the track editor. And Watkins Glen. And Road Atlanta. And a drag strip. And real damage.
Only a handful of cars in GT5, no more than a couple dozen, could be race modified.
Don't hold your breath on damage. Additional tracks are coming, although my speculation is that PD will add tracks that they had in prior GT games, such as Seattle, Infineon or El Capitan, rather than entirely new tracks that I think they will save for GT7, including Watkins Glen and Road Atlanta. Are you really already bored with the 37 tracks that are in GT6 currently?
Spreadsheet updated with this week’s spec car. This week we’re driving another Lotus and also paying homage to an awesome car (much better than last week’s Lotus) that suffered a tragic loss yesterday as the series fell an unfortunate cancellation due to lack of participation. Parcells is feeling robbed about that so this is how I’m going about getting what I feel is due to me
As everyone’s aware the builder of the spec car has free will to set the guidelines as they see fit so since that’s me this week we’ll be racing this week’s car under some of the intended rules of the series that could have been awesome. What that means is for this week only tuning this car is not allowed and you will need an oil change and also improve the cars rigidity.
The spec car is the Lotus Elise Race car – 96 totally stock except the oil change, rigidity upgrade and we’ll be running race soft tires. Tracks will be updated before Tuesday.
Non spec cars for this week are below… if anyone wants to run the Lotus all night Parcells is on board.
Mazda Touring car
Dodge Super Bee HEMI – 71
I actually liked last week's Lotus. It was the best I ran all season.
2nd Running Elise all Night!

Al, part of the reason this series has last so long (since 2011) is because tuning has always been a non-factor. I know I don't make many races anymore, but when I do, they are always fun because we all are on the same playing field. I think your decision is a good one and consistent with what has made this series so successful. The tuners are not disadvantaged at all.
Parcells...Would you at least name the tracks for this weeks race?....Reason being that a lot of guys have been running these tracks for a long time...

I'll update them tonight Wheels unless of course you want to name them, I'm fine with that...was thinking about choosing 5 of the tracks that Grimm was intending to run but it really dont matter.
Parcell's...3G's Choices Sound Good!
Glad to hear that unsub but you'll still like this weeks Lotus better so we'll be expecting some podiums out of you.
Spreadsheet updated with this weeks tracks or see below...
Nurburgring GP/D
Ascari Full
Fuji GP/F
Brands Hatch GP
Special Offer: I'll give anyone 48 hours to suggests Race medium tires over soft for this week...It just occurred to me that most (if not all???) of my limited racing to-date with this car is on medium tires and they were plenty good so I'm wondering if I went a bit overboard on the tires but guessing not as Lotuses deserve optimal performance. Whatever you say Wheels, now show Parcells proud and suggests medium tires for the boys....Parcells dares you LOL
Appears that you made your decision without even testing Wheels. Sounds suspicious.
Race soft it is.
Then why did they sell the race car with race hard tires huh, eh?
Thanks Parcells
...Should Be Fun...No Answer on the Hards!!!

P.(arcell)S. How about a compromise...Elise All Night...Non-Spec Races with Hards?
Even crazier is start with hard, move up to medium near 8'ish and finish off on soft with the spec car races. We'll do that unless anyone objects.
Great Time Last Night Parcells...Apologize for any bumps, jumping corners to avoid cars or my nemesis..Spinouts...Which sometimes get ugly...I owe Indy a win when I tapped him on one of the last corners at Fuji...Just when I thought I had a handle on the car...Another Spinout

P.(arcell)S...Missed Our Entertainment...Dan "The" Man!!!

Spreadsheet has been updated with an awesome car. Wheels and aero is your choice.
We will use the below 2 non-spec cars this week that we didn't use last week.
Mazda Touring car
Dodge Super Bee HEMI – 71
Looks like an aweome car, but I wont be racing this week - playing hooky and going to the Cards-Reds game on Thursday.!
They developed quite the rivalry.
They developed quite the rivalry.
Used to be Cards-Cubs was the big rivalry in NL Central, but now Reds and Pirates are both becoming playoff teams. Cubs, Red, and Pirates should all be making playoffs this year too so every game they all play against each other will be huge.
Too bad there's a 100% chance of rain in Cincy on Thursday. :(
I assume the choice of aero and wheels means aero and rims??? Also what does "custom parts unlimited" mean?
I had resrevations putting you in charge while I was away for the weekend :) but it seems you came through and no harm to the series has been done, way to go!
Customer Parts is where you go to add Aero and Wheels, pick whatever you want.
Parcells...I built this car 3 times and I come up with 509PP and 410HP....Not 533PP!!
P.(arcell)S. That is not touching the Aero or Wheels!
Parcells...Found the Problem...You have to put on the Aero to achieve the 533PP.

That might help me out later Wheels when I build the car.
I keep forgetting to schedule some Kart races so if the interest is their we may run some Kart races this evening.
Yes - Karts!!!
i'll be on after all. Game was rain-delayed and we didn't feel like sticking around to wait.
Thanks for letting me run tonight guys. Glad you ran tracks that I know and it was a lot of fun with the Fairlady. Good choice.
Good Time Last Night Parcells...Loved the Mazda...A Lot of Fun...Cannot agree with Jimmy on the Nissan...The car required more concentration than I was willing to give last night
...Still..All and All a Good Time...Great to see you stop by Jimmy...You did a lot better than I did!!!

The Nissan was a great car it just didn't seem as awesome because we just finished driving the stick to the track like glue car the Mazda6 touring car (yet another great touring car) which will be scheduled into a spec car in the near future if Parcells has anything to say about it. A lot of the Mazda races were amazing but the 4 of us bustling for position on the last sector of the Spa race was Parcells favorite, went from fourth, to second back to fourth and perhaps back to second(?) at the line that was a riot!
Good to see you get out Jimmee and I can see your adjustment to GT6 was nothing more than a cakewalk for you, damn you were immediately fast!
We have definitely got to run the Mazda as a spec car night. That car is incredible. Didn't GT5 have a feature where you could race-modify cars to make just about any car a touring car? Wish GT 6 had that feature. Also wish they hurry up with the track editor. And Watkins Glen. And Road Atlanta. And a drag strip. And real damage.
Only a handful of cars in GT5, no more than a couple dozen, could be race modified.
Don't hold your breath on damage. Additional tracks are coming, although my speculation is that PD will add tracks that they had in prior GT games, such as Seattle, Infineon or El Capitan, rather than entirely new tracks that I think they will save for GT7, including Watkins Glen and Road Atlanta. Are you really already bored with the 37 tracks that are in GT6 currently?