Seems like we're getting a lot more people on this tag. This is awesome except I have not gamed with anyone on it yet. I have a few people that I've been playing with from the 2o2ph clan but I always feel like I'm only invited on rare occasions. I'd like to find a four man team to run slayer with that wants to get good, use strategies, and play fairly competitive without getting all mad when we lose. A ranked playlist is bound to come out and I wanna be ready for it. :-)
Seems like we're getting a lot more people on this tag. This is awesome except I have not gamed with anyone on it yet. I have a few people that I've been playing with from the 2o2ph clan but I always feel like I'm only invited on rare occasions. I'd like to find a four man team to run slayer with that wants to get good, use strategies, and play fairly competitive without getting all mad when we lose. A ranked playlist is bound to come out and I wanna be ready for it. :-)
Capcom Warrior, I'll shoot you a FR request. The group of guys I play Halo with are also Street Fighter fans! We try to mix in a fight night here and there and when we do, we predominantly play SSF:AE.
Either you guys aren't online often, or I'm looking at a different Gamertag. Can we get an update of what these Gamertags' names are? I'm pretty sure I'm already on the Gamertag(s) that don't pertain to be 40 or 50.
Either you guys aren't online often, or I'm looking at a different Gamertag. Can we get an update of what these Gamertags' names are? I'm pretty sure I'm already on the Gamertag(s) that don't pertain to be 40 or 50.
If I have Halo 4 in and I am not in a game with anyone, I jump in right away if I get an invite or I invite myself in. If the space I took was reserved for someone I drop out with no hard feelings. Only 2 people from the FoF have sent me invites and you are one of them Dixon.
Most times though, as soon as I start the game I get an invite from someone on my FL. I also play late at night (west coast) and being a shift worker, I can only play a few nights a week.
the A1Halo2o2p is the general tag used for site wide stuff and day to day use.
i've had very little time to play lately.
work is starting to slow down, and that will free up some time for me. i've probably logged less time than most. everyone i've played with are all higher SR than i am.
FR sent to A1
done and done!
Sent a FR to:
A 202pOver40
Hope to see you guys around
accepted the FR for the general tag. DEEP will get the other one.
Request sent
Request sent to A1Halo2o2p
sent to a1
done cubed!
You might find what you want through some of those people.
I recommend you don't wait for invites through the site GT though. Your best best it to be proactive and use it to request invites.
Request sent as well.
Capcom Warrior, I'll shoot you a FR request. The group of guys I play Halo with are also Street Fighter fans! We try to mix in a fight night here and there and when we do, we predominantly play SSF:AE.
FR send
FR sent to A1Halo2o2p
Looking forward to meeting some casual bullet sponges like myself..gif)
I've been sending out invites recently to fill rooms through this Gamertag, so I've at least been giving it some traffic.
good games last night.Friend request sent.
got it!
Sending a FR. Will be from Man o War XO
Anyone else who likes team slayer and btb is welcome to friend me.
Sending to
GT: A1Halo2o2p
From Count Fartula
FR sent to A12o2p last night from GT: ll Anton ll
FR sent...thanks
Either you guys aren't online often, or I'm looking at a different Gamertag. Can we get an update of what these Gamertags' names are? I'm pretty sure I'm already on the Gamertag(s) that don't pertain to be 40 or 50.
If I have Halo 4 in and I am not in a game with anyone, I jump in right away if I get an invite or I invite myself in. If the space I took was reserved for someone I drop out with no hard feelings. Only 2 people from the FoF have sent me invites and you are one of them Dixon.
Most times though, as soon as I start the game I get an invite from someone on my FL. I also play late at night (west coast) and being a shift worker, I can only play a few nights a week.
the A1Halo2o2p is the general tag used for site wide stuff and day to day use.
i've had very little time to play lately.
work is starting to slow down, and that will free up some time for me. i've probably logged less time than most. everyone i've played with are all higher SR than i am.
I just sent a friend request. GT is Cardiac Wolf