Give and Feel Better


Shared on Fri, 07/13/2007 - 05:33
This is a repost of a blog I did a year ago. I'll post it annually around the same time as friendly reminder of those who are less fortunate.

I used to work in a homeless shelter for a short while. Was my first salaried job actually, and while the pay was horrible, I believe my work was important. Unfortunately there were many things I could not do because there is so much work to be done. My main job was to keep the housing establishment safe and help elderly people apply for Medicade and eventually move into assisted living homes, while helping others search for jobs. But much more needs to be done in a shelter.

Feeding our guests was usually the job of church volunteers who would have their congregations donate money for one night of the week and have a few actually appear to serve food, but many nights the shelter could not provide dinner. This is actually an easily avoidable tragedy. If any of you work for a grocery store of fast food restaurant you have unused food at the end of the night that will spoil and is usually thrown away. Do not throw this food away. Baked goods from grocery stores are especially easy to give away, and every shelter will accept them unless they are an unusually successful shelter. Ask your local baker or grocery store managers what they do with extraneous food. Ask them if they would be willing to donate that food to a homeless shelter. You'd be doing your community a great service.

Another way to help is to volunteer time helping kids stuck in shelters with their homework. These kids are usually starved for attention and need some kind of direction. Their parents want to help them but are usually stuck trying to find affordable housing, jobs, or going to school. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

I only bring this up now because I remember summer was a horrible time for shelters. Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter are generally holidays that shelters rely upon, but summer months are hard for these places. There are no college kids or high school kids who need to earn community service hours for school, no presents or donations from large corporations, and even less church volunteers because of the vacation season.

So help out now while it is most in need. Give your time, food, other items many people never think about like blankets, old linen, clothes, toilet paper (lord how homeless shelters need toilet paper), cleaning supplies like bleach, sponges, mops, brooms and pine sol. Give what you can, because these institutions are worthwhile enterprises. It has been almost four years since I worked in a shelter, and even then government grants were hard to come by. I'm sure with a conservative (no offense, its just their policy to have churches help more than the government, and there are not enough churches to really donate what is needed) government in office funds are even harder to come by.

Give what you can, and feel better.




madwoman's picture
Submitted by madwoman on Fri, 07/13/2007 - 07:53
Excellent blog! It is so easy to forget those less fortunate during the summer like you say, however we always seem to remember around the holidays. Excellent reminder!
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Fri, 07/13/2007 - 14:55
There is are large centers in most Utah cities: Deseret Industries. They exist mostly through donations and do well with their retail sales of clothing etc. Its one of those things that grew into its self over time. I think there are great opportunities to do similar work elsewhere, people just need faith in the cause and the folk that make it work. If we give more on an individual basis, I believe we give less overall (taxes,etc).

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