XValue's blog


Shared on Mon, 10/20/2008 - 09:50

Weekend in Review

This weekend was great. After being sick for the previous week, it was nice to finally feel better. The weather was crisp and cold, the way us Cana’jins like it. There was frost on the grass, and the leaves were changed to fire red. There is something about a nice fall morning that makes you feel alive. Wait, wtf am I talking about? I sound like Char…..*shakes head*


Shared on Mon, 10/20/2008 - 09:50

Weekend in Review

This weekend was great. After being sick for the previous week, it was nice to finally feel better. The weather was crisp and cold, the way us Cana’jins like it. There was frost on the grass, and the leaves were changed to fire red. There is something about a nice fall morning that makes you feel alive. Wait, wtf am I talking about? I sound like Char…..*shakes head*


Shared on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 20:21

Halo broke my Xbox!

Halo 3 actually broke the graphics card on my 360. I was playing construct and I jumped from closed lift to street and as I landed, I got shot in the head, and plasma pistoled in the back. With all that going on on the screen at once, everything went all green and fuzzy. After rebooting the xbox, I noticed that it was happening again, and in other games. Funny thing was that it wasn't happening on the dashboard, just anything that had to be rendered. I rebooted again, and the 4th quadrant of the ring was red. Error E74, it said. Apparantly, this is a GPU failure.


Shared on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 20:21

Halo broke my Xbox!

Halo 3 actually broke the graphics card on my 360. I was playing construct and I jumped from closed lift to street and as I landed, I got shot in the head, and plasma pistoled in the back. With all that going on on the screen at once, everything went all green and fuzzy. After rebooting the xbox, I noticed that it was happening again, and in other games. Funny thing was that it wasn't happening on the dashboard, just anything that had to be rendered. I rebooted again, and the 4th quadrant of the ring was red. Error E74, it said. Apparantly, this is a GPU failure.


Shared on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 09:18

I'm Back!

I'm sure you have all missed me (right?). I took a couple days to recover from my cold. I usually don't get this sick, but man-o-man, was this a doozy.

While I was off, I went on an MS points spending spree and bought Age of Booty and Penny Arcade Episode 1. These are some great games for when your hand-eye is not so good.

One more week until Fable 2! Can't wait.




Shared on Fri, 10/17/2008 - 09:18

I'm Back!

I'm sure you have all missed me (right?). I took a couple days to recover from my cold. I usually don't get this sick, but man-o-man, was this a doozy.

While I was off, I went on an MS points spending spree and bought Age of Booty and Penny Arcade Episode 1. These are some great games for when your hand-eye is not so good.

One more week until Fable 2! Can't wait.




Shared on Tue, 10/14/2008 - 11:19

Soup today

Well, my son has infected me with the incurable disease: a cold. I feel like shit. Wish I could be at home.

I do have a huge bowl of french onion soup in front of me which is begging to be eaten. I'll go now.

*cough sniff sniff*




Shared on Tue, 10/14/2008 - 11:19

Soup today

Well, my son has infected me with the incurable disease: a cold. I feel like shit. Wish I could be at home.

I do have a huge bowl of french onion soup in front of me which is begging to be eaten. I'll go now.

*cough sniff sniff*




Shared on Sun, 10/12/2008 - 09:44

Happy Thanksgiving, eh


BTW, if anyone hasn't checked out City and Colour with Dallas Green of Alexisonfire, they are an amazing band. Canadian too!


Shared on Sun, 10/12/2008 - 09:44

Happy Thanksgiving, eh


BTW, if anyone hasn't checked out City and Colour with Dallas Green of Alexisonfire, they are an amazing band. Canadian too!

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