jikado's blog


Shared on Mon, 06/18/2007 - 03:59

La la lala la la

    One of my most favorite cartoons growing up was Smurfs, you'll need to know that later.


Shared on Mon, 06/18/2007 - 03:59

La la lala la la

    One of my most favorite cartoons growing up was Smurfs, you'll need to know that later.


Shared on Tue, 05/22/2007 - 18:00

It's been a week

    Well, it's been a week since my newest son was born, and I can say that things are going really well. My eldest son has really come around to the big, protective brother role, always helping around the house, getting burp rags and diapers, things like that. I'm really proud of him. Baby Henry is healthy, sleeps for long periods of time, and has already started to control his neck movements. The wife is doing well, save for a few headaches, and had her c-section staples removed yesterday without incident.


Shared on Tue, 05/22/2007 - 18:00

It's been a week

    Well, it's been a week since my newest son was born, and I can say that things are going really well. My eldest son has really come around to the big, protective brother role, always helping around the house, getting burp rags and diapers, things like that. I'm really proud of him. Baby Henry is healthy, sleeps for long periods of time, and has already started to control his neck movements. The wife is doing well, save for a few headaches, and had her c-section staples removed yesterday without incident.


Shared on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 11:03

Henry is Born!

    On Monday, May 14th, at 10:28 a.m., my son, Henry Nathaniel, came into this world, weighing 7 pounds, 3.6 ounces
    Mother and baby are both doing very well. The hospital staff has been very awesome, very accommodating and helpful.
    Big Brother Riley was Henry's first visitor, and while he thought he was cute, BBR soon became unimpressed and needed to be coaxed into 'holding' his new baby brother for a picture, but eventually complied and even went so far as to give him a kiss.


Shared on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 11:03

Henry is Born!

    On Monday, May 14th, at 10:28 a.m., my son, Henry Nathaniel, came into this world, weighing 7 pounds, 3.6 ounces
    Mother and baby are both doing very well. The hospital staff has been very awesome, very accommodating and helpful.
    Big Brother Riley was Henry's first visitor, and while he thought he was cute, BBR soon became unimpressed and needed to be coaxed into 'holding' his new baby brother for a picture, but eventually complied and even went so far as to give him a kiss.


Shared on Tue, 04/24/2007 - 13:22

What day is it?

    I was awake for 29 hours straight from Sunday into Monday, and now I have no idea what day it is.
Sunday, I woke up at 10 in the morning, and went to work from 2:20 to 3:00 a.m. Monday. Our normal schedule has me staying awake on Monday mornings so that I can drop our son off at daycare at 6:30, then I come back home and sleep the day away. Monday, though, we had scheduled a plumber to come fix our bathtub drain at noon.


Shared on Tue, 04/24/2007 - 13:22

What day is it?

    I was awake for 29 hours straight from Sunday into Monday, and now I have no idea what day it is.
Sunday, I woke up at 10 in the morning, and went to work from 2:20 to 3:00 a.m. Monday. Our normal schedule has me staying awake on Monday mornings so that I can drop our son off at daycare at 6:30, then I come back home and sleep the day away. Monday, though, we had scheduled a plumber to come fix our bathtub drain at noon.


Shared on Tue, 04/03/2007 - 11:56

Well, that sucks.

    Monday, I called the 3 closest Circuit City locations nearest to me to see if they would still have any remaining copies of Guitar Hero 2 available for sale, after their website error allowed people to buy it online and pick it up in-store on Friday. The closest one admitted that they had been wiped out. The next one said that they had also been wiped out, but expected more to come in on Tuesday, since they had only received 2 to begin with. The third said they had a 'box full of them,' which didn't seem right.


Shared on Tue, 04/03/2007 - 11:56

Well, that sucks.

    Monday, I called the 3 closest Circuit City locations nearest to me to see if they would still have any remaining copies of Guitar Hero 2 available for sale, after their website error allowed people to buy it online and pick it up in-store on Friday. The closest one admitted that they had been wiped out. The next one said that they had also been wiped out, but expected more to come in on Tuesday, since they had only received 2 to begin with. The third said they had a 'box full of them,' which didn't seem right.

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