Spent the weekend at PAX East for 2old2play. Excellent to celebrate its 10th year in Boston we finally at had spring-ish weather! PAX is now 4 days of gaming fun and the throngs of gamers are still flocking there in droves. Thursday is your best best if you want to check out the show floor without wading through herds of gamers. Sunday also wasn't sold out but still felt pretty darn crowded. Here’s a quick run down of some of the sights of PAX.
Achievement Unlocked Credentials Acquired!
Welcome to Boston Gamers! Home of spaceship convention center and endless construction!
Stupid respawn rate...
I think I’m in a sugar and caffeine coma just looking at this photo
Wait in line for 3 hours to play, or buy it tomorrow when it comes out. Tough decision….
Story of my life!
Legit zombies!
PAX Pox had them coffin!
Wait Fabio was on video game art?! Are geese involved?
The PAX sign is under construction just like the entire Boston Seaport!
One if by land, two if by Hot Dog Fairy!
For some reason there was a free haircuts station in the New Balance booth beside the eSports arena.
Pac-Man Cosplay Fever!
About a million years late to the Street Pass party since I just recently got a 3-DS but this was my favorite game at PAX!
Obligatory show floor pic.
Thanks for 10 years in Boston PAX!