Gears n Beers - Labor Day weekend edition - 9/1/12
Tue, 08/28/2012 - 08:08
Gears n Beers - Labor Day weekend edition - 9/1/12
Alright, everyone; it's a long weekend for most of us. A weekend of outings, grilling, your favorite beverages, and fun times. You know what goes well with that?
Chainsawing your fellow members of 2o2p in Gears of War 3!
Saturday night, September 1st at 10PM Eastern, we're having a Gears and Beers night open for all in 2o2p. If you're not on the FoF tag already, send a FR to it. Otherwise, send a FR to myself, Gatsu Godhand, or to the 2o2p Gears tag (a2o2pGears) to get in on the action. The goal is enough for at least one room of Multiplayer for the evening.
If you can make it, reply below.
*raises hand
I will be there. >:)
I'll be at PAX Prime playing Judgement :) partying and checking out many other upcoming games. Probably will spend one whole day in Microsoft's booth lol...
Have I ever told you lately.....that I hate you. ;)
Have fun you bastard. Kill some locusts for me.
What game mode are we playing? I tried to play some horde earlier but I couldn't find anyone on.
in the hospital with my grandfather. gonna miss it.
So did anything happen? I'm sorry I missed it. I was staying at the hospital with my grandfather overnight. He's got a weakened heart and mild COPD. So have had to stay and
keep an eye on him because no one in the hospital can do their jobs apparently.
New to 2o2p, but i recently picked up Gears 3. Loving it so far, alot of fun to play. Have yet to play the MP side of it, but if you guys ever need another player, send me an invite. Would be fun to play with some good people, so i can see how bad i am :P
First the Dalek picture. You can stay. LOL
Second, how did you manage to go this long without owning Gears 3? It's a great game. I'm always up for playing Horde. I love that game mode. So since you're new to the game you're probably not bored of it yet. Feel free to send me an invite sometime.
Hah thanks, LOVE Dr.Who! New episode on tonight actually. but anywho....just one of those games i never bought. Always heard it was great, just never picked it up. Was pretty partial to battlefield for a long time. But yea, it is a great game so far. Loving it!
Anyone down for some custom games tonight??? If you are look for jwbeck.... Make sure you have your chainsaw oiled and ready to go :)