Zero1's blog


Shared on Sat, 01/27/2007 - 15:00

Stuck working Saturday

So I am working on a saturday which sucks, bored out of my mind. And to make matters worse I'm by myself. Thats it.


Shared on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 09:25

Post Wedding

As of Oct 14 I am now a we.  After a year and a half of planning a wedding, well watching her plan the wedding, its over and we had a great time.  We got married at Maggiano's in downtown Chicago, and everything they did was perfect, we literally did nothing at the wedding except get married, eat, drink and dance all night long.


Shared on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 19:53

Bachelor Party!!

On Saturday Oct 7th At 7:00 P.M. I shall partake in a tradition that is as old as marriage, one reason men get married, yes I am talking about The Bachelor Party! I went shopping for the drinks today and we loaded up the shopping cart with so much beer that it wouldn't move. We picked 3x24 packs of Miller Lite bottles, 3x24 packs of MGD bottles, 24 pack of Rolling Rock, 12 pack of Coors lite, 12 pack of Ice house. Also a 1.5 Litre Bottle of Jameson, 1.5 Litre Bottle of Bacardi, 1.5 Litre Bottle of Cuervo, 1.5 Litre of Vodka and 70cl Bottle Tanqueray.


Shared on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 09:58

Getting Married

Okay, so I have been engaged since June 2005 and then we set the date for Oct 14th 2006 and that day is fast approaching.  And as soon as people found out I was getting married they asked me are you excited and I would say not really, nothing really excites me. Then 3 weeks ago we went to a wedding and people told us that is going be us soon, didn't really pay any attention to that. Then a week later Lena, my finace, was a bridesmaid and as I watching her at the wedding rehersal walking down the isle it finally hit me, I'm getting married.


Shared on Fri, 04/07/2006 - 17:11

The Metro at 2:00 A.M.

So last night I get a text message saying drinks tonite and since I had a crappy week I decided what the hell. We start out at The Wild Goose to get some $2 nachos and they
got better the more we drank. We then go to The Gingerman to meet another friend who just got out of work and play some pool. Well as closing time came and we left the bar
We see a some people saying they they need help to pull a prank on their boss at the Metro, they wanted to put his car right infront of the entrance to the Metro. So like any
other drunk fool at 2:00 a.m. we helped out.

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