Shared on Mon, 01/18/2016 - 06:31
I've have recently become a dad! Which is amazing but he can't hold a controller yet.
Finding anyone to play co-op games with is hard, as I often have to pause and sometimes drop out completely to fight whatever fire needs fighting. Hunger, vomit, nappy change, he's too hot, too cold. You know how it is... I can't sit for hours on end like I use to and younger gamers tend to get 'annoyed' with me.
I'm looking to make gamer friends (Not just for Gears) in the same situation where unreliability is not just tolerated but expected. Where a quick hour at 2am is normal. Angry partners coming in over the mic to demand you stop playing and make a bottle can happen. Sudden silence is met with understanding not profanity. A group where you can ask for help on a level or help with getting an infant to sleep.
I'm currently going through the whole Gears series in time for the new release of Gears 4.
I'm also up for playing:
BattleFront, Halo 5 Guardians, All of Gears. Plants Vs Zombies is hilarous! I will get Destiny at some point as I've heard good things.
My gamer tag is Melavelynn
Speak soon
Dave x
Submitted by glynnc on Sat, 06/04/2016 - 19:43
Yo dave,seen ur post on 2o2p,me and me buddy are going through gears series atm,maybe we cud team up 2get sum cheevos? We in uk ,on most nites,we also play destiny and the divisiion,gt same as username.thx
Submitted by Samurai on Mon, 06/13/2016 - 13:14