nomindo's blog


Shared on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 17:20

Beat Cliffs of Dover on expert

Now I have only one more to go.  If you guessed Raining Blood, then you are definatley an Expert player on GH3.  I can't think of a more cruel joke on a gamer. I've passed Mosh 1 four times. Four.  Each time I failed right afterwards in Verse.  Bridge shouldn't give me too much trouble, and hopefully I can use star power to get through Flood. I would be playing right now, but my fretting arm is burning.  If anyone has any magic pixie dust to help me beat Raining Blood, I'm paying top dollar.


Shared on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 17:20

Beat Cliffs of Dover on expert

Now I have only one more to go.  If you guessed Raining Blood, then you are definatley an Expert player on GH3.  I can't think of a more cruel joke on a gamer. I've passed Mosh 1 four times. Four.  Each time I failed right afterwards in Verse.  Bridge shouldn't give me too much trouble, and hopefully I can use star power to get through Flood. I would be playing right now, but my fretting arm is burning.  If anyone has any magic pixie dust to help me beat Raining Blood, I'm paying top dollar.


Shared on Fri, 04/25/2008 - 13:56

Map Update

Here's and update on my Halo 3 map called Necromancer:

every thing (ahem bomb spawns) should be fixed by now.

All game types should be good to go... I really have to recommend Mosh Pit and CTF FURY.

I have more than tripled the player spawns.

The center structure has been tweaked slightly, IMO for the better.


Shared on Fri, 04/25/2008 - 13:56

Map Update

Here's and update on my Halo 3 map called Necromancer:

every thing (ahem bomb spawns) should be fixed by now.

All game types should be good to go... I really have to recommend Mosh Pit and CTF FURY.

I have more than tripled the player spawns.

The center structure has been tweaked slightly, IMO for the better.


Shared on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 19:08

Map finally ready for testing

K folks I finally got my map to a (semi) playable form. I was calling it Black Magic, but after a quick search, there was already a map called that, so I have renamed it to Necromancer.  I am eager for feedback, I think that with some work and some help, that this can be an excellent map. Here's the link:


Shared on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 19:08

Map finally ready for testing

K folks I finally got my map to a (semi) playable form. I was calling it Black Magic, but after a quick search, there was already a map called that, so I have renamed it to Necromancer.  I am eager for feedback, I think that with some work and some help, that this can be an excellent map. Here's the link:


Shared on Sat, 04/12/2008 - 10:25

Ok so here's a blog for ya

And I'll figure I'd talk about a project of mine, a map I'm working on in Halo 3.  It's called Black Magic, and it is a small(ish) arena style map inspired by Wizard/Warlock.  It's not really a remake, due mostly to the fact that it is only 2 way symetrical instead of 4, and there will be a few other surprises. I am almost to a final draft of the map, when I do I will be putting it into my fileshare.  I would really like some feedback when the time comes, so I'll post again when I have a version in my fileshare.


Shared on Sat, 04/12/2008 - 10:25

Ok so here's a blog for ya

And I'll figure I'd talk about a project of mine, a map I'm working on in Halo 3.  It's called Black Magic, and it is a small(ish) arena style map inspired by Wizard/Warlock.  It's not really a remake, due mostly to the fact that it is only 2 way symetrical instead of 4, and there will be a few other surprises. I am almost to a final draft of the map, when I do I will be putting it into my fileshare.  I would really like some feedback when the time comes, so I'll post again when I have a version in my fileshare.

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