Where in the world is JT?


Shared on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 11:07

Well, this past week sure has been interesting. If you call loosing your job and falling into a fit of depression interesting.  I was let go from my job last Thursday without warning. I'll spare you the details except to say that it was a litle unfair and they were trying to make set an example. I never really liked that job, but I could have probably fought to keep it. In the end, though I'm better off. So the task at hand this week has been to find a new job. I hate job hunting. This is the first time I've ever been "let go" from a job, and I feel like I have a big scarlett letter on my forehead. I've had a few interviews, and two jobs look promising, so let's just hope that something happens soon. I need the money.



CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 11:30
Sorry to hear that jtgjr. I hope you find something you like that pays well soon!!!
A_Burn's picture
Submitted by A_Burn on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 12:02
Good luck! Job hunting sucks.
Angelito's picture
Submitted by Angelito on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 13:15
That sucks man. Good luck. I'm sure you will find something that will make you happier, by the sounds of it the past one was not.
th3midnighter's picture
Submitted by th3midnighter on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 15:03
Sorry to hear the bad news man. It happens to everyone and things do have a way of working out for the best.
kevtek17's picture
Submitted by kevtek17 on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 15:16
good luck jt hope the job hunting goes quickly, you can still live off of your manwhore money.
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 20:10
If we dont get the occasional reality checks, we dont try to better ourselves. Just a bump in the road while heading for a brighter future IMO!:) Let us know how its goin. Good luck JT.

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