

Shared on Thu, 05/26/2011 - 13:06

I went ahead and got the Windows phone yesterday.  AT&T has a nice plan where calls to any cell on any plan are always free, plus they offered free phones so I added my son to my plan and got him his first smart phone.  I like it so far, it is a little light in settings features compared to the iphone but overall I like the product and functionality better.  The biggest negative is the custom ringtone issue.  The ringtones available on the phone blow so you really need custom ringtones, but there's none to be had.  Tank was kind enough to link me to a blog about how to create ringtones for Windows 7 phones but the homebrew app they tell you to use keeps crashing on me, plus I'm kind of an idiot so this type of thing isn't really in my comfort zone.  Always looking for help here.

I bit the bullet and traded in LA Noire before the value went down even further.  I couldn't take it anymore, the game became tedious and was a chore to play.  I was at the vice desk on the 3rd disc (think I just finished the case with the boxer who didn't take a dive) but that was it, I was unable to go back to playing it.  I'm sure some people are really enjoying this game and thats great, but its not for me for the reasons I gave a few blogs back.  So what did I get with the whopping $25 trade-in value?  Well...this will tell you how little I thought of LA Noire: I bought the gold edition of Naughty Bear.  Yeah, I traded for a game I already know is bad but from what I hear has some fun moments.  At least it will be more involved than LA Noire so thats something.

In kind of a hurry today so no videos, but I'll be back on track tomorrow morning.


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Thu, 05/26/2011 - 14:11
Dooooooood.... you didn't use the 40% bump coupon? Ahh man that sucks, coulda got 35 bucks.
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Thu, 05/26/2011 - 15:33
Ah shit...

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