Is it just me ...


Shared on Tue, 04/26/2011 - 06:54

Or do games lately just suck?

I ask this because recently I've found myself browsing stores looking for something new to play. The problem is, nothing appeals to me. I go back home and browse my shelf and find that I'd much rather be playing games released 3 or 4 years ago than games that have come out in the past 3 or 4 months. I find it a little disheartening that there's just nothing out right now that makes me go "Man, I just HAVE to play that!"

It's funny because I was talking to a buddy of mine whom I regularly play against on Live and we both agreed that we felt the need to shoot something as opposed to our usual weekend Forza racing. After much back-and-forth about the recent shooters (Black Ops, Battlefield, Bulletstorm, Homefront, Reach, etc) we both came to realization that we'd rather play GRAW2 or Vegas2 instead. So we both hunted down copies and had a blast (pun intended.)

Now, it's no secret that we're both big Clancy fans but we both found it more than a little bothersome that there just wasn't anything, out of half a dozen shooters released in the past couple years, that we had any interest in playing. We'd rather play an old game that almost no one is playing online anymore than something we're guaranteed to get some solid multiplayer matches out of.

Is it just me? Am I just so jaded by great games (and great multiplayer experiences) that I've played in the past that I can't even bring myself to try some legitimately good current ones? Or am I not alone in thinking that the games that are currently hitting shelves just aren't worth even trying?

I asked my clan but felt the need to post in my blog too because I'd genuinely like some feedback here. I've always considered myself a gamer but I can't help but feel that my disinterest in recent releases might mean that that part of my identity is slipping away. If it is then help me out! I want it back, dammit!

-N. "Soylent" White


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Tue, 04/26/2011 - 10:51
I totally agree. For me the golden age of shooters on the 360 was Modern Warfare 1 and Gears 1. I haven't played a shooter yet other than possibly Bioshock 2 that I've enjoyed as much as either of those two games. Problem is I have no friends playing either. The social aspect of shooters today almost forces you to 'upgrade' to the next piece of shovelware. That being said though, I'm enjoying the shit out of the gears 3 beta. So far for me, it's shooter of the year. The beta is more solid than 90% of the shit devs are releasing as finished product.
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Tue, 04/26/2011 - 11:20
For co-op fun, it's tough to beat Left 4 Dead 2.
pooslza's picture
Submitted by pooslza on Tue, 04/26/2011 - 11:41
BLOPS, BFBC2.....they make other games?
Crimson_Bear's picture
Submitted by Crimson_Bear on Tue, 04/26/2011 - 14:20
BC2 kept my interest after MGO ... any thing after that was purchased because the clan was playing ... so with half-hearted enthusiasm, I played. But you're right on the money ... much the same as "Insert old game name here" without much new to offer the shooter game gamer. I'm still waiting the next release of MGO ... 8)
CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Tue, 04/26/2011 - 07:09
I'm totally with you on this. For the life of me, I can't point at a single game in the latest releases that I find pwnage and for the ones I did think they were pwnage, I was proven wrong thouroughly. Whatever. All good things come to an end. I'm getting back into WoW and will prolly not bother with the 360 side of things for a good while. I feel mor and more like I'm wasting money, I might as well save money by wasting a fraction of it on a sub to WoW than buying into the next empty promise on the 360.
buckeye75's picture
Submitted by buckeye75 on Tue, 04/26/2011 - 07:30
I felt the same way. but after playing the Gears beta, I have new life. Today I caught myself daydreaming at work about planning a good line to get to power weapons faster.
TKBosss's picture
Submitted by TKBosss on Tue, 04/26/2011 - 08:44
It's part of the getting older.........."Remember the good ole' days" that your dad and grandfather used to say. :) Seriously though. It's been a little slow, but I'm still looking forward to some great games right around the corner. Portal 2 (not a shooter) has really surprised the hell out of me!!!! I thought "How can they turn a good game in the orange box into a game that can stand by itself"? I'm glad I checked it out. It is awesome sauce X 2!!!!!! It will hold me over until Brink, which I'm holding great hope for. Other than that keep in mind Video Games are a diversion and nothing more. Step away for a while until something peaks your interest, then bite. You do get burned occasionally, but weed out the maybes and only go with the ones you know you will play. At least you'll be saving money.

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